LJ Archive


Amy Kukuk

Issue #44, December 1997

Geek vocab.

Configuration: Components of a computer system. The total configuration consists of: the capability of the computer, e.g., the amount of random access memory available, and the number and size of the disk drives; the software, including the version of the operating system and any additional applications software; the type and number of peripheral devices; and performance tuning and communications parameters.

Disk Partition: Contiguous sections of a disk or disks used to store common groups of information or date, e.g. a file system or swap area has a specified disk partition.

DNS: Domain Name Service. Protocol implemented by the Internet to identify domain names to an Internet Protocol address. Used to route mail to remote hosts. Also used to get information about other hosts and users of a host on the network, either within or across domains.

Firewall: Combination of hardware and software applications used to create a gateway and provide controlled access from an external network to an internal corporate or organizational network. By reviewing all traffic and selectively allowing data to pass, the firewall protects the internal network from possible hostile action. Interface: Relationship or connection, either hardware (physical) or software (protocol), that permits data to be sent or exchanged. May be established between computers and peripherals, e.g. printers, modems or communications systems; or boards, mice or graphical icons.

Network: Group of computers and/or terminals that are interconnected to allow the exchange of information or data. More advanced networks allow peripheral devices to be shared.

Raster Graphics: Also called bitmap or raster image. Graphics generation process in which the images are stored in multiple independent pixels. The graphics are generated and displayed by manipulating rows and columns of pixels to form the desired image.

Resolution: Measurement of the clarity of a screen, monitor or print image produced by a printer. Clarity of monitors is normally measured in the number of pixels per inch and print image in the number of dots per inch.

STREAMS: Interprocess communications or input/output mechanism that provides dynamic buffer allocation. Provides a layered approach for two or more processes to pass data to each other.

Token Ring: Local area data communications network that uses a ring topology and was developed by IBM Corporation. The name is derived from the process of passing a short electronic message, called a token, in sequential order. A host on the network cannot access the network until it receives the token. Once the host has completed transmission, it releases the token.

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