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Index: E

EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) encodings: Providing entity text (SAX2)
EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) grammar: 20.5. XML Document Grammar (XML in a Nutshell)
ECMAscript: 7.1. DOM and Perl (Perl & XML)
edit module (XHTML DTD): 7.3. Authoring Compound Documents with Modular XHTML (XML in a Nutshell)
editPersonalData.xslt: 6.3.1. Design (Java and XSLT)
6.3.2. XML and Stylesheets (Java and XSLT)
6.3.2. XML and Stylesheets (Java and XSLT)
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)
address class: 8.5. XSLT as a Code Generator (Java and XSLT)
dependent objects: 8.5. XSLT as a Code Generator (Java and XSLT)
XSLT, and: 4.3. XSLT and EJB (Java and XSLT)
Electric XML: 1.3.2. A Parser (Java & XML)
electronics symbols, Unicode block for: 26.3.22. Miscellaneous Technical (XML in a Nutshell)
element-available( ) function: Example: Using extension functions from multiple processors (XSLT)
C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference (XSLT)
element-available( ) (XSLT): 23.3. XSLT Functions (XML in a Nutshell)
Element class: A.4.1.6. Element (Java & XML)
setAttribute( ), JDOM: 7.2.3. Creating XML with JDOM (Java & XML)
subclassing: 8.2. JDOM and Factories (Java & XML)
Element constructor: 7.2.3. Creating XML with JDOM (Java & XML)
element content
any type: 16.8. Allowing Any Content (XML in a Nutshell)
empty elements: 16.5. Empty Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
mixed: 16.7. Mixed Content (XML in a Nutshell)
simple: 16.6. Simple Content (XML in a Nutshell)
ELEMENT declaration: 3.2. Element Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
element declarations: 3.1.1. A Simple DTD Example (XML in a Nutshell)
3.2. Element Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
abstract attribute: 16.9.1. Abstract Elements and Types (XML in a Nutshell)
complex types and: 16.4. Complex Types (XML in a Nutshell)
constructing: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
matching elements with DTD rules: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
occurrence constraints: 16.4.1. Occurrence Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
schemas and: 16.2.1. Document Organization (XML in a Nutshell)
16.2.3. Element Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
substitutionGroup attribute: 16.8.3. Substitution Groups (XML in a Nutshell)
element groups: Element and attribute groups (XML Schema)
defining: Elements (XML Schema) Elements (XML Schema)
extensibility of, using substitution groups: 12.1. Substitution Groups (XML Schema)
redefining: 8.2.2. Redefinition of Element and Attribute Groups (XML Schema)
by extension: Extension (XML Schema)
by restriction: Restriction (XML Schema)
vs. substitution groups: 12.1.3. Traditional Declarations or Substitution Groups? (XML Schema)
Element interface: A.2.1.10. Element (Java & XML)
Element interface (DOM): Element (XML in a Nutshell)
attribute for: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
methods for: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
nodeName attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
nodeValue attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
object hierarchy: 24.1. Object Hierarchy (XML in a Nutshell)
ELEMENT keyword: Elements (Java & XML)
element methods, JDOM: 8.2.1. Creating a Factory (Java & XML)
element names
matching: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
in namespaces and DTDs: 4.4. Namespaces and DTDs (XML in a Nutshell)
prefixes and: 4.2.1. Qualified Names, Prefixes, and Local Parts (XML in a Nutshell)
qualified: 20.3.4. Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
suffixes for: 3.2.4. The Number of Children (XML in a Nutshell)
unqualified: 20.3.4. Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
using choices in: 3.2.5. Choices (XML in a Nutshell)
using namespaces to resolve conflicts: 4.1. The Need for Namespaces (XML in a Nutshell)
Element node: 6.1. XML Trees (Perl & XML)
7.2.8. Element (Perl & XML)
element nodes
default template for: 8.7.2. The Default Template Rule for Element and Root Nodes (XML in a Nutshell)
XPath data model and: 22.1. The XPath Data Model (XML in a Nutshell)
