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Opendedup: Open-Source Deduplication Put to the Test

Jeramiah Bowling

Issue #228, April 2013

Take a look at a new use-case study for open-source deduplication.

Data growth is a fact of life. In the digital age, we consume storage space at an exponential rate. From business data to consumer content, the demand for storage has never been higher. During the last two decades, great strides have been made to increase disk capacity and performance. At the same time, there has been research to develop more efficient ways to store data on disk. The culmination of this research is deduplication or dedup.

Deduplication is simply the process of eliminating redundant data on disk. It can be hardware- or software-based and performed at either the file or block levels of a storage system. It entails identifying common data and writing it only once to disk. Then, if identical data needs to be written to the disk in the future, instead of writing it twice, it will use a pointer to the data already on the disk.

Until recently, the dedup field was tightly guarded by a few big-name vendors. Entry dedup systems start at five figures and quickly climb from there. It was cost-prohibitive for most of the SMB market. Now there is an open-source challenger in Opendedup—a project that develops the (user) Space Deduplication File System (SDFS). SDFS provides many of the features of commercial dedup products at none of the cost.

In this article, I walk through how to build a server with a deduped SDFS volume and then review the results of several real-world test scenarios designed to gauge how well Opendedup actually dedupes. These scenarios were not intended as performance tests (speed, reads, writes and so forth). Plenty of performance statistics are hosted at the project's site. Instead, these tests were aimed at achieving the highest rate of deduplication with the sample data. Bear in mind when reading this article that “your mileage may vary”. If you are considering piloting, or already have decided on implementing Opendedup, you may have different successes or failures.

Dedup 101

Before proceeding, let me discuss how dedup works. Let's say you have two letters saved in electronic form. Both letters have the same header (address, date and so on) and closing, but they have different greetings and bodies. On a normal disk, both letters would occupy their full size on the disk. On a deduped volume, the first letter is written in its entirety, and the second contains just the greeting and body with pointers to the header and closing in the first letter. Both appear with the correct header, greeting, body and closing when opened. If you observe the file sizes of both files, you'll see that the second file's size is smaller than the original file's size. If you were to create additional letters with the same header and closing, those new files occupy even less space. As you add more duplicate/common data to the disk, you save more space (Table 1).

Table 1. Space-Saving Example Comparison

SizeDedupedSize/Normal SizeSavings
Letter A20K20K/20K0K
Letter B16K36K/40K4K
Letter C16K52K/60K8K
Letter D16K68K/80K12K

At first glance, this may not seem like much of a saving, but when dealing with large data sets, you can store huge amounts of data on a minuscule amount of space. It is quite possible to achieve a 20x dedup rate at which you can store 10TB of data on 500GB of disk space.

Server Build

All of the server builds for this article were built using Ubuntu 12.04x64. At least 2GB of memory was used on each build. This is the minimum amount required, but to get the best performance out of your server, you should have an ample supply of memory as the dedup process is memory-intensive. AMD and Intel multicore platforms were used in the process, and SDFS ran flawlessly on both. I also mixed SATA and SAS drive types in my builds. As expected, SAS was snappier in response time, but deduplication rates were nearly identical on both. I don't believe there is any improved deduplication in using SAS over SATA. In the end, it will come down to your intended use of dedup. If you are looking for low-cost backups, SATA is the way to go. If you want to run live VMs off your deduped volumes, SAS will give you the performance you'll need.

Once your hardware is ready, install Ubuntu server 12.04x64 from CD, accepting all the defaults and making any regional changes necessary. Accept the default layout for the disk. Let the setup program auto-format your partitions (ext4), as this has no bearing on SDFS. SDFS runs as a module under FUSE (File System in User Space) in a separate space from the kernel, so the underlying filesystem is almost irrelevant.

After the base install is complete, run the following command to install the necessary packages using apt-get (make sure use to use sudo to run all of the following commands):

apt-get install openjdk-7-jre attr nfs-kernel-server 
 ↪samba libselinux-dev libsepol1

Set Java to the correct version using the update-alternatives - -config java command and select version 1.7. Then edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file to include the following lines at the bottom of the file:

soft nofile 65535
hard nofile 65535

Next download and extract SDFS and FUSE:

wget http://Opendedup.googlecode.com/files/sdfs-1.2.1_amd.deb
wget http://Opendedup.googlecode.com/files/opendedup-fuse-2.9.tar.gz
tar -xzf opendedup-fuse-2.9.tar.gz

Install the FUSE and the Opendedup packages:

cd opendedup-fuse-2.9
sudo dpkg -i fuse_2.9.0-opendedup_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i fuse-utils_2.9.0-opendedup_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i libfuse2_2.9.0-opendedup_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libfuse-dev_2.9.0-opendedup_amd64.deb
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i sdfs-1.2.1_amd64.deb

