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C.10. Robot Control Program complex.ptr

This isn't really a Perl/Tk program, but we're including it anyway. It's a TclRobots Robot Control Program written in Perl.

map {
    dputs $_;
} split /\n/, <<'end-of-about';
Robot Control Program complex.ptr

Even though I prefer simplicity, here's complexity, but it doesn't
always work very well, alas.  Basically, this RCP is completely state
driven and uses clock ticks to schedule internal events.  It moves in
a path described by an n-sided polygon that approximates a circle
(this was my idea, I didn't know one of Tom's RCP team samples also
used this technique!).  The direction of movement is randomly chosen
during preset, eliminating "wall" code (although the RCP may perform a
"crazy Ivan" if it cannot find an enemy).  The RCP also attempts to
move as fast as possible, thus tracks its cooling rate to coordinate
turns, eliminating "flee" code.  There is also some watchdog code that
periodically checks the RCP's health.  Finally, the robot list from
the first tournament is maintained, so it was simple to add a "friend"
field and thus implement team play.

Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU, 2000/09/24.

# Syntax check: TCLROBOTS_RCP_CHECK=1 perl -MTclRobots -c complex.ptr

use Tk qw/lsearch/;

use vars qw/

use subs qw/
    bootstrap do_RCP emergency fifo house_keep initialize_RCP
    initialize_robot I_was_scanned  position_to_heading position_to_range 
    process_IWSL scanner_to_position which_quad
use subs qw/hunt hunt_aim hunt_atle hunt_cannon hunt_fire hunt_scan hunt_wait/;
use subs qw/move move_check move_goto move_wait/;

use strict;


sub bootstrap {

    # Initialize the RCP and start it circling.

    $TURN_ACTIVE = 1;
    my $q = which_quad;
    $PATHI = (( (($q+1)%4) * ($NVERT/4)) % $NVERT) + 1;
    $EMERGENCY_X = -2;
    $EMERGENCY_Y = -2;
    @HUNT_STATE_LIST = ( );
    fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['SCAN', ''];
    @MOVE_STATE_LIST = ( );
    fifo 'move', 'in', ['GOTO', 'DECELERATE'];
    $MY_STATE = 'move';							# initial state

} # end bootstrap

sub fifo {
    my($list, $action, $state) = @_;

    # Manipulate a (hunt|move) FIFO stack.

    dputs "Bad state list name $list" unless $list =~ /hunt|move/;
    my $list_ref = $list eq 'hunt' ? \@HUNT_STATE_LIST : \@MOVE_STATE_LIST;

    $_ = $action;
        /^in/ and do {
            push @$list_ref, $state;
            last CASE;
        /^out/  and do {
            if (@$list_ref == 0) {
                dputs "*** State Gag:  lst=$list, act=$action, state=$state";
                return -1;
            return shift @$list_ref;
            last CASE;
    } # casend
} # end fifo

sub do_RCP {


    while ( 1 ) {
        $TICK = tick;

        $_ = $MY_STATE;
            /^hunt/ and do {hunt; last CASE};
            /^move/ and do {move; last CASE};
        process_IWSL if $TICK >= $IWSL_TICK;
        house_keep   if $TICK >= $HOUSE_KEEP_TICK;

} # end do_RCP

sub emergency {
    my($type) = @_;

    # Handle serious RCP anomalies.

    dputs "*** EMERGENCY=$type";
    if ($type =~ /^DRIVE/) {
        emergency 'DRIVE' unless drive $DRIVE_HEADING, $DRIVE_SPEED;
    } elsif ($type =~ /^RESTART/) {
        drive 0, 0;

} # end emergency

sub house_keep {

    # Remove robots whom I haven't scanned recently from the robot list so 
    # I don't have to worry about them (ignoring Me)!

