Listing 1. Facebook E-mail Import Script // This script will import data from exported emails // into the facebook_stats table include("qt.core"); include("qt.gui"); var statsFile = new QFile("/home/piggz/kexi_fb/updates.mbox"); var stat_date; var new_fans; var new_posts; var visits; var total_fans; var idx; var conn = Kexi.getConnection(); var table = conn.tableSchema("facebook_stats"); if ( { var ts = new QTextStream(statsFile); var i = 0; while (!ts.atEnd()) { // Process the file line by line, // grabbing data and adding records var line = ts.readLine(); // Check date email sent idx = line.indexOf("Date:"); if (idx == 0) { stat_date = Date.parse(line.slice(6, 40)); } // Check for fans idx = line.indexOf("ans this week"); if ( idx >= 0) { new_fans = line.slice(0, idx-2); total_fans = line.slice(line.indexOf("(") + 1, line.indexOf("total") - 1); } // Check for wall posts idx = line.indexOf("all posts"); if (idx >= 0) { new_posts = line.slice(0, idx-2) + 0; } // Check for visits idx = line.indexOf("isits to your"); if (idx >= 0) { visits = line.slice(0,idx-2); // Should have all the data now so insert a record stat_date = new Date(stat_date); var short_date = stat_date.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(stat_date.getMonth() + 1, 2) + "-" + pad(stat_date.getDate(), 2); if (!conn.insertRecord(table, [++i, short_date, new_fans, new_posts, visits, total_fans])) { var msg = "Cannot insert into " + table.caption() + '\n'; msg += "Date: " + stat_date.toDateString() + " " + short_date + '\n'; msg += "New Fans: " + new_fans + '\n'; msg += "Total Fans: " + total_fans + '\n'; msg += "New Posts: " + new_posts + '\n'; msg += "Visits: " + visits; QMessageBox.information(0,"Error", msg); } } } QMessageBox.information(0, "Records Added:", i); } statsFile.close(); function pad(number, length) { var str = '' + number; while (str.length < length) { str = '0' + str; } return str; }