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Index: U

Unexpanded Entity Reference Information Items: B.7. Unexpanded Entity Reference Information Items
Unicode for internationalization: 4.1.3. Internationalization Concerns
Unicode Normalization Form C: B.3. Document Information Item
internationalizing character encodings: 4.1.3. Internationalization Concerns
universal names for attributes and elements: 2.6.2. Element and Attribute Naming with Namespaces
Universal Resource Identifier (see URI)
Universal Resource Locator (URL): 2.4.1. SAX2 Feature Flags
Universal Resource Name (see URM)
UNIX, writing XML output: Concerns when writing XML text
unknown validation behavior: 2.4.1. SAX2 Feature Flags
unmarshaling: Turning objects into SAX events
4.4. Turning SAX Events into Data Structures
unparsed entity information items: B.11. Unparsed Entity Information Items
unparsedEntityDecl( ) callback function: 4.3.2. The DTDHandler Interface
URI (Universal Resource Identifier): 2.4.1. SAX2 Feature Flags
base: B.2.2. Base URIs, xml:base, and Locator Data
defining new handlers and features: 3.3. Configuring XMLReader Behavior
filenames vs.: 3.1.3. Filenames Versus URIs
InputSource class and: Always provide absolute URIs
namespaces and: 2.6.1. What Namespaces Do to XML
URL (Universal Resource Locator): 2.4.1. SAX2 Feature Flags
URNs (Universal Resource Names): 2.4.1. SAX2 Feature Flags
FPIs (Formal Public Identifiers) and: 3.4. The EntityResolver Interface
UTF-8/16 character encoding: Concerns when writing XML text Providing entity text
B.3. Document Information Item

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