Listing 1. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Net::LDAP; use strict; my $cn=$ARGV[0] || "none"; my $attr=$ARGV[1] || "none"; ##: If nothing was given on command line then return if($cn eq "none") { print STDERR "ERROR: No LDAP cn given\n"; exit(1); } ##: Bind anonymously to the ldap database my $ldap=Net::LDAP->new('',timeout=>5) or die "Couldn't connect to directory server.\n"; my $mesg=$ldap->bind('',password=>'proxyuser') or die "Couldn't connect to directory server.\n"; ##: Query LDAP to get a list of employees if($attr ne "none") { $mesg=$ldap->search( base=> "ou=Domain Users,dc=domain,dc=com", filter=> "(sAMAccountName=$cn)", attrs=> ['givenName','sn',"$attr"] ); } else { $mesg=$ldap->search( base=> "ou=Domain Users,dc=domain,dc=com", filter=> "(sAMAccountName=$cn)", attrs=> ['givenName','sn'] ); } my $count=$mesg->count(); ($count==1) or die "Error: LDAP enumeration error."; my $entry=$mesg->entry(); my $value; my @values; if($attr ne "none") { $value=""; @values=$entry->get_value("$attr"); my $i=1; for(@values) { if($i>1) { $value.="/$_"; } else { $value.=$_; } $i++; } } else { $value=($entry->get_value('givenName')." "; $value.=$entry->get_value('sn')); } ##: See if that attribute was defined for the given cn if(!(defined($value))) { print STDERR "ERROR: That attribute was not defined.\n"; exit(1); } $mesg=$ldap->unbind; print("$value\n");