Listing 1. Final Script #!/bin/mish PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin # stop button pressed? skip the rest. stopp=`ls /tmp/stopp` ; if [ "x$stopp" = "x" ]; then # clear working directory bufferd -reset -buffername BILDE ; # read configured positions, '~' signifies a unset # position grep -v '~' /etc/sysconfig/presetpos.conf \ >/tmp/presets ; # pos 1-10 reserved for non-public views num=11; while [ $num -lt 21 ]; do # another stop button check - break the loop stopp=`ls /tmp/stopp` ; if [ "x$stopp" = "x" ]; then grep Pos$num /tmp/presets >/tmp/canptz ; canptz=`cat /tmp/canptz` ; if [ "x$canptz" != "x" ]; then # go to position shttpclient "\ com/ptz.cgi?camera=1&gotoserverpresetno=$num"; # wait for picture to settle sleep 6 ; # save picture to /tmp/BILDE/ bufferd -start -buffername BILDE -snapshot\ -pre 1 -format snapshot_pos$num.jpg -uri\ '' ; bufferd -stop -buffername BILDE ; tmpwait=20 ; while [ $tmpwait -gt 0 ]; do sleep 2; expr $tmpwait - 2 >/tmp/tmpwait ; tmpwait=`cat /tmp/tmpwait` ; if [ $tmpwait -eq 0 ]; then # timeout creating jpeg, kill process and # settle for potentially incomplete picture logger "timeout waiting for bufferd -stop,\ killing image_buffer and continuing." # ps is only available as a builtin # command in /bin/sh /bin/sh -c ps >/tmp/kverk ; grep image_buffer /tmp/kverk >/tmp/kverk2 ; imbuf_pid=`cut -b 0-5 /tmp/kverk2` ; rm /tmp/kverk; rm /tmp/kverk2; kill $imbuf_pid ; fi; if [ -f /tmp/BILDE/status ]; then # status file appeared - picture complete rm /tmp/BILDE/status ; tmpwait=0; fi; done; rm /tmp/tmpwait ; fi; fi; expr $num + 1 >/tmp/A ; num=`cat /tmp/A` ; rm /tmp/A; done; rm /tmp/presets ; rm /tmp/canptz ; # batch ftp all the pictures from this round sftpclient -L -m -k /tmp/BILDE -c \ /var/www/pictures/c2 -u web -w P2SsW1Rd -t \ /var/www/pictures/c2/temp_c2.jpg ; fi;