Listing 1. HelloWorld.brs 'Copyright 2010 Dirk Elmendorf Function Main() as Integer print "Hello World! to the console" print ' you will not see this ' p = CreateObject("roMessagePort") screen = CreateObject("roSpringboardScreen") screen.SetMessagePort(p) o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray") o.ContentType = "episode" o.Title = "Sample App" o.Description = "Hello World!" o.SDPosterURL = "pkg:/images/episode_icon_sd.png" o.HDPosterURL = "pkg:/images/episode_icon_sd.png" screen.SetContent(o) screen.AddButton(1, "Exit") screen.Show() while true msg = wait(0, p) if msg.isButtonPressed() print "Goodbye World!" return 0 endif end while end Function