10.7. CGI.pm Reference
The following methods are supported by CGI.pm.
Returns a list of media types that the
browser accepts.
- content_type
If specified, returns instead the browser's
preference for the specified content type, between 0.0 and 1.0
Appends a value or list of values to
the named parameter.
- -name=>'name'
The parameter to append.
- -values=>'value'
The value to append. Multiple values can be specified as a reference
to an anonymous array.
auth_type( )
Returns the authorization method.
Turns off autoescaping of form
print $query->button('name','function')
Generates a JavaScript button.
- name
The name of the button.
- function
The function to execute when the button is clicked. Using named
parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->button(-name=>'name',
- -value=>'label'
The label to display for the button
print $query->checkbox('name' [,'checked','value','label'])
Generates a single checkbox.
- name
The name to assign the input to (required).
- checked
Checkbox should be checked initially.
- value
The value to return when checked (default is on).
- label
The label to use for the checkbox (default is the name of the
checkbox). Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->checkbox(-name=>'name',
- -onClick=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user clicks on any checkbox in the group
print $query->checkbox_group('name', \@list [, selected,'true',\%labelhash ])
Generates a list of checkbox elements.
- name
The name to assign the input to (required).
- \@list
An array reference with the list items. You can also use an anonymous
array reference.
- selected
The menu item(s) to be initially selected (default is that nothing is
selected). This can be a single value or a reference to an array of
- 'true'
Insert newlines between the checkboxes.
- \%labelhash
A hash reference listing labels for each list item. Default is the
list text itself. See popup_menu for an example.
Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->checkbox_group(-name=>'name',
- -columns=>n
The number of columns to use.
- -columnheader=>'string'
A header for the column.
- -rows=m
The number of rows to use. If omitted, and
-columns is specified, the rows will be calculated
for you.
- -rowheader=>'string'
A header for the row.
- -onClick=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user clicks on any checkbox in the group.
Defines or retrieves a cookie. See also
- name
Name of the cookie (required). Using named parameters, the syntax is:
$cookie = $query->cookie(-name=>'name',
print $query->header(-cookie=>$cookie);
- -value=>'value'
A value to assign to the cookie. You can supply a scalar value, or a
reference to an array or hash. If omitted, a cookie will be retrieved
rather than defined.
- -expires=>expcode
Specifies an expiration timestamp (such as +3d for
three days). Values for expcode are:
- ns
n seconds
- nm
n minutes
- nh
n hours
- nd
n days
- nM
n months
- ny
n years
- day_of_week, dd-MMM-YY hh:mm:ss GMT
At the specified time.
- now
Expires immediately.
- -path=>'partial_url'
The partial URL for which the cookie is valid. Default is the current
- -domain=>'domain_name'
The domain for which the cookie is valid.
- -secure=>1
Use this cookie only for a secure session.
print $query->defaults('label')
Generates a button that resets the form
to its defaults. See also reset.
- 'label'
The label to use for the button. If omitted, the label is
Deletes a parameter.
- 'parameter'
The parameter to delete
$query->delete_all( )
Deletes the entire CGI object.
print $query->dump([true])
Dumps all name/value pairs as an HTML
- true
If specified, prints as plain text
print $query->end_html( )
Ends an HTML document.
print $query->filefield('name' [,'default',size,maxlength ])
Generates a file upload field for Netscape browsers.
- name
The filename to assign the supplied file contents to (required)
- default
The initial value (filename) to place in the text field
- size
The size of the text field (in characters)
- maxlength
The maximum length of the text field (in characters)
Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->textfield(-name=>'name',
- -override=>1
Text field should not inherit its value from a previous invocation of
the script
- -onChange=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes the text field
- -onFocus=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus is on the text field
- -onBlur=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus leaves the text field
- -onSelect=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes a selected portion of the text field
print $query->header([content_type ,status ,headers])
Generates the HTTP header for the
- content_type
The content type to return. Default is text/html.
- status
The HTTP status code and description to return. Default is
200 OK.
- headers
Additional headers to include, such as Content-Length:
123. Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->header(-type=>'content_type',
- -type=>content_type
Specifies the content type.
- -nph=>1
Uses headers for a no-parse-header script.
- -status=>status_code
Specifies the status code.
- -expires=>expcode
Specifies an expiration timestamp (such as +3d for
three days). Values for expcode are:
- ns
n seconds
- nm
n minutes
- nh
n hours
- nd
n days
- nM
n months
- ny
n years
- day_of_week, dd-MMM-YY hh:mm:ss GMT
At the specified time
- now
Expires immediately
- -cookie=>cookie
Specifies a cookie. The cookie may be a scalar value or an array
- -header=>value
Specifies any HTTP header.
