LJ Archive

Resources for “Eclipse Goes Native”

John Healy

Andrew Haley

Tom Tromey

Issue #123, July 2004

Red Hat Developer Suite, Red Hat's Eclipse-Based IDE: www.redhat.com/software/rha/developer

An Old Snapshot of Red Hat's Natively Compiled Eclipse: people.redhat.com/jhealy/eclipse

The Official Eclipse Web Site: eclipse.org

GCJ Web Site: gcc.gnu.org/java

GNU Classpath Web Site. Classpath is a set of open-source libraries for Java: www.gnu.org/software/classpath

The rhug Web Site. rhug is a collection of important open-source Java packages: sources.redhat.com/rhug

The Fast Free Eclipse Prize: gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2003-08/msg00055.html

The Oprofile Project Web Site: oprofile.sourceforge.net/about

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