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Index: D

d attribute, pie charts and: Example: A library of trigonometric functions
data (see elements)
data model for XPath: 3.1. The XPath Data Model
data-type attribute, <xsl:sort> element and: Attributes
databases, accessing with extension element: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element
datatypes: 3.4. XPath Datatypes
B.5. Datatypes
converting to boolean values: Converting to boolean values
supported by XML DTDs: 5.1.1. The ID, IDREF, and IDREFs Datatypes
<db:accessDatabase> element: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element
<dbaccess> element: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element
declarations: XML declarations
descendant axis: Axis roll call
descendant-or-self axis: Axis roll call
of XML documents, for tutorials: 9.4. XML Document Design
procedural: Procedural design
recursive: Recursive design Recursive design
Toot-O-Matic and: 9.2. Design Goals
developerWorks web site (IBM): 9. Case Study: The Toot-O-Matic
digital signatures, specification for: XML digital signatures
disable-output-escaping attribute: D.13. How Do I Control Angle Brackets and Quote Marks in My Output?
document element
root element: An XML document must be contained in a single element
document( ) function: 7. Combining XML Documents
C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
examples of: 7.2. The document( ) Function
invoking: 7.3. Invoking the document( ) Function
sorting with: 7.4.1. The document( ) Function and Sorting
Document Object Model (see DOM)
Document Type Definitions (see DTDs)
documents (see XML documents)
does_element_exist( ) function: Example: A library of trigonometric functions
DOM (Document Object Model): 1.2.3. DOM and SAX
specification for: Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1
tree, vs. XPath conceptual tree: 3.1. The XPath Data Model
DOMit servlet: A sample DOM tree
double colon (::) used with axes: 3.2.6. Axes
double period (..) indicating parent axis: Axis roll call
double quotes (" "): D.1. How Do I Put Quotes Inside an Attribute Value?
double slash (//) operator: 3.2.5. Using Wildcards
DTDs (Document Type Definitions): Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and XML Schemas
advantages of schemas over: Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and XML Schemas
for XML, datatypes supported by: 5.1.1. The ID, IDREF, and IDREFs Datatypes

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