If you run into any dependency issues, run apt-get f install to resolve them. With everything installed, create an SDFS volume and mount it to a directory off root named /shared:

sudo mkfs.sdfs  - -volume-name=deduped - -volume-capacity=20GB 
mdkir /shared
mount.sdfs -m /shared -v deduped

You now have local access to this folder, but you'll want to share it using NFS. In order to do so, create another directory to bind and share your local mount from:

mkdir -p /export/shared
mount - -bind /shared /export/shared

I skip configuring idmapd.conf and /etc/exports here, as there is plenty of documentation on NFS to cover them. Once NFS is configured, restart the service using the /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart command. Note: if you are mounting your SDFS volumes manually, you must use the sdfs.mount command before running the mount - -bind command, and then you must restart NFS for your clients to be able to use it.

If all went well, the clients now should be able to mount the deduped NFS share.

Calculating Metrics

With the server built, let's discuss how to measure dedup performance. SDFS possesses a built-in tool, sdfscli, that provides dedup-related information. However, I do not like the output it generates as I think it can be confusing, and I found it inaccurate at times. Instead, I chose to produce my own output using metrics that are commonly found on commercial dedup devices: % savings and dedup rate. % savings represents the percentage of space reduced by deduplication. For example, if you have a file that should take up 100K, but it occupies only 60K deduped, you have a 40% space savings. Dedup rate is a multiplier that generalizes how well your device/volume is deduplicating. With a 2x dedup rate, you can write two files for the disk space of one.

The quickest way to generate the data required for these metrics is simply to use the du and df commands. du reports the deduped size of the volume, while df reports the full size listed by the system (that is, if the volume was not deduped). This value is taken from the Used column of the df output. With these numbers, you can use the following formulas to determine the % savings and dedup rates for your SDFS volume:

  • % savings = 1 — (Size of Volume reported by du/Size of Volume reported by df) x 100

  • Dedup rate = Size of Volume reported by df/Size of Volume reported by du

Scenario 1: File Storage

For the first scenario, I tested how well SDFS dedupes when used as a file server. I created two separate data folders for the test. The first contained approximately 730MB of dissimilar data. The second folder contained 1.4GB of largely homogeneous data. Each folder contained a mix of various Microsoft Office documents, images and Adobe .pdf files. I left each folder alone for a while and then came back and recorded the size of each folder using the du and df commands. The files were deduped as they were copied to the SDFS volume. This is the default mode of deduplication also known as inline. Inline dedup is memory- and processor-intensive, so bear that in mind with large copies. There is an alternative dedup mode called “batch” mode that runs dedup as a scheduled process. The dedup results for each folder are listed below.

Volume/Folder 1 — 730MB:

  • 9.22%

  • 1.10x dedup rate

Volume/Folder 2 — 1.4GB:

  • 5.71%

  • 1.06x dedup rate

The results were not surprising as SDFS is not ideal for, nor is it advertised as, a traditional file storage platform. Additionally, there were a large number of .pdf files in the each folder (25%–30%). Adobe .pdf files are natively compressed, which means they are difficult to dedup.

Scenario 2: Backups — 5 days — tar/rsync/Backup Exec

The next scenario involved using a deduped volume as storage for backups. Deduplication theoretically should be well suited for backups, because backup sets usually contain multiple versions of the same files. The more sets (days, months and so on) you maintain, the better the compression will be. In this scenario, I tested three backup programs: tar, rsync and Symantec's Backup Exec 2010. For each test, I used the same 730MB folder from the first scenario. I backed up the same folder five times to a deduped volume to simulate a week's worth of backups. In between each backup, I increased the size of the folder between 20–40MB. All of the data was backed up in full. No incremental or differential methods were used. I did this for two reasons: one, to minimize the amount of time needed to generate the results; and two, I felt it added unnecessary variables that could throw off the results with such a small data set.

In the first test with tar, I created five separate tar archives—one for each day. In running the backups, I intentionally avoided gzipping the .tar files to improve the dedup rate. After finishing the test, I witnessed a 55% savings/2.26x dedup rate on the volume.

For the next test with rsync, I ran the backups to a different destination folder with each job. This gave me the ability to restore the directory in its entirety from any day. Again, I did not enable compression on the job. After all jobs were completed, I noted results of 74%/3.96x.

With Backup Exec I shared my dedup volume with SAMBA and configured it as a backup-to-disk folder. Backup Exec utilizes .bkf files when backing up to disk, which are, for all intents and purposes, treated like tape media. Using a .bkf size of 200MB without compression on the first five jobs, I achieved 53%/2.14 x. I followed this up with another five jobs using 1GB .bkfs and achieved an identical rate of 53.3%/2.14x. I tried two different .bkf sizes to see if there was any effect on the dedup rate, but there was not.