element nodes (XPath): 3.1.2. Element Nodes (XSLT)
B.1.2. Element Nodes (XSLT)
element type declarations
duplicates types not allowed: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
uniqueness required for: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
element types
changed from XML 1.0 Recommendation: 3.2.3. Where Have the Element Types Gone? (XML Schema)
defining: 11.2. Defining Element Types (XML Schema)
simple vs. complex: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
xsi:type attribute and: 11.2. Defining Element Types (XML Schema)
elementDecl( ) function: 4.3.1. The DeclHandler Interface (SAX2)
element_decl method for PerlSAX DTD handlers: 5.2. DTD Handlers (Perl & XML)
elementFormDefault attribute: 10.3. To Qualify Or Not to Qualify? (XML Schema)
elementFormDefault attribute (xs:schema element): 16.3.2. Controlling Qualification (XML in a Nutshell)
ELEMENT_NODE (DOM node type) and nodeType attribute: 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
elements: Elements (Java & XML)
1.2. XML Review (Java and XSLT)
2.2. Markup, Elements, and Structure (Perl & XML)
2.3.2. Example: Elements and Text (SAX2)
attributes: Attributes (Java & XML)
attributes and: 2.3. Attributes (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
calculating the value of: 8.5. Calculating the Value of an Element with xsl:value-of (XML in a Nutshell)
case sensitivity: Elements (Java & XML)
case sensitivity in: 0.. Conventions Used in This Book (XML in a Nutshell) Case sensitivity (XML in a Nutshell)
child vs. parent: 3.3.6. Element Data (Java & XML)
complete reference to: A. XSLT Reference (XSLT)
complex types: 16.4. Complex Types (XML in a Nutshell)
consolidation of opening and closing tags: Elements (Java & XML)
controlling derivations: 12.2.2. Elements (XML Schema)
controlling placement of: 16.7.2. Controlling Element Placement (XML in a Nutshell)
converting attributes to: D.2. How Do I Convert All Attributes to Elements? (XSLT)
creating classified lists of: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
data contained in: 3.3.6. Element Data (Java & XML)
declaring: 2.10. Declaring Elements and Attributes (Perl & XML)
globally: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
locally: 3.1. Working From the Structure of the Instance Document (XML Schema)
3.2.2. Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design (XML Schema)
using xs:ID and xs:IDREF types: 9.1. and (XML Schema)
documents and: 2.2. Elements, Tags, and Character Data (XML in a Nutshell)
empty1.2.2. XML Syntax (Java and XSLT) Elements (Java & XML) Empty elements (XML in a Nutshell)
enforcing uniqueness: 16.9.4. Uniqueness and Keys (XML in a Nutshell)
entity references in: 2.5. Entity References (XML in a Nutshell)
foreign attributes accepted by: 14.3. Foreign Attributes (XML Schema)
global (see global elements)
grouping: 6. Sorting and Grouping Elements (XSLT)
6.2. Grouping Nodes (XSLT)
Information Items: B.4. Element Information Items (SAX2)
JDOM, creation with: 7.2.3. Creating XML with JDOM (Java & XML)
linking: 5. Creating Links and Cross-References (XSLT)
listing, how to guide for: D.3. How Do I List All the Elements in an XML Document? (XSLT)
location steps: 9.2.2. Child Element Location Steps (XML in a Nutshell)
22.3. Location Paths (XML in a Nutshell)
mandatory closure: Elements (Java & XML)
matching multiple: 9.2.6. Multiple Matches with | (XML in a Nutshell)
matching names: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
minOccurs/maxOccurs attributes: 16.4.1. Occurrence Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
mixed content of: 2.2.3. Mixed Content (XML in a Nutshell)
naming: 2.6.1. What Namespaces Do to XML (SAX2)
with namespaces: 2.6.2. Element and Attribute Naming with Namespaces (SAX2)
naming conventions: Elements (Java & XML)
in narrative-oriented documents: 6.2. Narrative Document Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
overlapping not allowed: Parents and children (XML in a Nutshell)
prefixes and namespaces: 6.2. Namespaces (Java & XML)
Q names: 3.3.5. Element Callbacks (Java & XML)
reference guide of: 15. Elements Reference Guide (XML Schema)
root elements: The root element (Java & XML)
