Listing 1. Script to Build Configuration File #!/usr/bin/perl my $munin_dir = '/etc/munin'; my $munin_config = 'munin.conf'; my $munin_config_temp = 'munin.conf.tmp'; my $node_port = '4949'; my $nmap = "nmap -oG - -p "; my %subnets = ( "" => "VLAN1", "" => "VLAN5", "" => "VLAN6", ); # iterate through each subnet and perform the nmap scan foreach $subnet (keys %subnets){ open NMAP, "$nmap $node_port $subnet | grep open |" ↪or die "Can't run nmap: $!\n"; while (<NMAP>){ $ip = $host = ""; # parse out the hostname and IP address /Host: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) \((.*?)\)/; $ip = $1; $host = $2; next if($ip eq ""); # sometimes nmap doesn't do rDNS properly, # get it manually in that case if($host eq ""){ $host = `dig -x $ip +short` or $host = $ip; chomp $host; $host =~ s/\.$//; } $munin_hosts{$host} = $ip; } close NMAP; } # output to a temp file in case munin # runs while this script is open open OUTFILE, "> $munin_dir/$munin_config_temp" or die "Can't open $munin_dir/$munin_config_temp: $!\n"; # first print out the standard header for the munin file print OUTFILE <<END_HEAD; dbdir /var/lib/munin htmldir /var/www/munin logdir /var/log/munin rundir /var/run/munin tmpldir /etc/munin/templates END_HEAD # then print out the config for each host foreach $host (sort keys %munin_hosts){ print OUTFILE "\[$host\]\n\taddress $host\n"; # add any extra munin options for each host here print OUTFILE "\n"; } close OUTFILE; system("mv $munin_dir/$munin_config_temp $munin_dir/$munin_config");