    #for {set i [expr [llength $ROBL] - 1]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
    #    set dsp [lindex $ROBL $i]
    #    if { $ms > [expr $ROB($dsp,'last_seen_tick') + $delta] } {
    #        set ROBL [lreplace $ROBL $i $i]
    #    }

    # "Crazy Ivan" if we haven't scanned a robot recently to ensure
    # an enemy RCP isn't stalking us.

    my $last_seen_tick = 0;
    foreach my $dsp (@ROBL) {
        $last_seen_tick = $ROB{$dsp,'last_seen_tick'} if
            $ROB{$dsp,'last_seen_tick'} > $last_seen_tick;
    if ($last_seen_tick + $LAST_SEEN_TICK < $TICK) {
        $DIRECTION = 0 - $DIRECTION;
        foreach my $dsp (@ROBL) {
            $ROB{$dsp,'last_seen_tick'} = $TICK;
        emergency 'RESTART';
    # Restart the RCP if we seem to be stuck.

    emergency 'RESTART' if $EMERGENCY_X == $ROB{'Me','last_x'} and
        $EMERGENCY_Y == $ROB{'Me','last_y'};
    $EMERGENCY_X = $ROB{'Me','last_x'};
    $EMERGENCY_Y = $ROB{'Me','last_y'};

} # house_keep

sub hunt {

    # Hunt state processor.

    my $next_state = fifo 'hunt', 'out';
    if ($next_state == -1) {
        dputs "HUNT GAG!";
        fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['WAIT', ''];
        $MY_STATE = 'move';

    $_      = $next_state->[0];
    my $arg = $next_state->[1];
        /^ATLE/ and do {hunt_atle $arg;                     last CASE};
        /^FIRE/ and do {hunt_fire $arg;                     last CASE};
        /^SCAN/ and do {hunt_scan $arg;                     last CASE};
        /^WAIT/ and do {hunt_wait $arg; $MY_STATE = 'move'; last CASE};
    } # casend

} # end hunt

sub hunt_aim {
    my($rdir) = @_;

    my($ret, $min, $max);

    foreach my $t (qw/10 5 3 2 1 0/) {
        $min = ($$rdir - $t) % 360;
        $max = ($$rdir + $t) % 360;
        if      ( scanner( $max, $t ) > 0  ) {
            $$rdir = $max;
            $SCAN_HEADING = $$rdir - 40;
            $ret = scanner($$rdir, 1);
            return $ret if $ret > 0;
        } elsif ( scanner( $min, $t ) > 0  ) {
            $$rdir = $min;
            $SCAN_HEADING = $$rdir - 20;
            $ret = scanner($$rdir, 1);
            return $ret if $ret > 0;
        } else {
            return 0;
    return scanner($$rdir, 0);

} # end hunt_aim

sub hunt_atle {
    my($arg) = @_;

    # Make sure we have an attack list entry.  If not, generate a fresh attack
    # list and select the best entry.

    unless ($ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY) {
        my(@attack_list) = ( );
        foreach my $dsp (@ROBL) {
            next if $ROB{$dsp,'friend'};
            next if $ROB{$dsp,'last_x'} == -1;
            my $cr = position_to_range $ROB{$dsp,'last_x'}, $ROB{$dsp,'last_y'};
            if ($cr > $DANGER_RANGE and $cr <= $MAX_CANNON_RANGE) {
                push @attack_list, [$dsp, $cr];
        $ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY = shift @attack_list;
        if (@attack_list) {
            foreach my $f (@attack_list) {
                if ($f->[1] < $ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY->[1]) {
                    $ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY = $f;

    fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['WAIT', ''];
        fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['FIRE', ''];
    } else {
        fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['SCAN', ''];

} # end hunt_atle

sub hunt_cannon {
    my($dir, $range) = @_;

    if ($range <= $MAX_CANNON_RANGE) {
        my $stat  = cannon $dir, $range;
        fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['WAIT', ''];
        $CANNON_READY = 0;
        if ($ROUNDS_LEFT <= 0) {
        } else {
    fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['WAIT', ''];
    fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['FIRE', ''];

