Listing 1. SpiderOak/TrueCrypt Backup Script #!/usr/bin/python ''' SpiderOak, TrueCrypt, dis-mount, Backup Script @author: Tim ''' import os import string import datetime import hashlib FolderandFileLoc = "FolderandFileLoc" SpiderOakPath = " " TrueCryptPath = " " LogFilepath = " " safefile = " " def readconfigfile(SpiderOakPath,TrueCryptPath,LogFilepath,safefile,Setupfileopen): # This will read the configuration and assign path location now = holdstr = "" for line in Setupfileopen: holdstr = str.split(line) if string.find(line,"SpiderOakPath") > -1: SpiderOakPath = holdstr[1] elif string.find(line,"TrueCryptPath") > - 1: TrueCryptPath = holdstr[1] elif string.find(line, "LogFilepath") > -1: LogFilepath = holdstr[1] elif string.find(line,"safefile") > -1: safefile = holdstr[1] of = open(LogFilepath,"a") try: of = open(LogFilepath,"a") of.write (str(now) + "- Path Variable SpiderOakPath used -> " + SpiderOakPath + "\n") of.write (str(now) + "- Path Variable TrueCryptPath used -> " + TrueCryptPath + "\n") of.write (str(now) + "- Path Variable LogFilepath used -> " + LogFilepath + "\n") of.write (str(now) + "- Path Variable hold used -> " + safefile + "\n") except: of.error shutdowntruecrypt(of,now) copycontainer(of,SpiderOakPath,TrueCryptPath,LogFilepath,safefile,now) of.close def shutdowntruecrypt(of,now): # Test to see if the truecypt is running # If not then Shut it down foundstring = 0 try: f = os.popen( "ps ax" ) except: os.error for line in f: if string.find(line, 'truecrypt') > -1: foundstring = 1 break if foundstring == 1: try: dismount = os.system("truecrypt -d") if dismount == 0: of.write (str(now) + "- True Crypt0service found and the volume is dis-mounted \n"); else: of.write (str(now) + "- Failed to dismount service \n "); except: os.error else: of.write (str(now) + "- mount was not open \n "); def copycontainer(of,SpiderOakPath,TrueCryptPath,LogFilepath,safefile,now): #Set Destination and Copy to new location Holddestfilesum = TrueCryptPath + safefile Holdorigfilesum = SpiderOakPath + "/" + safefile checksumdest = md5filecheck(Holddestfilesum) checksumorig = md5filecheck(Holdorigfilesum) runstring = "cp " # This will only copy over updates # to this file runstring += TrueCryptPath runstring += safefile runstring += " " runstring += SpiderOakPath # This will only send over any # updates to this file testdiff = os.system("diff " + Holddestfilesum + " " + Holdorigfilesum) if testdiff !=0: try: os.system(runstring) testdiff = os.system("diff " + Holddestfilesum + " " + Holdorigfilesum) if testdiff != 0 : of.write (str(now) + TrueCryptPath + safefile + " File Copied to " + SpiderOakPath + "\n") of.write(str(now) + " ---- Processing Complete ----") else: of.write(str(now) + TrueCryptPath + safefile + "File failed to copy " + SpiderOakPath + "\n") except: os.error else: of.write (str(now) + " File has not been changed no copy was performed\n") Setupfileopen = open(FolderandFileLoc,"r") readconfigfile(SpiderOakPath,TrueCryptPath,LogFilepath,safefile,Setupfileopen) Setupfileopen.close()