Listing 1. Mirror Script #!/bin/bash ## Mirror Script /usr/local/bin/ ## Originally created by Peter Noble, modified by many nerds ## Point our log file to somewhere and setup our admin email log=/var/log/mirrorsync.log # Set to 0 if you do not want to receive email sendemail=1 # Subject is the subject of our email subject="Your Mirror Did Its Thing" # Setup the server to mirror remote=rsync:// # Setup the local directory for your mirror local=/var/www/default/ubuntu ## Initialize some other variables complete="false" failures=0 status=1 pid=$$ echo "`date +%x-%R` - $pid - Started Mirror Sync" >> $log while [[ "$complete" != "true" ]]; do if [[ $failures -gt 0 ]]; then ## Sleep for 5 minutes for sanity's sake ## The most common reason for a failure at this ## point is that the rsync server is handling ## too many concurrent connections. sleep 5m fi if [[ $1 == "debug" ]]; then echo "Working on attempt number $failures" rsync -a --delete-after --progress $remote $local status=$? else rsync -a --delete-after $remote $local >> $log status=$? fi if [[ $status -ne "0" ]]; then complete="false" (( failures += 1 )) else echo "`date +%x-%R` - $pid - Finished" >> $log # Send the email if [[ -x /usr/bin/mail && "$sendemail" -eq "1" ]]; then mail -s "$subject" "$adminmail" <