LJ Archive

Resources for “XOOPS”

Robert Love

Issue #130, February 2005

D-BUS's Home Page: dbus.freedesktop.org

A D-BUS Tutorial: freedesktop.org/Software/dbus/doc/dbus-tutorial.html

D-BUS freedesktop.org Specification: freedesktop.org/Software/dbus/doc/dbus-specification.html

Linux Kernel Source Code: www.kernel.org

Applications That Use D-BUS

Beagle, a search tool that indexes your entire personal information space: www.gnome.org/projects/beagle

HAL, a hardware abstraction layer: hal.freedesktop.org

Galago, a user presence framework: galago.sourceforge.net

Eggcups, a printer notification applet: cyberelk.net/tim/data/eggcups

GNOME Volume Manager, a storage and media policy engine: ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/sources/gnome-volume-manager

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