LJ Archive


1. Our web page is at http://www.multikron.nist.gov/scalable/scalable.html.

2. “ATM on Linux, User's Guide”, by W. Almsberger is available at http://lrcwww.epfl.ch/linux-atm/.

3. Pentium Pro Family Developer's Manual, Volume 3: Operating System Writer's Guide, Intel Corporation, January 1996.

4. “Netperf: A Network Performance Benchmark” (Revision 2.0) is available at http://www.cup.hp.com/netperf/NetperfPage.html.

5. “S-Check: a Tool for Tuning Parallel Programs”, R. Snelick, Proceedings of the 11th International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS 97), Geneva, Switzerland, April 1-5, 1997, pp. 107-112 is available at http://www.multikron.nist.gov/scheck/publications.html.

6. “Operating Principles of MultiKron II Performance Instrumentation for MIMD Computers”, A. Mink, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NISTIR 5571, December 1994 is available at http://www.multikron.nist.gov/multikron/multikron.html.

7. “Operating Principles of the PCI Bus MultiKron Performance Interface Board”, A. Mink and W. Salamon, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NISTIR 5993, March 1997 is available at http://www.multikron.nist.gov/multikron/multikron.html.

8. “The NAS Parallel Benchmarks 2.0”, D. Baily, et. al., Report NAS-95-020, NASA Ames Research Center, December 1995.

9. “The SPLASH-2 Programs: Characterization and Methodological Considerations”, Steven Cameron Woo, et. al., Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pp. 24-26, June 1995.

10. “TreadMarks: Shared Memory Computing on Networks of Workstations”, C. Amze, et. al., Rice University, February 1996 is available at ftp://ftp.cs.rice.edu/public/TreadMarks/papers/.

LJ Archive