Of the backup options, rsync performed the best. This was likely due to the fact that rsync created five copies of the same data in its native format. In this capacity, you are using the deduped volume for file storage in its simplest form. With one copy of the original folder and four subsequent copies, you almost could predict a 4x dedup rate. This example reinforces a truism with deduplication: more identical data = more dedup. After my testing, I did find some discussions revolving around certain backup programs producing highly unique backup files (.bkfs, .tar) that can hinder dedup performance. This may explain the low dedup numbers for tar and Backup Exec. However, there did not appear to be any workarounds.

Scenario 3: VMDK Files

For the last scenario, I tested deduplication on VMware by hosting guest virtual hard drives (.vmdk files) on SDFS volumes with ESXi 4.1 and 5.1 hosts. Each VM was built and/or cloned on an SDFS volume exported with NFS. Following the developer's recommendation, I created new volumes and changed their default chunk size from 128K to 4K. Chunk size affects how data is organized and compared by the dedup engine. The default of 128K is sufficient for most files, but 4K is the recommended for virtual machines. Chunk size is set at the time of volume creation, so I created volumes using the following command:

mkfs.sdfs --volume-name=4ksdfsvmdk --volume-capacity=100GB 
 ↪--io-chunk-size=4 --io-max-file-write-buffers=32

It is also recommended to change its deduplication type from inline (“on the fly”) to batch prior to powering on and installing the guest OS. This reduces the initial performance hit you take on your dedup server by disabling dedup during the install—a time when the host is writing a large amount of data to disk. To set the .vmdk files to batch, I ran the following command after each base VM was created through vSPhere, but before it was powered on:

setfattr -n user.cmd.dedupAll -v 556:false 

After each VM was powered on and the OS install was complete, I powered the VM back down and changed its .vmdk files back to inline:

setfattr -n user.cmd.dedupAll -v 556:true 

For the tests I created a base Windows XP VM and a base Ubuntu desktop VM and made four clones of each. After each clone was created, I powered it on and made a minor change, like installing an update or creating a document so that its disk would not be identical to the original VM's disk. While creating the clones, I discovered they were provisioned as thin disks that commit only the amount of storage used by the OS to disk, not the full amount allocated to them. This turned out to be a function of NFS and VMware that could not be changed.

On the ESXi 4.1 server, the dedup rates for the XP clones were 95%/23x and 92%/13x for the Ubuntu clones, which were very impressive. However, when it came to the ESXi 5.1 server, the results were very different. For some reason, every time I cloned a workstation from the SDFS/NFS volume, the ESXi host created linked clones. Linked clones are a new space-saving feature of 5.1 where cloned disks contain only deltas to an original reference/base disk (that is, your first non-cloned VM used to create your clones). This threw off any dedup stats I tried to generate using du and df, and as a result, I could not generate rates for the 5.1 guests. I tried to work around the issue, but was unable to find a way to overcome it. If I had more time, I would have liked to see if KVM or Xen would treat the SDFS/NFS volumes the same way, as there is definitely overlap between SDFS and the linked clones feature of 5.1.


I also tested Opendedup's built-in replication abilities. Replication in Opendedup is based on a master-slave relationship set at volume creation time. You create the master volume first, then the slave. After the slave volume is created, you set your network-specific information in the replication.props file, and then you can replicate on-demand or on a schedule using the sdfsreplicate service. I was very impressed with how easy the process was to set up and configure. The actual process takes deduped blocks from the master, tars them and then replicates them on port 6442 to the slave where they are decompressed. After the initial replication, only deltas are sent over the wire. This design makes replication ultra-efficient and a great candidate for off-site data transport.


After looking at the results of all of my tests, SDFS has its ups and downs. It has a lot of promise, but you will see better results if you target your deployment. If you use rsync or another backup method that backs up your data up in its original format, SDFS works very well. It also performed admirably as a virtual storage platform (notwithstanding the linked clone issue), which is what SDFS was originally intended for. If you factor the built-in replication abilities into the equation, SDFS ends up having real utility. On the downside, the project is still fairly young. Although there have been steady improvements to the project, I often found the documentation dated and the knowledge base limited. I have confidence that as more people use the product and provide feedback, this will improve. If you steer your Opendedup deployment to what it does well and don't mind getting under the hood, you should be fine. Just don't expect a bulletproof solution out of the gate.

Jeramiah Bowling has been a systems administrator and network engineer for more than 12 years. He works for a regional accounting and auditing firm in Hunt Valley, Maryland, and holds numerous industry certifications including the CISSP. Your comments are welcome at jb50c@yahoo.com.

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