Listing 2. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use diagnostics; use warnings; use CGI; use DBI; # ------------------------------------------------------------ # # Connect to the database # ------------------------------------------------------------ # my $dbname = 'atf'; my $dbuser = 'reuven'; my $dbpassword = ''; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpassword, { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1, ChopBlanks => 1}) || print "

Error connecting: '$DBI::errstr'

"; # ------------------------------------------------------------ # CGI startup # ------------------------------------------------------------ my $query = new CGI; print $query->header("text/html"); print $query->start_html(-title => "Site registration"); my $username = $query->param("username"); my $password = $query->param("password"); my $email_address = $query->param("email_address"); # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Check the parameters # ------------------------------------------------------------ my @missing_data = (); push @missing_data, "The username" unless $username; push @missing_data, "A password" unless $password; push @missing_data, "The e-mail address" unless $email_address; if (@missing_data) { foreach my $missing_field (@missing_data) { print "

Sorry, but you are missing:

\n"; print "\n"; print "

Please back up and try again.

\n"; exit; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Try to register the user # ------------------------------------------------------------ my $select_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE username = ?"; my $select_sth = $dbh->prepare($select_sql); $select_sth->execute($username); my ($username_is_taken) = $select_sth->fetchrow_array(); # Is this username taken? If so, give an error if ($username_is_taken) { print "

Sorry, but the username '$username' was already taken. Please back up and try again.

\n"; } # Otherwise, insert the new trio into the database else { my $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO Users (username, password, email_address) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; $dbh->do($insert_sql, {}, $username, $password, $email_address); print "

Added the username '$username' to the system!

\n"; } print $query->end_html;