8.13. B::C
The C backend for the Perl compiler.
Generates C source code from Perl source; the generated code
corresponds to Perl's internal structures for
running the program. Compiling with the C backend
won't speed up execution of your program, but it may
improve start-up time. Invoke as:
perl -MO=C[,options] program
in which program is the name of the Perl
script to compile. Any non-option arguments are treated as the names
of objects to be saved; the main program is assumed if there are no
extra arguments. Possible options are:
- --
Forces end of options.
- -Dopts
Debug options, which can be concatenated or specified separately.
Possible options are:
- A
Prints AV information on saving
- c
Prints COPs as they are processed, including file and line number
- C
Prints CV information on saving
- M
Prints MAGIC information on saving
- o
Prints each OP as it's processed
- -fopt
Forces individual optimizations on or off. Possible values of
opt are:
- cog
Copy-on-grow. PVs are declared and initialized statically.
- no-cog
No copy-on-grow.
- -ofilename
Sends output to filename instead of to STDOUT.
- -O[n]
Sets optimization level, in which n is an
integer. n defaults to
1. Currently, values of 1 and
higher set cog.
- -uPackname
Forces apparently unused subroutines from package
Packname to be compiled, letting programs use
eval "foo( )" even if subroutine
foo isn't seen to be used at
compile time. You can specify multiple -u
- -v
Compiles verbosely.
 |  |  |
8.12. B::Bytecode |  | 8.14. B::CC |
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