Listing 6. ''' Multiprocessing-based code to estimate the value of PI using Monte Carlo sampling. Ref: Uses workers: ''' import random import multiprocessing from multiprocessing import Pool #calculate the number of points in the unit circle #out of n points def monte_carlo_pi_part(n): count = 0 for i in range(n): x=random.random() y=random.random() # if it is within the unit circle if x*x + y*y <= 1: count=count+1 #return return count if __name__=='__main__': np = multiprocessing.cpu_count() print 'You have {0:1d} CPUs'.format(np) # Number of points to use for the Pi estimation n = 10000000 # iterable with a list of points to generate in each worker # each worker process gets n/np number of points to # calculate Pi from part_count=[n/np for i in range(np)] #Create the worker pool # pool = Pool(processes=np) # parallel map, part_count) print "Estimated value of Pi:: ", sum(count)/(n*1.0)*4