} # end hunt_cannon

sub hunt_fire {
    my($arg) = @_;

    if ($CANNON_READY) {
        $ROB{'Me','last_x'} = loc_x;
        $ROB{'Me','last_y'} = loc_y;
        my $dsp =  $ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY->[0];
        my $cr   = $ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY->[1];
        $CANNON_HEADING = position_to_heading $ROB{$dsp,'last_x'},
        my $range = hunt_aim \$CANNON_HEADING;
        my(@dspl) = dsp;
        $dsp = $dspl[0];
        if ($dsp != 0) {
            if ($range > $DANGER_RANGE and not $ROB{$dsp,'friend'}) {
                hunt_cannon $CANNON_HEADING, $range;
            } else {
                $ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY = undef;
                fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['SCAN', ''];
        } else {
            $ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY = undef;
            fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['SCAN', ''];
    } else {
        fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['WAIT', ''];
        fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['SCAN', ''];
    } # ifend cannon ready

} # end hunt_fire

sub hunt_scan {
    my($arg) = @_;

    # Try to update information on all enemy robots.  Information is very
    # fuzzy, with range to target inaccurate up to 100 meters, and my
    # calculation of robot position inaccurate up to 200 meters!  We'll attack
    # later, narrowing the bad robot's position via a binary search.

    my $sd  = 9 * 20;							# hunks of 20 degrees
    my $sh;

    for (my $i = $SCAN_HEADING; $i <= $sd + $SCAN_HEADING; $i += 20) {
        $sh = $i % 360;
        my $sr = scanner $sh, 10;
        if ($sr > $DANGER_RANGE and $sr <= $MAX_CANNON_RANGE) {
            my($dsp, $damage) = dsp;
            initialize_robot($dsp) if lsearch(\@ROBL, $dsp) == -1;
            next if $ROB{$dsp,'friend'};
            $ROB{$dsp,'last_seen_tick'} = $TICK;
            $ROB{$dsp,'damage'} = $damage;
            scanner_to_position $dsp, $sr, $sh; # new enemy position


    $SCAN_HEADING = ($sh + 20) % 360;
    fifo 'hunt', 'in', ['ATLE', ''];

} # end hunt_scan

sub hunt_wait {
    my($arg) = @_;
    # Process auxiliary hunt tasks.

        $CANNON_READY = 1;
        $RELOAD_ROUND_TICK = -1;
    if ($RELOAD_CLIP_TICK  != -1 and $TICK >= $RELOAD_CLIP_TICK) {
        $CANNON_READY = 1;
        $RELOAD_CLIP_TICK = -1;

} # end hunt_wait

sub initialize_robot {
    my($dsp) = @_;

    # Add an enemy or team robot to the robot list.

    push @ROBL, $dsp;
    $ROB{$dsp,'scanme_count'} = 0;        # times this robot has scanned me
    $ROB{$dsp,'last_scanme_count'} = 0;   # scanme_count last time around
    $ROB{$dsp,'last_seen_tick'} = $TICK;  # time last seen
    $ROB{$dsp,'damage'} = -1;             # robot's damage
    $ROB{$dsp,'last_x'} = -1;             # robot's last known X coordinate
    $ROB{$dsp,'last_y'} = -1;             # robot's last known Y coordinate
    $ROB{$dsp,'friend'} = 0;              # assume not a team member

    foreach my $response (team_get) {
        my $dsp2 = $response->[0];
        my $data = $response->[1];
        $ROB{$dsp2,'friend'} = 1 if $data eq $TEAM;

} # end initialize_robot

sub I_was_scanned {
    my($dsp) = @_;

    # Note the fact that I was scanned by appending $dsp to IWSL.  It's up to
    # other code to shorten this list and update the scan_me count in the 
    # robot table.

    push @IWSL, $dsp;

} # end I_was_scanned

sub move {

    # Move state processor.

    my $next_state = fifo 'move', 'out';
    if ($next_state == -1) {
        dputs "MOVE GAG!";
        fifo 'move', 'in', ['WAIT', ''];
        $MY_STATE = 'hunt';
    $_       = $next_state->[0];
    my $arg  = $next_state->[1]; 
        /^CHECK/ and do {move_check $arg;                     last CASE};
        /^GOTO/  and do {move_goto  $arg;                     last CASE};
        /^WAIT/  and do {move_wait  $arg; $MY_STATE = 'hunt'; last CASE};
    } # casend

