Listing 2. Changing Properties of a Defined Zone # We determined the network address is incorrect and that it # needs to be updated and we want a different storage location g-zone# zonecfg -z red-zone zonecfg:red-zone> set zonepath=/zpool01/zone/red-zone-x zonecfg:red-zone> select net address= zonecfg:red-zone:net> set address= zonecfg:red-zone:net> end zonecfg:red-zone> exit # Use zonecfg's "info" sub-command to list the zone's definition g-zone# zonecfg -z red-zone info zonename: red-zone zonepath: /zpool01/zone/red-zone-x brand: lx autoboot: false bootargs: pool: limitpriv: scheduling-class: ip-type: shared net: address: physical: e1000g0 # The zone definition can be deleted g-zone# zoncfg -z red-zone delete -F