Symbols & Numbers
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Index: S
/s pattern-matching modifier
6.0. Introduction
matching multiple lines :
6.6. Matching Multiple Lines
s substitution modifier
1.11. Indenting Here Documents
s/// operator
~ operator with :
1.1. Accessing Substrings
stripping whitespace with :
1.11. Indenting Here Documents
sascii program (example)
15.6. Reading from the Keyboard
save_parameters( )
19.13. Saving a Form to a File or Mail Pipe
1.0. Introduction
arrays of scalar references :
11.6. Creating Arrays of Scalar References
detecting scalar context :
10.6. Detecting Return Context
exchanging values between :
1.3. Exchanging Values Without Using Temporary Variables
references to :
11.5. Taking References to Scalars
schemes (URLs)
19.0. Introduction
Schwartz, Randal
4.15. Sorting a List by Computable Field
scope of subroutine variables
10.2. Making Variables Private to a Function
: (see
user interfaces
scripts, CGI
: (see
CGI programming
SDBM library
14.0. Introduction
searching for patterns
: (see
pattern matching
regular expressions
: (see
date and time
CGI scripts
19.0. Introduction
19.4. Writing a Safe CGI Program
executing user commands :
19.6. Executing Commands Without Shell Escapes
connecting through firewalls :
17.18. Program: fwdport
reading passwords without echo :
15.10. Reading Passwords
testing files for trustworthiness :
8.17. Testing a File for Trustworthiness
seek( )
8.0. Introduction
8.5. Trailing a Growing File
seekdir( )
9.5. Processing All Files in a Directory
seeme program (example)
7.12. Flushing Output
select( )
3.10. Short Sleeps
17.3. Communicating over TCP
changing STDOUT :
7.0. Introduction
reading from multiple filehandles
7.13. Reading from Many Filehandles Without Blocking
17.3. Communicating over TCP
self-referential data structures
13.13. Coping with Circular Data Structures
SelfLoader module
12.9. Speeding Module Loading with SelfLoader
separators, menu
15.14. Creating Menus with Tk
daemon servers :
17.15. Making a Daemon Server
forking :
17.11. Forking Servers
multi-homed :
17.14. Writing a Multi-Homed Server
non-forking :
17.13. Non-Forking Servers
POP3 :
18.5. Reading Mail with POP3
pre-forking :
17.12. Pre-Forking Servers
restarting on demand :
17.16. Restarting a Server on Demand
17.2. Writing a TCP Server
17.5. Setting Up a UDP Server
set theory
4.7. Finding Elements in One Array but Not Another
setsockopt( )
17.13. Non-Forking Servers
setting up
: (see
shallow copies
11.12. Copying Data Structures
shared locks
7.11. Locking a File
sharetest program (example)
16.12. Sharing Variables in Different Processes
sharing variables among processes
16.12. Sharing Variables in Different Processes
shell escapes, executing commands without
19.6. Executing Commands Without Shell Escapes
shell wildcards for regexp matching
6.9. Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions
shift( )
circular lists :
4.16. Implementing a Circular List
on multiple array elements :
4.11. Processing Multiple Elements of an Array
Tie::IxHash module and :
5.6. Retrieving from a Hash in Insertion Order
shopping cart
19.12. Writing a Multiscreen CGI Script
(see also
8.7. Randomizing All Lines
array elements :
4.17. Randomizing an Array
file line order :
8.7. Randomizing All Lines
shutdown( )
17.9. Closing a Socket After Forking
%SIG hash
16.15. Installing a Signal Handler
SIGALRM signal
16.0. Introduction
16.21. Timing Out an Operation
SIGCHLD signal
16.0. Introduction
16.19. Avoiding Zombie Processes
SIGHUP signal
16.0. Introduction
17.16. Restarting a Server on Demand
SIGINT signal
16.0. Introduction
16.18. Catching Ctrl-C
16.0. Introduction
blocking :
16.20. Blocking Signals
handlers for :
16.15. Installing a Signal Handler
listing available :
16.13. Listing Available Signals
process groups
7.22. Program: lockarea
16.14. Sending a Signal
sending :
16.14. Sending a Signal
signatures, randomized
16.22. Program: sigrand
SIGPIPE signal
16.0. Introduction
16.4. Reading or Writing to Another Program
sigprocmask system call
16.20. Blocking Signals
SIGQUIT signal
16.0. Introduction
sigrand program (example)
16.22. Program: sigrand
SIGTERM signal
16.0. Introduction
SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2 signals
16.0. Introduction
sin( )
2.12. Calculating More Trigonometric Functions
single inheritance
13.0. Introduction
single quotes (')
1.0. Introduction
q( ) :
4.1. Specifying a List In Your Program
arrays, changing :
4.3. Changing Array Size
hashes, preallocating for :
5.13. Presizing a Hash
Tk window resize events :