- -target=>frame
Writes to specified frame.
print $query->hidden('name', 'value' [,'value'... ])
Generates a hidden text field.
- name
The name to give the value (required).
- value
The value to assign to name. Multiple
values can be specified. Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->hidden(-name=>'name',
With named parameters, the value can also be represented as a
reference to an array, such as:
print $query->hidden(-name=>'name',
-default=>['value1', 'value2',
... ]);
print $query->image_button('name','url' [,'align'])
Generates a clickable image map.
- name
The name to use. When clicked, the
x,yposition is returned as
- url
The URL of the image for the image map.
- align
The alignment type. May be TOP,
BOTTOM, or MIDDLE. Using named
parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->image_button(-name=>'name',
- -onClick=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user clicks on the image
Creates variables in the specified
package. Called import in older versions of
- package
The package to import names into
print $query->isindex([action])
Generates an
<ISINDEX> tag.
- action
The URL of the index script. Default is the current URL. Using named
parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->isindex(-action=>$action);
@keyarray = $query->keywords( )
Retrieves keywords from an <ISINDEX> search.
- @keyarray
The array that will contain the retrieved keywords
Treats a CGI script as a
no-parsed-header (NPH) script.
@name = $query->param([parameter [newvalue1, newvalue2, ...] ])
Gets or sets parameter names.
- @name
The array that will contain the parameter names.
- parameter
An optional single parameter to fetch. When used with no arguments,
param returns a list of all known parameter names.
- newvalue1, newvalue2, ...
The optional new values to assign to the parameter. Using named
parameters, the syntax is:
-values=>'newvalue1', 'newvalue2', ...);
print $query->password_field('name' [,'value',size,maxlength ])
Generates a password input field.
- name
The name to assign the input to (required).
- value
The default password to place in the password field.
- size
The size of the password field (in characters).
- maxlength
The maximum length of the password field (in characters). Using named
parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->password_field(-name=>'name',
- -override=>1
Text field should not inherit its value from a previous invocation of
the script
- -onChange=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes the text field
- -onFocus=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus is on the text field
- -onBlur=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus leaves the text field
- -onSelect=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes a selected portion of the text field
path_info( )
Returns extra path information.
path_translated( )
Returns translated extra path
print $query->popup_menu('name', \@array [,'selected', \%labelhash])
Generates a popup menu.
- name
The name to assign the input to (required).
- \@array
An array reference listing the menu items. You can also use an
anonymous array reference (see example below).
- selected
The menu item to be initially selected (default is first menu item or
the item selected in previous queries).
- \%labelhash
A hash reference listing labels for each menu item. Default is menu
item text. For example:
%labels = ('UPS'=>'United Parcel Service (UPS)',
'FedExO'=>'Federal Express Overnight - 10AM delivery',
'FedExS'=>'Federal Express Standard - 2PM delivery',
'FedEx2'=>'Federal Express 2nd Day Delivery');
print $query->popup_menu('delivery_method',
['UPS', 'FedExO', 'FedExS', 'FedEx2'],
Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->popup_menu(-name=>'name',
- -onChange=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes the text field
- -onFocus=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus is on on the text field
- -onBlur=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus leaves the text field
print $query->radio_group('name', \@list [, selected, 'true', \%label ])
Generates a set of radio buttons.
- name
The name to assign the input to (required).
- \@list
An array reference with the list items. You can also use an anonymous
array reference.
- selected
The menu item to be initially selected.
- 'true'
Inserts newlines between radio buttons.
- \%label
A hash reference listing labels for each list item. Default is the
list text itself. (See popup_menu for an example.)
Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->radio_group(-name=>'name',
- -columns=>n
The number of columns to use.
- -columnheader=>'string'
A header for the column.
- -rows=m
The number of rows to use. If omitted, and
-columns is specified, the rows will be calculated
for you.
- -rowheader=>'string'
A header for the row.
raw_cookie( )
Returns the value of the HTTP_COOKIE
ReadParse( )
Creates a hash named
%in containing query information. Used for
backwards compatibility with the Perl4
print $query->redirect('url')
Generates a header for redirecting the
- url
The absolute URL to redirect to. Using named parameters, the syntax
print $query->redirect(-uri=>'url',
referer( )
Returns the referring URL.
remote_host( )
Returns the remote hostname or IP
address, depending on the configuration of the server.
remote_user( )
Returns the username supplied for
request_method( )
Returns the request method.
print $query->reset
Generates a button that resets the form
to its initial values. See also defaults.
