Listing 6. # Parameters are: # file: file to edit # params: an array indexed by parameter name, containing # the corresponding values. For example: # "sshd[Protocol]" string => "2"; # "sshd[X11Forwarding]" string => "yes"; # "sshd[UseDNS]" string => "no"; # Diego Zamboni, November 2010 bundle agent edit_sshd(file,params) { files: "$(file)" handle => "edit_sshd", comment => "Set desired sshd_config parameters", edit_line => set_config_values("$(params)"), classes => if_repaired("restart_sshd"); # set_config_values is a bundle Diego wrote based on # set_variable_values from commands: restart_sshd.!no_restarts:: "/etc/init.d/sshd restart" handle => "sshd_restart", comment => "Restart sshd if the configuration file was modified"; } bundle edit_line set_config_values(v) # Sets the RHS of configuration items in the file of the form # LHS RHS # If the line is commented out with #, it gets uncommented first. # Adds a new line if none exists. # The argument is an associative array containing v[LHS]="rhs" # Based on set_variable_values from, modified to # use whitespace as separator, and to handle commented-out lines. { vars: "index" slist => getindices("$(v)"); # Be careful if the index string contains funny chars "cindex[$(index)]" string => canonify("$(index)"); field_edits: # If the line is there, but commented out, first uncomment it "#+$(index)\s+.*" edit_field => col("\s+","1","$(index)","set"); # match a line starting like the key something "$(index)\s+.*" edit_field => col("\s+","2","$($(v)[$(index)])","set"), classes => if_ok("not_$(cindex[$(index)])"); insert_lines: "$(index) $($(v)[$(index)])", ifvarclass => "!not_$(cindex[$(index)])"; }