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Index: Y

$y macro
sendmail, 18.8. Alphabetized Reference
sendmail, 31.10. Alphabetized Reference
$Y macro : sendmail, 31.10. Alphabetized Reference
y option : (see RecipientFactor (y) option)
Y option : (see ForkEachJob (Y) option)
Yellow Pages (YP)
Building Internet Firewalls, 2.9. Name Service
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Other naming services
(see also NIS/YP)
yp.conf file : TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.3. Network Information Service
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Making sure Secure RPC programs are running on every
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Spoofing NIS
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.3. Network Information Service
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Making sure Secure RPC programs are running on every
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.3. Network Information Service
ypcat command : DNS & BIND, 13.1. Is NIS Really Your Problem?
ypmatch command
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.3. Network Information Service
DNS & BIND, 13.1. Is NIS Really Your Problem?
yppasswd command
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 3.4. Changing Your Password
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 8.2. Monitoring File Format
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Spoofing NIS
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.3. Network Information Service
ypserv program : DNS & BIND, 6.4.1. Sun's SunOS 4.x
ypset command : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 19.4.5. Unintended Disclosure of Site Information with NIS
sendmail, -z specify the column delimiter (V8.7 and above)
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.3. Network Information Service

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