Listing 1. Server-Side Script #!/usr/bin/perl # Grab the URL variable $variable = $ARGV[0]; # Set some important environment variables. $ENV{'XAUTHORITY'} = '/home/saturn/.Xauthority'; $ENV{'DISPLAY'} = ':0'; $ENV{'HOME'} = '/home/saturn'; # if the 5 minutes warning button is pushed if ($variable =~ /^5min$/) { # Lets create a child process to deal with the notifications defined(my $childpid = fork); if ($childpid) { # If a child pid exists... this is the parent # Send response so the browser is happy print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # Show a popup warning message # displaying 5 minutes remaining. `zenity --warning --text='5 minutes left to play'`; } else { # Otherwise it's the child # Print the amount of time left with a subtle gnome # notification message. sleep(60); `notify-send '4 minutes left to play'`; sleep(60); `notify-send '3 minutes left to play'`; sleep(60); `notify-send '2 minutes left to play'`; sleep(60); `notify-send '1 minutes left to play'`; sleep(60); # We are now out of time. # Let's close all the fun applications `/usr/bin/tvtime-command quit`; # Close the TV `pkill mplayer`; # Close mplayer `pkill totem`; # Close Totem movie player `pkill rhythmbox`; # Close the music player `pkill firefox`; # Close the web browser } } # If the Cancel Countdown button has been pushed. if ($variable =~ /^cancel$/) { defined(my $childpid = fork); if ($childpid) { # If parent print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; } else { `pkill big-meanie`; } } # If the Get Off Now button has been pushed. if ($variable =~ /^off-now$/) { defined(my $childpid = fork); if ($childpid) { # If parent print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; } else { `/usr/bin/tvtime-command quit`; # Close the TV `pkill mplayer`; # Close mplayer `pkill totem`; # Close Totem movie player `pkill rhythmbox`; # Close the music player `pkill firefox`; # Close the web browser # Just because we can... Send out a tweet that # someone has been kicked off the computer `curl -u : -d status='Someone has been rudely kicked off the computer.' > /dev/null`; } }