15.16. Responding to Tk Resize Events
window/terminal, determining :
15.4. Determining Terminal or Window Size
3.10. Short Sleeps
slowcat program (example)
1.5. Processing a String One Character at a Time
SOCK_ constants
17.0. Introduction
sockaddr_in( )
17.0. Introduction
17.4. Setting Up a UDP Client
sockaddr_un( )
17.0. Introduction
socket( )
17.0. Introduction
17.0. Introduction
bidirectional clients :
17.10. Writing Bidirectional Clients
closing after forking :
17.9. Closing a Socket After Forking
connecting through firewalls :
17.18. Program: fwdport
daemon servers :
17.15. Making a Daemon Server
finding own name/address :
17.8. Finding Your Own Name and Address
forking servers :
17.11. Forking Servers
identifying machine at end :
17.7. Identifying the Other End of a Socket
logging port connection attempts :
17.17. Program: backsniff
multi-homed servers :
17.14. Writing a Multi-Homed Server
non-blocking :
17.2. Writing a TCP Server
non-forking servers :
17.13. Non-Forking Servers
pre-forking servers :
17.12. Pre-Forking Servers
restarting servers on demand :
17.16. Restarting a Server on Demand
TCP protocol
communicating over :
17.3. Communicating over TCP
writing clients :
17.1. Writing a TCP Client
writing servers :
17.2. Writing a TCP Server
UDP protocol
writing clients :
17.4. Setting Up a UDP Client
writing servers :
17.5. Setting Up a UDP Server
Unix domain
17.0. Introduction
17.6. Using UNIX Domain Sockets
soft links
: (see
symbolic links
sort( )
4.14. Sorting an Array Numerically
5.9. Sorting a Hash
sortdemo program (example)
14.6. Sorting Large DBM Files
array elements :
4.14. Sorting an Array Numerically
DBM files :
14.6. Sorting Large DBM Files
directory contents
9.0. Introduction
9.12. Program: lst
du command output :
5.16. Program: dutree
hash elements :
5.9. Sorting a Hash
mail (example subroutine) :
10.17. Program: Sorting Your Mail
pod =head1 sections :
15.19. Program: tkshufflepod
randomizing array element order :
4.17. Randomizing an Array
randomizing file line order :
8.7. Randomizing All Lines
text into columns :
4.18. Program: words
Soundex matching
1.16. Soundex Matching
: (see
specific classes
13.0. Introduction
spider (robot)
20.11. Creating a Robot
splice( )
4.11. Processing Multiple Elements of an Array
Tie::IxHash module and :
5.6. Retrieving from a Hash in Insertion Order
split( )
1.5. Processing a String One Character at a Time
8.3. Processing Every Word in a File
8.9. Processing Variable-Length Text Fields
reading records with pattern separators :
6.7. Reading Records with a Pattern Separator
sprintf( )
%c format :
1.4. Converting Between ASCII Characters and Values
comparing floating-point numbers :
2.2. Comparing Floating-Point Numbers
rounding floating-point numbers :
2.3. Rounding Floating-Point Numbers
SQL database
20.9. Creating HTML Templates
SQL queries
14.10. Executing an SQL Command Using DBI and DBD
19.7. Formatting Lists and Tables with HTML Shortcuts
srand( )
2.8. Generating Different Random Numbers
stale hyperlinks, finding
20.7. Finding Stale Links
standard filehandles
7.0. Introduction
stat( )
8.17. Testing a File for Trustworthiness
9.0. Introduction
9.1. Getting and Setting Timestamps
static data members
13.0. Introduction
13.4. Managing Class Data
static scoping
10.13. Saving Global Values
STDERR filehandle
7.0. Introduction
controlling for other programs :
16.9. Controlling the Input, Output, and Error of Another Program
reading from programs :
16.7. Reading STDERR from a Program
STDIN filehandle
7.0. Introduction
preprocessing input :
16.6. Preprocessing Input
testing for interactivity :
15.2. Testing Whether a Program Is Running Interactively
stdio library
7.0. Introduction
STDOUT filehandle
7.0. Introduction
filtering output :
16.5. Filtering Your Own Output
testing for interactivity :
15.2. Testing Whether a Program Is Running Interactively
sticky widgets
19.11. Creating Sticky Widgets
stingy matching
: (see
non-greedy pattern matching
Storable module
11.12. Copying Data Structures
13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
store( ) (Storable module)
11.13. Storing Data Structures to Disk
stream sockets
17.0. Introduction
17.11. Forking Servers
strftime( )
3.8. Printing a Date
String::Approx module
6.13. Approximate Matching
(see also
1.0. Introduction
1.8. Expanding Variables in User Input
accessing substrings :
1.1. Accessing Substrings
checking if valid numbers :
2.1. Checking Whether a String Is a Valid Number
converting ASCII and values :
1.4. Converting Between ASCII Characters and Values
