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Resources for “Real-Time and Performance Improvements in the 2.6 Linux Kernel”

William von Hagen

Issue #134, June 2005

Resources for the print article.

“Realfeel Test of the Preemptible Kernel Patch” by Andrew Webber: www.linuxjournal.com/article/6405

Real-Time Patches and Projects

2.4 Pre-emptible Linux Kernel Patch: kpreempt.sourceforge.net

2.6 Real-Time and Preemption Patch from Ingo Molnar: redhat.com/~mingo/realtime-preempt

MontaVista Real-Time Project: source.mvista.com/linux_2_6_RT.html

RTAI Project: www.rtai.org

DIAMPM RTAI (Real-Time Application Interface): www.aero.polimi.it/~rtai


realfeel Benchmark: brain.mcmaster.ca/~hahn/realfeel.c

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