rules governing: An XML document must be contained in a single element (XSLT)
SAX callbacks: 3.3.5. Element Callbacks (Java & XML)
of schemas: 21.2. Schema Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
sorting: 6. Sorting and Grouping Elements (XSLT)
using <xsl:sort> element: 6.1. Sorting Data with <xsl:sort> (XSLT)
types: 2.2. Markup, Elements, and Structure (Perl & XML)
vs. attributes: Attributes (Java & XML)
vs. tags: Tags versus elements (XSLT)
XML specification for: 20.3.3. Document Body (XML in a Nutshell)
email panel (tutorials): 9.3.5. Email Panel (XSLT)
<Emphasis>Learning Perl, Third Edition<Default Para Font>: 0.1. Assumptions (Perl & XML)
<Emphasis>Namespaces in XML<Default Para Font>: 10. Controlling Namespaces (XML Schema)
empty content models: 2.2. Our First Schema (XML Schema)
creating: 7.6.1. Creation of Empty Content Models (XML Schema)
defining: 7.7. Back to Our Library (XML Schema)
derivation by extension: Derivation by extension (XML Schema)
derivation by restriction: Derivation by restriction (XML Schema)
simple vs. complex types for: 7.6.3. Simple or Complex Content Models for Empty Content Models? (XML Schema)
vs. null elements: 11.3. Defining Nil (Null) Values (XML Schema)
empty elements: Empty elements (XML in a Nutshell)
in element declarations: 3.2.8. Empty Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
NOTATION attributes not available for: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
schemas and: 16.5. Empty Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
web browser problems with: Empty elements (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.3. Document Body (XML in a Nutshell)
EMPTY keyword: Elements (Java & XML)
emptyTag( ) Writer method: 3.8. XML::Writer (Perl & XML)
empty templates: 3.5.3. Transforming Elements and Attributes (Java and XSLT)
encoding conversions: 3.9.4. Encoding Conversion (Perl & XML)
encoding declaration: 2.9.1. encoding (XML in a Nutshell)
5.2. The Encoding Declaration (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
encodeURL( ): 8.2.1. Servlet Session-Tracking API (Java and XSLT)
encoding, SOAP: 12.1.2. Encoding (Java & XML)
encodings (character): 2.6. Unicode, Character Sets, and Encodings (Perl & XML)
3.9. Character Sets and Encodings (Perl & XML)
encodings, datatypes for: Binary string-encoded datatypes (XML Schema)
encodings, list of: 5.4. XML-Defined Character Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
Encryption, XML: 1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
end( ) Writer methods: 3.8. XML::Writer (Perl & XML)
end-point( ): 11.6. Points (XML in a Nutshell)
end-tags: 2.2. Elements, Tags, and Character Data (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.3. Document Body (XML in a Nutshell)
end_cdata( ) event handler: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML) Lexical event handlers (Perl & XML)
endCDATA( ) function: 4.2. The LexicalHandler Interface (SAX2)
endDocument( ): 3.3.2. The Beginning and the End of a Document (Java & XML)
end_document( ) event handler: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML) Content event handlers (Perl & XML)
endDocument( ) function: Turning CSV files into SAX events (SAX2)
4.1.1. Other ContentHandler Methods (SAX2)
endDocument( ) (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
end_dtd( ) method: Lexical event handlers (Perl & XML)
endDTD( ) function: 4.2. The LexicalHandler Interface (SAX2)
end_element( ) event handler: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML) Content event handlers (Perl & XML)
endElement( ) function: 2.3.2. Example: Elements and Text (SAX2)
2.3.4. Essential ContentHandler Callbacks (SAX2)
2.6.4. ContentHandler and Prefix Mappings (SAX2)
endElement( ) (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
using filters with: 19.3. Filters (XML in a Nutshell)
end_entity( ) event handler: Lexical event handlers (Perl & XML)
endEntity( ) function: 4.2. The LexicalHandler Interface (SAX2)
ending resources: 10.1. Simple Links (XML in a Nutshell)
end_prefix_mapping( ) method: Content event handlers (Perl & XML)
endPrefixMapping( ) function: 2.6.3. Namespace Feature Flags (SAX2)
2.6.4. ContentHandler and Prefix Mappings (SAX2)
3.3.2. XMLReader Feature Flags (SAX2)
