Listing 2. Inform 7 Version 001 "The Server Room" by "Daniel Bartholomew" 002 003 Include GNU General Public License v3 by Free Software Foundation. 004 005 The maximum score is 6. 006 007 When play begins, say "It's Saturday, a nice one at that, and you've been 008 called in to fix a server that's on the blink. Again.[paragraph break] 009 You've had it. This server is going to run Linux from this day 010 forward! The process will be easy - just put the disc into the server 011 and away we go. Now where is that Ubuntu CD?" 012 013 The Break Room is a room. "Your standard break room. A fridge, and a long 014 counter take up one wall. East is the outside world and west is the 015 hallway to the server room." 016 017 The refrigerator is a closed openable container in the break room. It is 018 scenery. Understand "fridge" as the refridgerator. The description is 019 "Your standard refrigerator." 020 021 The long counter is a scenery supporter in the break room. "A long 022 counter. You can't quite determine the color, it's somewhere between 023 green and brown. On the counter is a microwave." 024 025 The microwave is a closed openable container on the counter. It is 026 scenery. The description is "Your standard microwave." Understand 027 "micro" as the microwave. 028 029 The Table is in the break room. The description is "It's a table. Were you 020 expecting something else?" Instead of taking The Table, say "Let me 031 spell it out for you: it is a T A B L E and you are NOT Superman." 032 033 Your Backpack is a closed openable container. Your Backpack is on the 034 table. The description is "Your backpack." Understand "bag" or "pack" 035 as your backpack. The backpack is wearable. 036 037 Inside your backpack is the Ubuntu CD. Your laptop is an openable and 038 closed container. The description of the Ubuntu CD is "An automatic 039 recovery CD, guaranteed to fix almost any server.[paragraph break] 040 Ok, it's just an install CD that auto-installs Ubuntu, but hey, if it 041 works, it works." Understand "disc" or "disk" as the Ubuntu CD. 042 043 After opening your backpack for the first time: award 2 points; continue 044 the action. 045 046 After taking the Ubuntu CD for the first time: award 2 points; say "You 047 pick up the Ubuntu CD." 048 049 Instead of going east from the break room, say "You take one look outside 050 and think better of it. The daystar is too bright and terrible to face 051 today. Besides, you have work to do." 052 053 East of the Break Room is The Outside World. 054 055 West of the Break Room is the Hallway. 056 057 The Hallway is a room. "Bereft of features, adornment or even adequate 058 lighting, this hallway is as plain as they come. Doors lead east back 059 to the break room, north to the server room, or west to the restrooms." 060 061 North of the hallway is the Server Room. West of the hallway is the 062 restrooms. 063 064 Instead of going east from the break room, say "You take one look outside 065 and think better of it. The daystar is too bright and terrible to face 066 today. Besides, you have work to do." 067 068 East of the Break Room is The Outside World. 069 070 West of the Break Room is the Hallway. 071 072 North of the hallway is the Server Room. West of the hallway is the 073 restrooms. 074 075 The Restrooms is a room. Instead of going west to the restrooms, say "When 076 nature calls, you'll know about it, but right now, it isn't calling." 077 078 Before going north from the hallway, say "[paragraph break]You use your 079 key card to open the server room door and step into your 080 world.[paragraph break]" 081 082 The Server Room is a room. "The fans, the lights, the chill . . . yep, 083 it's a server room. Full of servers from a dozen different 084 manufacturers, each with their own quirks.[paragraph break]Your 085 attention is immediately drawn to a server 2/3 of the way up rack 7. 086 The little indicator light is blinking red, and it is beeping." 087 088 The old server is scenery in the server room. Understand "machine" and 089 "computer" and "ancient" as the old server. The description of the old 090 server is "The indicator light on this ancient server is blinking 091 orange. The rest of the front is featureless except for the CD tray. 092 The beeping seems to emenate from somewhere inside the server." 093 094 The CD Tray is part of the old server. It is a closed openable container. 095 The description is "It's a CD tray. Just like every other CD tray." 096 097 Every turn while in the server room, say "[one of]The beeping is driving 098 you crazy.[or]It's hard to think, with all of the beeping.[or]The 099 monotony of the beeping is maddening.[or]You can't stand the 100 beeping.[or]The beeping reminds you of your alarm clock.[or]beep . . . 101 beep . . . beep . . . beep . . . beep . . . beep . . .[or]If you don't 102 stop the beeping soon, you'll loose what little hair you have 103 left.[purely at random]" 104 105 After opening the CD tray for the first time: award 2 points; say "You 106 press the button and the CD tray pops out." 107 108 Every turn: if the Ubuntu CD is in the cd tray and the cd tray is closed, 109 end the game in victory. 110 111 When play ends when the game ended in victory, say "With the CD in the 112 tray, you quickly reboot the server.[paragraph break]After the bios 113 posts, your disc starts doing its thing and before you know it the 114 server is happily running Ubuntu, and even more than that, the beeping 115 has stopped. Yay!".