LJ Archive

Listing 1. ppp-on and ppp-on-dialer Scripts

ppp on

# Execute pppd using the options from the options
# file. Set the serial device to match your system
/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/cua1 38400

ppp on dialer

# This is part 2 of the ppp-on script. It will
# perform the connection
# protocol for the desired connection.
# 1 B Channel usage
# 2 B Channel Usage
# Do Chat
exec chat -e -v   \
   TIMEOUT  3  \
   ABORT '\nNO CARRIER\r'  \
   ABORT '\nBUSY\r'  \
   ABORT '\nNO ANSWER\r'   \
   ABORT '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r'  \
   '' AT \
   'OK'  ATZ0  \
   'OK'  AT$INIT  \
   TIMEOUT  30 \
   CONNECT  ''
LJ Archive