Listing 1. basic-mock-jenkins.sh11690l1.qrk #!/bin/bash -xe # keep in mind DIST is defined in multi-configuration axis MOCK="/usr/bin/mock -r $DIST" PKG=${JOB_NAME##*/} # keep in mind VER could also be a multi-configuration axis VER=${VER:-1.0} # if you are ripping apart an RPM might have this one too REL=${REL:-4.el6} OUT=$PWD/output wget -O $PKG-$VER.tar.gz$PKG-$VER.tar.gz rm -f $OUT/*.src.rpm if ! $MOCK --resultdir=$OUT --buildsrpm --spec=$PKG.spec --sources=$PWD then more $OUT/*.log | cat exit -1 fi if ! $MOCK --resultdir=$OUT --rebuild $OUT/*.src.rpm then more $OUT/*.log | cat exit -1 fi rpmlint $OUT/*.rpm > rpmlint.log