Listing 2. #!/usr/bin/env python import os, MySQLdb TRUNK_WC = "/path/to/working_copy_of_trunk/" TRUNK_URL = "svn+ssh://vcs-server/project/trunk/" BRANCH_URL = "svn+ssh://vcs-server/project/branch/" def initDB(): # connect to database, return connection cursor connection = MySQLdb.connect(host='dbhost', db='dbname', user='user', passwd='password') cursor = connection.cursor() return connection, cursor def listUpdatedFiles(cursor): # return updated file paths and BTS ids. cursor.execute("""SELECT changedfiles FROM BugTable WHERE status = 'ready for production'""") fileList = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("""SELECT bugID FROM BugTable WHERE status = 'ready_for_production'""") idList = cursor.fetchall() return fileList, idList def mergeUpdatedFiles(fileList): # merge branch changes into the trunk. for fileName in fileList: cmd = 'svn merge %s/%s %s/%s'%(BRANCH_URL, fileName, TRUNK_URL, fileName) for line in os.popen4(cmd)[1].readlines(): print line def updateBTSStatus(idList, cursor): # update BTS ids to 'in_production' status. for ID in idList: cursor.execute("""UPDATE BugTable SET status = 'in_production' WHERE bugID = %s""" % ID) def stopDB(connection, cursor): # close the database connection cursor.close() connection.close() if __name__=="__main__": os.chdir(TRUNK_WC) connection, cursor = initDB() fileList, idList = listUpdatedFiles(cursor) mergeUpdatedFiles(fileList) updateBTSStatus(idList, cursor) stopDB(connection, cursor)