Listing 4. Quiz Program with More Questions Question 1: Which strip is this grouchy but good-hearted fighter the star of? ]]> = 2) { // That was the last question, time to report // results. For simplicity I will use // the Alert function here'You got '+ totalRight + ' questions right out of ' + 3, 'Score', mx.controls.Alert.OK); // Since the quiz is over, I disable all the // controls on the screen. In a polished // version, I will handle the end of quiz by switching // to a different Flash file showing the score only. Question.enabled=false; Answers.enabled=false; nextButton.enabled=false; } else { // OK, that wasn't the last question, so update // the question, all four answers and // increment currentQuestion currentQuestion++; Question.text=questions[0][currentQuestion]; a1.label=questions[1][currentQuestion]; a2.label=questions[2][currentQuestion]; a3.label=questions[3][currentQuestion]; a4.label=questions[4][currentQuestion]; Answers.selection = null; } } ]]>