Listing 3. Install a Zone # List the zone definition (from Listing 1) g-zone# zonecfg -z red-zone info zonename: red-zone zonepath: /zpool01/zones/red-zone brand: lx autoboot: false bootargs: pool: limitpriv: scheduling-class: ip-type: shared net: address: physical: e1000g0 # The ISO files: g-zone# ls /zpool01/rh-media/rhel30-AS-U6/ rhel-3-u6-i386-as-disc1.iso rhel-3-u6-i386-as-disc3.iso rhel-3-u6-i386-as-disc2.iso rhel-3-u6-i386-as-disc4.iso # Install linux "desktop" distribution g-zone# zoneadm -z red-zone install -d /zpool01/rh-media/rhel30-AS-U6 desktop Installing distribution 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 6'... Installing cluster 'desktop' Installing miniroot for zone 'red-zone'. Attempting to locate 30 packages... Installing 1 miniroot package... Attempting to locate 29 packages... Installing 29 miniroot packages... ... Installation of zone 'red-zone' completed successfully. Details saved to log file: "/zpool01/zones/red-zone/root/var/log/red-zone.install.1119.log" # Query the zones status (changed to installed) g-zone# zoneadm list -cv ID NAME STATUS PATH BRAND IP 0 global running / native shared - red-zone installed /zpool01/zones/red-zone lx shared