} # end move

sub move_check {
    my($arg) = @_;

    # Change direction to next polygon vertex when proper.

    $ROB{'Me','last_x'} = loc_x;
    $ROB{'Me','last_y'} = loc_y;
    my $x0 = $ROB{'Me','last_x'};
    my $y0 = $ROB{'Me','last_y'};
    my $x  = $PATH{$PATHI,'x'};
    my $y  = $PATH{$PATHI,'y'};
    my $change_course = 0;

    $_ = $MOVE_QUAD;
        /^1/ and do {$change_course++ if $x0 <= $x and $y0 >= $y; last CASE};
        /^2/ and do {$change_course++ if $x0 <= $x and $y0 <= $y; last CASE};
        /^3/ and do {$change_course++ if $x0 >= $x and $y0 <= $y; last CASE};
        /^4/ and do {$change_course++ if $x0 >= $x and $y0 >= $y; last CASE};
    if ($change_course) {
        if ($PATHI == $LAP_INDEX) {
            dputs "LAP COUNT=$LAPS, SPEED=" . speed . "  *****";
        fifo 'move', 'in', ['GOTO', 'DECELERATE'];
    } else {
        @HEAT = heat;
        my $h = $HEAT[0];
        if ($h and (not $COOLING)) {
            $COOLING = 1;
            $REBOOST = 1;
        if ((not $h) and $REBOOST) {
            $COOLING = 0;
            $REBOOST = 0;
            fifo 'move', 'in', ['GOTO', 'REBOOST'];
        } else {
            fifo 'move', 'in', ['WAIT', ''];
            fifo 'move', 'in', ['CHECK', ''];
    } # ifend change course

} # end move_check

sub move_goto {
    my($goto_state) = @_;

    # Goto next polygon vertex.  Slow to turn speed accounting for
    # turn delta and deceleration, make the turn and resume.

    $ROB{'Me','last_x'} = loc_x;
    $ROB{'Me','last_y'} = loc_y;
    my $x0 = $ROB{'Me','last_x'};
    my $y0 = $ROB{'Me','last_y'};
    my $x = $PATH{$PATHI,'x'};
    my $y = $PATH{$PATHI,'y'};
    my $new_heading = position_to_heading $x, $y;
    my $d1 = ($new_heading - $DRIVE_HEADING + 360) % 360;
    my $d2 = ($DRIVE_HEADING - $new_heading + 360) % 360;
    my $dheading = $d1 < $d2 ? $d1 : $d2;
    my $SPEED = speed;
    my $turn_speed = $dheading >= 75 ? $SPEED_SLOW_TURN : $SPEED_TURN;