Saves the form to the specified
filehandle, to be read back with the new
- filehandle
The filehandle to save the file to
script_name( )
Returns the current partial URL.
| |
Generates a scrolling list.
- name
The name to assign the input to (required).
- \@list
An array reference with the list items. You can also use an anonymous
array reference.
- selected
The menu item(s) to be initially selected (default is that nothing is
selected). This can be a single value or a reference to a list of
- size
The number of elements to display in the list box.
- 'true'
Allows multiple selections.
- \%labelhash
A hash reference listing labels for each list item. Default is the
list text itself. (See popup_menu for an example.)
Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->scrolling_list(-name=>'name',
- -onChange=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes the text field
- -onFocus=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus is on on the text field
- -onBlur=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus leaves the text field
$url = $query->self_url
Returns the URL of the current script
with all its state information intact.
print $query->start_html(['title', 'email', 'base', attribute='value'])
<HTML> and <BODY>
- title
The title of the page.
- email
The author's email address.
- base
Whether to use a <BASE> tag in the header.
- attribute='value'
Specifies an attribute to the <BODY> tag.
Using named parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->start_html(-title=>'title',
- -title=>'title'
Specifies the title of the page.
- -author=>'email_address'
Specifies the author's email address.
- -xbase=>'url'
Provides an HREF for the <BASE> tag. Default
is the current location.
- -meta=>{'metatag1'=>'value1', ... }
Adds arbitrary meta information to the header as a reference to a
hash. Valid tags are:
- keywords
Keywords for this document
- copyright
Copyright for this document description
- description
Description for this document
- attribute=>'value'
Specifies an attribute to the <BODY> tag
- -script=>'$script'
Specifies a JavaScript script to be embedded within a
<SCRIPT> block.
- -onLoad=>'$function'
Browser should execute specified function upon entering page.
- -onUnload=>'$function'
Browser should execute specified function upon leaving page.
print $query->startform([method, action, encoding])
Generates a
<FORM> tag.
- method
The request method for the form. Values are:
Use the POST method (default).
Use the GET method.
- action
The URL of the CGI script. Default is the current URL.
- encoding
The encoding scheme. Possible values are
application/x-www-form-urlencoded and
multipart/form-data. Using named parameters, the
syntax is:
print $query->startform(-method=>$method,
- -name=>name
Names the form for identification by JavaScript functions
- -target=>frame
Writes to the specified frame
- -onSubmit=>function
A JavaScript function that the browser should execute upon submitting
the form
print $query->start_multipart_form([method, action])
<HTML> and <BODY>
tags. Same as startform, but assumes
multipart/form-data encoding as the default.
print $query->submit([ 'label','value' ])
Generates a Submit button.
- label
The label to use for the button.
- value
The value to return when the form is submitted. Using named
parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->submit(-name=>'name',
- -onClick=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user clicks on the image
print $query->textarea('name' [,'value',rows,columns ])
Generates a large multiline text input
- name
The name to assign the input to (required).
- value
The initial value to place into the text input box.
- rows
The number of rows to display.
- columns
The number of columns to display. Using named parameters, the syntax
print $query->textarea(-name=>'name',
- -override=>1
Text field should not inherit its value from a previous invocation of
the script
- -onChange=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes the text field
- -onFocus=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus is on the text field
- -onBlur=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus leaves the text field
- -onSelect=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes a selected portion of the text field
print $query->textfield('name' [,'value', size, maxlength])
Generates a text input field.
- name
The name to assign the input to (required).
- value
The initial value to place in the text field.
- size
The size of the text field (in characters).
- maxlength
The maximum length of the text field (in characters). Using named
parameters, the syntax is:
print $query->textfield(-name=>'name',
- -override=>1
Text field should not inherit its value from a previous invocation of
the script
- -onChange=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes the text field
- -onFocus=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus is on the text field
- -onBlur=>function
Browser should execute function when the
focus leaves the text field
- -onSelect=>function
Browser should execute function when the
user changes a selected portion of the text field
$url = $query->url
Returns a URL of the current script
without query information.
use_named_parameters( )
Specifies that functions should take
named parameters.
$query->user_agent( [string] )
Returns the value of the
- string
If specified, returns only headers matching the specified string
user_name( )
Returns the remote
user's login name; unreliable.
 |  |  |
10.6. Debugging |  | 11. Web Server Programmingwith mod_perl |
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