converting ASCII to/from HTML :
20.4. Converting ASCII to HTML
converting case :
1.9. Controlling Case
copying and substituting :
6.1. Copying and Substituting Simultaneously
default values for :
1.2. Establishing a Default Value
duplicate words, finding :
6.16. Detecting Duplicate Words
escaping characters :
1.13. Escaping Characters
hash element indices :
5.0. Introduction
HTML text substitutions :
20.14. Program: htmlsub
interpolating functions/expression within :
1.10. Interpolating Functions and Expressions Within Strings
matching letters :
6.2. Matching Letters
matching words :
6.3. Matching Words
numeric operators with :
13.14. Overloading Operators
parsing datetime information in :
3.7. Parsing Dates and Times from Strings
plurals based on numbers :
2.18. Printing Correct Plurals
processing characters individually :
1.5. Processing a String One Character at a Time
psgrep program (example) :
1.18. Program: psgrep
reading from binary files :
8.14. Reading a String from a Binary File
reformatting paragraphs :
1.12. Reformatting Paragraphs
removing leading/trailing spaces :
1.14. Trimming Blanks from the Ends of a String
removing/extracting HTML tags :
20.6. Extracting or Removing HTML Tags
reversing elements of :
1.6. Reversing a String by Word or Character
substituting specific words :
1.17. Program: fixstyle
text color, changing :
15.5. Changing Text Color
strings program (example)
8.14. Reading a String from a Binary File
stripping whitespace
1.14. Trimming Blanks from the Ends of a String
StrNum class (example)
13.14. Overloading Operators
struct( ) (Class::Struct)
13.5. Using Classes as Structs
struct_flock( ) (lockarea)
7.22. Program: lockarea
structs, classes as
13.5. Using Classes as Structs
sub keyword
10.0. Introduction
13.0. Introduction
determining membership :
13.8. Determining Subclass Membership
inheritance and :
13.12. Solving the Data Inheritance Problem
subject, sorting mail by (example)
10.17. Program: Sorting Your Mail
submitting HTML forms
20.2. Automating Form Submission
10.0. Introduction
access arguments of :
10.1. Accessing Subroutine Arguments
built-in, overriding :
12.11. Overriding Built-In Functions
currently running, name of :
10.4. Determining Current Function Name
email sorter (example) :
10.17. Program: Sorting Your Mail
exception handling :
10.12. Handling Exceptions
localizing :
10.14. Redefining a Function
nesting :
10.16. Nesting Subroutines
passing by named parameter :
10.7. Passing by Named Parameter
passing by reference :
10.5. Passing Arrays and Hashes by Reference
private for modules :
12.4. Making Variables Private to a Module
private variables :
10.2. Making Variables Private to a Function
prototypes for functions :
10.11. Prototyping Functions
return context, detecting :
10.6. Detecting Return Context
return values
returning by reference :
10.9. Returning More Than One Array or Hash
returning failure :
10.10. Returning Failure
skipping selected :
10.8. Skipping Selected Return Values
saving global values :
10.13. Saving Global Values
trapping undefined function calls :
10.15. Trapping Undefined Function Calls with AUTOLOAD
substituting within strings
6.1. Copying and Substituting Simultaneously
substr( )
1.1. Accessing Substrings
1.1. Accessing Substrings
SUPER class
13.10. Accessing Overridden Methods
13.0. Introduction
accessing overridden methods :
13.10. Accessing Overridden Methods
inheritance and :
13.12. Solving the Data Inheritance Problem
surface copies
11.12. Copying Data Structures
surl script
20.8. Finding Fresh Links
switch statement
19.8. Redirecting to a Different Location
19.12. Writing a Multiscreen CGI Script
Symbol::qualify( )
12.5. Determining the Caller's Package
symbolic links
9.0. Introduction
duplicating directory trees :
9.11. Program: symirror
to packages :
12.13. Referring to Packages Indirectly
symirror program (example)
9.11. Program: symirror
symmetric differences of lists
4.8. Computing Union, Intersection, or Difference of Unique Lists
Sys::Hostname module
17.8. Finding Your Own Name and Address
Sys::Syslog module
17.17. Program: backsniff
syscall( )
3.9. High-Resolution Timers
sysopen( )
7.1. Opening a File
strange filenames with :
7.2. Opening Files with Unusual Filenames
sysread( )
8.0. Introduction
17.0. Introduction
sysseek( )
8.0. Introduction
system( )
16.2. Running Another Program
19.6. Executing Commands Without Shell Escapes
16.12. Sharing Variables in Different Processes
syswrite( )
8.0. Introduction
17.0. Introduction
Symbols & Numbers
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