    $_ = $goto_state;
        /^DECELERATE/ and do {
            $TURN_ACTIVE = 1;
           my $dspeed = $SPEED - $turn_speed;
           my $decel = int($dspeed / 10.0 + 0.5);
           if ($decel <= 0) {
               fifo 'move', 'in', ['GOTO', 'TURN'];
           } else {
               my $stat = drive $DRIVE_HEADING, $turn_speed;
               emergency 'DRIVE' if $stat == 0;
               fifo 'move', 'in', ['GOTO', 'WAIT'];
            last CASE;
        /^WAIT/ and do {
            if ($SPEED <= $turn_speed) {
                fifo 'move', 'in', ['GOTO', 'TURN'];
            } else {
                fifo 'move', 'in', ['WAIT', ''];
                fifo 'move', 'in', ['GOTO', 'WAIT'];
            last CASE;
        /^TURN/ and do {
            $TURN_ACTIVE = 0;
            $DRIVE_HEADING = $new_heading;
            $DRIVE_SPEED = $SPEED_TROLL;
            my $stat = drive $DRIVE_HEADING, $DRIVE_SPEED;
            if ($stat == 0) {emergency 'DRIVE'}
            if ($x0 >= $x and $y0 <= $y) {
                $MOVE_QUAD = 1;
            } elsif ($x0 >= $x and $y0 >= $y) {
                $MOVE_QUAD = 2;
            } elsif ($x0 <= $x and $y0 >= $y) {
                $MOVE_QUAD = 3;
            } elsif ($x0 <= $x and $y0 <= $y) {
                $MOVE_QUAD = 4;
            } else {
                dputs "*** Turn error!";
            fifo 'move', 'in', ['CHECK', ''];
            last CASE;
        /^REBOOST/ and do {
            if (not $TURN_ACTIVE) {
                $x0 = $ROB{'Me','last_x'};
                $y0 = $ROB{'Me','last_y'};
                $x = $PATH{$PATHI,'x'};
                $y = $PATH{$PATHI,'y'};
                my $range = position_to_range $x0, $y0, $x, $y;
                $DRIVE_SPEED = 80 if $range < 100;
                my $stat = drive $DRIVE_HEADING, $DRIVE_SPEED;
                if ($stat == 0) {emergency 'DRIVE'}
            fifo 'move', 'in', ['CHECK', ''];
            last CASE;
    } # casend
} # end move_goto

sub move_wait {
    my($arg) = @_;

    # Process auxiliary move tasks.

} # end move_wait

sub position_to_heading {
    my($x, $y, $x0, $y0) = @_;

    # Given two absolute coordinate pairs, compute the heading (angle) 
    # between them.  If only a single coordinate is given, use Me as the 
    # second.  Typical usage is to determine the heading for this robot to
    # get somewhere else.
    # The result is integer.

    if (not defined $x0) {
        $x0 = $ROB{'Me','last_x'};
        $y0 = $ROB{'Me','last_y'};

    return int( $R2D * atan2( ($y - $y0), ($x - $x0) ) + 0.5) % 360;

} # end postion_to_heading

sub position_to_range {
    my($x, $y, $x0, $y0) = @_;

    # Given two absolute coordinate pairs, compute the range (relative 
    # distance) between them.  If only a single coordinate is given, use Me 
    # as the second.  Typical usage is to determine the range between this 
    # robot and another.
    # The result is floating point.

    if (not defined $x0) {
        $x0 = $ROB{'Me','last_x'};
        $y0 = $ROB{'Me','last_y'};

    my $dx = $x - $x0;
    my $dy = $y - $y0;
    return sqrt( $dx*$dx + $dy*$dy );

} # end position_to_range

sub process_IWSL {

    # Empty the "I was scanned" list and update scanner counts.

    foreach my $dsp (@ROBL) {
        $ROB{$dsp,'last_scanme_count'} = $ROB{$dsp,'scanme_count'};
    foreach my $dsp (@IWSL) {
        initialize_robot $dsp if lsearch(\@ROBL, $dsp) == -1;
    @IWSL = ( );

} # process_IWSL

sub scanner_to_position {
    my($dsp, $rng, $hdg) = @_;
    # Using the information from the scanner/dsp commands, compute the 
    # absolute position of the scanned robot and save it.  $dsp is the 
    # robot's digital signature, while $rng is the relative distance and 
    # $hdg is the heading between Me and the robot.

    my $x = $rng * $COST[$hdg];
    my $y = $rng * $SINT[$hdg];
    $ROB{$dsp,'last_x'} = $ROB{'Me','last_x'} + $x;
    $ROB{$dsp,'last_y'} = $ROB{'Me','last_y'} + $y;

} # end scanner_to_position

sub which_quad {
    my($x, $y) = @_;

    # Determine a quandrant given an x/y coordinate pair (default is Me).

    if (not defined $x) {
        $x = $ROB{'Me','last_x'};
        $y = $ROB{'Me','last_y'};
    my $q;
    if ( $x > $MID_X ) {
        $q =  $y > $MID_Y ? 1 : 4;
    } else {
        $q =  $y > $MID_Y ? 2 : 3;

    return $q;

