Listing 1. Installing Planet $ cd ~ $ tar xjvf planet-nightly.tar.bz2 $ planetdated=planet-$(date +'%d%b%y') $ mv planet-nightly $planetdated; $ ln -s $planetdated planet $ cd planet $ cp -av fancy-examples me-meta $ cd me-meta $ cp ../examples/*.xml* . $ edit config.ini name = Planet Me link = file://home/ben/planet/me/index.html owner_name = John Doe owner_email = root@localhost # later in the file # template_files should all be on one line template_files = me-meta/index.html.tmpl me-meta/rss20.xml.tmpl me-meta/rss10.xml.tmpl me-meta/opml.xml.tmpl me-meta/foafroll.xml.tmpl # later in the file change # fancy-examples/index.html.tmpl [me-meta/index.html.tmpl] items_per_page = 30 $ cd .. $ mkdir cache $ ln -s output me # Without proxy $ python me-meta/config.ini # Using a standard squid proxy on "dairiserver" $ http_proxy=http://dairiserver:3128/ \ python me-meta/config.ini