Chapter 20. The Package
As its name implies, the
package contains only interfaces. These interfaces define methods that provide algorithm-specific
information (such as key values and initialization parameter values)
about DSA and RSA public and private keys. If you are using the RSA
algorithm, for example, and working with a object, you can cast
that PublicKey to an
RSAPublicKey object and use the RSA-specific
methods defined by RSAPublicKey to query
the key value directly. Figure 20-1 shows the
class hierarchy of
this package.
Figure 20-1. The package
The package was introduced
in Java 1.1. In Java 1.2, the
package is the preferred way for obtaining algorithm-specific
information about keys and algorithm parameters. This package
remains useful in Java 1.2, however, for identifying the type of a
given PublicKey or PrivateKey
The interfaces in this package are typically of interest only to
programmers who are implementing a security provider or
who want to implement cryptographic algorithms themselves. Use of this
package typically requires some familiarity with the mathematics
underlying DSA and RSA public-key cryptography.
DSAKey | Java 1.1 |
| | PJ1.1(opt) |
This interface defines a method that must be implemented by both public
and private DSA keys.
public interface DSAKey { |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract DSAParams getParams (); | |
} |
Implementations: DSAPrivateKey, DSAPublicKey
DSAKeyPairGenerator | Java 1.1 |
| | PJ1.1(opt) |
This interface defines algorithm-specific
KeyPairGenerator initialization methods for DSA
keys. To generate a pair of DSA keys, use the static
getInstance() factory method of and specify "DSA" as
the desired algorithm name. If you wish to perform DSA-specific
initialization, cast the returned KeyPairGenerator
to a DSAKeyPairGenerator and call one of the
initialize() methods defined by this interface. Finally, generate the keys by calling
generateKeyPair() on the
public interface DSAKeyPairGenerator { |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract void initialize (DSAParams params, random) throws; | |
| public abstract void initialize (int modlen, boolean genParams, random) throws; | |
} |
DSAParams | Java 1.1 |
| | PJ1.1(opt) |
This interface defines methods for obtaining the DSA parameters
g, p, and q. These methods are useful only if you wish to perform cryptographic
computation yourself. Using these methods requires
a detailed understanding of the mathematics
underlying DSA public-key cryptography.
public interface DSAParams { |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getG (); | |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getP (); | |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getQ (); | |
} |
Passed To: DSAKeyPairGenerator.initialize()
Returned By: DSAKey.getParams()
DSAPrivateKey | Java 1.1 |
| | serializable PJ1.1(opt) |
This interface represents a DSA private key and provides direct
access to the underlying key value. If you are working with a private
key you know is a DSA key, you can cast the
PrivateKey to a DSAPrivateKey.
public interface DSAPrivateKey extends DSAKey, { |
// | Public Constants |
1.2 | public static final long serialVersionUID ; | =7776497482533790279 |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getX (); | |
} |
Hierarchy: (DSAPrivateKey(DSAKey,
DSAPublicKey | Java 1.1 |
| | serializable PJ1.1(opt) |
This interface represents a DSA public key and provides direct
access to the underlying key value. If you are working with a public
key you know is a DSA key, you can cast the
PublicKey to a DSAPublicKey.
public interface DSAPublicKey extends DSAKey, { |
// | Public Constants |
1.2 | public static final long serialVersionUID ; | =1234526332779022332 |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getY (); | |
} |
Hierarchy: (DSAPublicKey(DSAKey,
RSAKey | Java 1.3 Beta |
| | |
This is a superinterface for RSAPublicKey and
RSAPrivateKey; it defines a method shared by both
classes. Prior to Java 1.3, the getModulus()
method was defined independently by RSAPublicKey
and RSAPrivateKey.
public interface RSAKey { |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getModulus (); | |
} |
Implementations: RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey
RSAPrivateCrtKey | Java 1.2 |
| | serializable |
This interface extends RSAPrivateKey and provides a
decomposition (based on the Chinese remainder theorem) of the private-key value into the various pieces that comprise it. This interface is
useful only if you plan to implement your own cryptographic
algorithms. To use this interface, you must have a detailed
understanding of the mathematics underlying RSA public-key
cryptography. Given a
object, you can use the instanceof operator to
determine whether you can safely cast it to an
public interface RSAPrivateCrtKey extends RSAPrivateKey { |
// | Property Accessor Methods (by property name) |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getCrtCoefficient (); | |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getPrimeExponentP (); | |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getPrimeExponentQ (); | |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getPrimeP (); | |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getPrimeQ (); | |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getPublicExponent (); | |
} |
Hierarchy: (RSAPrivateCrtKey(RSAPrivateKey(,RSAKey)))
RSAPrivateKey | Java 1.2 |
| | serializable |
This interface represents an RSA private key and provides direct
access to the underlying key values. If you are working with a private
key you know is an RSA key, you can cast the
PrivateKey to an RSAPrivateKey.
public interface RSAPrivateKey extends, RSAKey { |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getPrivateExponent (); | |
} |
Hierarchy: (RSAPrivateKey(,RSAKey))
Implementations: RSAPrivateCrtKey
RSAPublicKey | Java 1.2 |
| | serializable |
This interface represents an RSA public key and provides direct
access to the underlying key values. If you are working with a public
key you know is an RSA key, you can cast the
PublicKey to an RSAPublicKey.
public interface RSAPublicKey extends, RSAKey { |
// | Public Instance Methods |
| public abstract java.math.BigInteger getPublicExponent (); | |
} |
Hierarchy: (RSAPublicKey(,RSAKey))
 |  |  |
19.1. The Package |  | 21. The Package |

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