Listing 1. #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # ============================== SUMMARY ===================================== # # Program : # Version : 0.7-test # Date : Sept 15 2008 # Author : Jason Ellison - # Summary : This is a nagios plugin that checks the status of objects # monitored by Open Manager status on Dell PowerEdge # servers via SNMP # Licence : GPL - summary below, full text at # # ========================== START OF PROGRAM CODE ============================ use strict; use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Long; my $TIMEOUT = 20; my %ERRORS=('OK'=>0,'WARNING'=>1,'CRITICAL'=>2,'UNKNOWN'=>3,'DEPENDENT'=>4); my %system_types = ( "dellom" => [ ['GlobalSystemStatus', 'ChassisStatus', 'PowerSupplyStatusCombined', 'VoltageStatusCombined', 'CoolingDeviceStatusCombined', 'TemperatureStatusCombined', 'MemoryDeviceStatusCombined', 'IntrusionStatusCombined', 'EventLogStatus'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'] ], "pe2950" => [ ['Chassis Status', 'Power Supply Status', 'Voltage Status', 'Cooling Device Status', 'Temperature Status', 'Memory Device Status', 'Intrusion Status', 'Event Log Status', 'Storage Management Status'], ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'] ], ); my $Version='0.7-test'; my $o_host= undef; # hostname my $o_community= undef; # community my $o_port= 161; # SNMP port my $o_help= undef; # help option my $o_verb= undef; # verbose mode my $o_version= undef; # version info option my $o_timeout= 5; # Default 5s Timeout my $o_attr= undef; # What attribute(s) to check (specify more then one separated by '.') my @o_attrL= (); # array for above list my $oid_names= undef; # OID for base of sensor attribute names my $oid_data= undef; # OID for base of actual data for those attributes found when walking name base my $oid_resp= undef; # The expected response from the OID get my $o_unkdef= undef; # Default value to report for unknown attributes my $o_type= undef; # Type of system to check (predefined values for $oid_names, $oid_data, $oid_resp) sub print_version { print "$0: $Version\n" }; sub print_usage { print "Usage: $0 [-v] -H -C -T dellom|pe2950 [-V]\n"; } sub help { print "\nSNMP Dell OpenManager Monitor for Nagios version ",$Version,"\n"; print " by Jason Ellison - infotek(at)\n\n"; print_usage(); print < \$o_verb, 'verbose' => \$o_verb, 'h' => \$o_help, 'help' => \$o_help, 'H:s' => \$o_host, 'hostname:s' => \$o_host, 'C:s' => \$o_community, 'community:s' => \$o_community, 'V' => \$o_version, 'version' => \$o_version, 'T:s' => \$o_type, 'type:s' => \$o_type ); if (defined($o_help) ) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } if (defined($o_version)) { print_version(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } if (! defined($o_host) ) # check host and filter { print "No host defined!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # check snmp information if (!defined($o_community)) { print "Put snmp community!\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } if (!defined($o_type)) { print "Must define system type!\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } if (defined ($o_type)) { if (defined($system_types{$o_type})) { $oid_names = $system_types{$o_type}[0]; $oid_data = $system_types{$o_type}[1]; } else { print "Unknown system type $o_type !\n"; print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } } } ########## MAIN ####### check_options(); # Check global timeout if something goes wrong if (defined($TIMEOUT)) { verb("Alarm at $TIMEOUT"); alarm($TIMEOUT); } else { verb("no timeout defined : $o_timeout + 10"); alarm ($o_timeout+10); } # SNMP Connection to the host my ($session,$error); if (defined($o_community)) { # SNMPV1 login ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $o_host, -community => $o_community, -port => $o_port, -timeout => $o_timeout ); } # next part of the code builds list of attributes to be retrieved my $i; my $oid; my $line; my $resp; my $attr; my @varlist = (); my %dataresults; for ($i=0;$i[$i]} = [ $oid_data->[$i], undef ]; #verb("dataresults stuffed with oid_name $oid_names->[$i] oid_data $oid_data->[$i]"); push(@varlist, $oid_data->[$i]); } verb("Getting SNMP data for oids: " . join(" ",@varlist) . "\n"); my $result; $result = $session->get_request( -Varbindlist => \@varlist ); if (!defined($result)) { printf("ERROR: Can not retrieve OID(s) %s: %s.\n", join(" ",@varlist), $session->error); $session->close(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } else { foreach $attr (keys %dataresults) { if (defined($$result{$dataresults{$attr}[0]})) { $dataresults{$attr}[1]=$$result{$dataresults{$attr}[0]}; verb("attr = $attr \n snmp_oid = $dataresults{$attr}[0] \n snmp_response = $dataresults{$attr}[1] \n"); } else { if (defined($o_unkdef)) { $dataresults{$attr}[1]=$o_unkdef; verb("could not find snmp data for $attr, setting to to default value $o_unkdef"); } else { verb("could not find snmp data for $attr"); } } } } # loop to check if warning & critical attributes are ok verb("Loop through SNMP responses..."); my $statuscode = "OK"; my $statusinfo = ""; my $statusdata = ""; my $statuscritical = "0"; my $statuswarning = "0"; my $statusunknown = "0"; foreach $attr (keys %dataresults) { if ($dataresults{$attr}[1] eq "6") { $statuscritical = "1"; $statuscode="CRITICAL"; $statusinfo .= ", " if ($statusinfo); $statusinfo .= "$attr=Non-Recoverable"; } elsif ($dataresults{$attr}[1] eq "5") { $statuscritical="1"; $statuscode="CRITICAL"; $statusinfo .= ", " if ($statusinfo); $statusinfo .= "$attr=Critical"; } elsif ($dataresults{$attr}[1] eq "4") { $statuswarning = "1"; $statuscode="WARNING"; $statusinfo .= ", " if ($statusinfo); $statusinfo .= "$attr=Non-Critical"; } elsif ($dataresults{$attr}[1] eq "2") { $statusunknown = "1"; $statuscode="UNKNOWN"; $statusinfo .= ", " if ($statusinfo); $statusinfo .= "$attr=UKNOWN"; } elsif ($dataresults{$attr}[1] eq "1") { $statusunknown = "1"; $statuscode="UNKNOWN"; $statusinfo .= ", " if ($statusinfo); $statusinfo .= "$attr=Other"; } elsif ($dataresults{$attr}[1] eq "3") { $statuscode="OK"; } else { $statusunknown = "1"; $statuscode="UNKNOWN"; $statusinfo .= ", " if ($statusinfo); $statusinfo .= "$attr=UKNOWN"; } verb("$attr: statuscode = $statuscode"); } $session->close; $statuscode="OK"; if ($statuscritical eq '1'){ $statuscode="CRITICAL"; } elsif ($statuswarning eq '1'){ $statuscode="WARNING"; } elsif ($statusunknown eq '1'){ $statuscode="UNKNOWN"; } #printf("$statuscode:"); if ($statuscode ne 'OK'){ printf("$statuscode:$statusinfo"); } else { printf("$statuscode"); } print "\n"; exit $ERRORS{$statuscode};