} # end which_quad

sub initialize_RCP {

    # Initialize the Robot Control Program.

    $TEAM = 'LUSOL2';               # kludge team capability
    team_declare $TEAM;
    team_send $TEAM;

    $TICK = -1;                     # current RCP tick count
    my $clock = 500;                # tick resolution in milliseconds
    my $tps = 1000 / $clock;        # ticks/second

    my $pi = 3.141592654;           # pi
    $R2D = 180.0 / $pi;             # radians to degrees
    my $d2r = $pi / 180.0;          # degrees to radians
    for (my $i = 0; $i < 360; $i++) {
        $SINT[$i] =  sin($d2r * $i);    # sine table
        $COST[$i] =  cos($d2r * $i);    # cosine table
    $MAX_X = 999;                   # battlefield X max
    $MAX_Y = 999;                   # battlefield Y max
    $MID_X = $MAX_X / 2;            # X midpoint
    $MID_Y = $MAX_Y / 2;            # Y midpoint

    @ROBL = ( );                   # robot list
    initialize_robot 'Me';
    $ROB{'Me','last_x'} = loc_x;    # last x coordinate
    $ROB{'Me','last_y'} = loc_y;    # last y coordinate
    $ROB{'Me','friend'} = 1;        # of course

    @IWSL = ( );                   # "I was scanned" list
    $IWSL_COUNT = 4;                # tick interval
    $IWSL_TICK = -1;                # schedule at this tick value
    alert \&I_was_scanned;       # maintain a list of who scanned Me

    $ATTACK_LIST_ENTRY = undef;     # no attack list entry
    srand $$;
    $SCAN_HEADING = rand 360;       # current scanner direction

    $CLIP_SIZE = 4;                 # number of cannon rounds per clip
    $ROUNDS_LEFT = $CLIP_SIZE;            

    $RELOAD_CLIP = 12 * $tps;       # ticks required before reload clip

    $RELOAD_ROUND = 4  * $tps;      # ticks required before reload round

    $CANNON_HEADING = 0;            # cannon direction
    $CANNON_READY = 1;              # 1 IFF cannon is ready for firing
    $MAX_CANNON_RANGE = 700;        # I'm no robocop
    $DANGER_RANGE = 0;              # but there's always Heisenburg

    @HEAT = (0, 0);                 # current heat results
    $COOLING = 0;                   # 1 iff waiting for engine to cool
    $REBOOST = 0;                   # 1 iff engine has just cooled

    $SPEED = 0;                     # current speed
    $SPEED_TROLL = 100;             # normal speed to minimize heating
    $SPEED_SLOW_TURN = 20;          # slow turn speed
    $SPEED_TURN = 30;               # normal turn speed
    $TURN_ACTIVE = 0;               # 1 IFF we are turning

    # Compute vertices of an $NVERT sided polygon, the robot's continuous path.

    $NVERT = 8;                     # polygon vertex count
    my $dangle = 360 / $NVERT;
    my $radius = 350;
    $MOVE_QUAD = 0;
    $PATHI = 0;
    for (my $angle = 0; $angle <= 359; $angle += $dangle) {
        my $i = $angle / $dangle;
        $PATH{$i,'x'} = int(($MID_X + $radius * $COST[$angle]) + 0.5);
        $PATH{$i,'y'} = int(($MID_Y + $radius * $SINT[$angle]) + 0.5);
    $DIRECTION = int(rand(2)) ? 1 : -1; # +1 anti-clockwise, -1 clockwise

    $LAPS = 0;                      # lap count this battle
    $LAP_INDEX = 0;                 # starting vertix index

    $HOUSE_KEEP_COUNT = 20;         # housekeep frequency in ticks
    $HOUSE_KEEP_TICK = 0;           # last housekeep tick
    $LAST_SEEN_TICK = int( rand(30) + 60 ); # reverse direction delta

    @MOVE_STATE_LIST = ( );
    @HUNT_STATE_LIST = ( );

} # end initialize_RCP

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