endPrefixMapping( ) (SAX): 19.1. The ContentHandler Interface (XML in a Nutshell)
endTag( ) Writer method: 3.8. XML::Writer (Perl & XML)
English, Joe: Unique Particle Attribution Rule (XML Schema)
enterprise applications and XML: 15.1.1. Mixed Environments (XML in a Nutshell)
entities: Entities (Java & XML)
1.6. XML Gotchas (Perl & XML)
2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
DocumentType class (DOM): Properties (Perl & XML)
external parsed: 3.5. External Parsed General Entities (XML in a Nutshell)
text declarations and: 5.3. Text Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
external resolution: 5.3. External Entity Resolution (Perl & XML)
external unparsed: 3.6. External Unparsed Entities and Notations (XML in a Nutshell)
declaring notations: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
parameter (see parameter entity references)
parsers and: 3.1. XML Parsers (Perl & XML)
resolve_entity( ) module and: Entity resolver (Perl & XML)
well formed documents, checking: 3.1.1. Example (of What Not to Do): A Well-Formedness Checker (Perl & XML)
ENTITIES attribute: 4.3.1. The DeclHandler Interface (SAX2)
unparsedEntityDecl( ) and: 4.3.2. The DTDHandler Interface (SAX2)
entities attribute (DocumentType interface): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
ENTITIES attribute type: ENTITIES (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
ENTITY attribute: 4.3.1. The DeclHandler Interface (SAX2)
unparsedEntityDecl( ) and: 4.3.2. The DTDHandler Interface (SAX2)
ENTITY attribute type: ENTITY (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
embedding unparsed entities in documents: 3.6.2. Embedding Unparsed Entities in Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
unparsed entities in DTD and: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
ENTITY declaration: 3.4. General Entity Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
absent from entity references: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
entity handling: Interning and entities (Java & XML)
Entity interface: A.2.1.11. Entity (Java & XML)
Entity interface (DOM): Entity (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
attributes for: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
nodeName attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
nodeValue attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
object hierarchy: 24.1. Object Hierarchy (XML in a Nutshell)
ENTITY keyword: Entities (Java & XML)
Entity node: 6.1. XML Trees (Perl & XML)
7.2.14. EntityReference (Perl & XML)
entity references: Entity references and constants (Java & XML)
3.1. XML Parsers (Perl & XML)
2.5. Entity References (XML in a Nutshell)
2.5. Entity References (XML in a Nutshell)
3.4. General Entity Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
3. XPath: A Syntax for Describing Needles and Haystacks (XSLT)
attribute values and external entities: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
JDOM builders, expansion under: 8.1.2. The EntityRef Class (Java & XML)
LexicalHandler interface and: 25.4. The org.xml.sax.ext Package (XML in a Nutshell)
loopholes in XML specification: 17.2.1. What You Get Is Not What You Saw (XML in a Nutshell)
simplifying document parsing: 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
unparsed entity names not allowed: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
web browser problems with: Entity references (XML in a Nutshell)
with no entity declarations: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
XHTML 1.1 DTD: 7.3.1. Mixing XHTML into Your Applications (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.3.1. Global Syntax Structures (XML in a Nutshell)
entity sets
HTML 4.0: 26.2. HTML4 Entity Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
XHTML 1.0 DTD: 5.10. Character References (XML in a Nutshell)
26.2. HTML4 Entity Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
entity_decl method for PerlSAX DTD handlers: 5.2. DTD Handlers (Perl & XML)
ENTITY_NODE (DOM node type) and nodeType attribute: 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
EntityRef class: 8.1.2. The EntityRef Class (Java & XML)
A.4.1.7. EntityRef (Java & XML)
EntityReference class: 7.2.14. EntityReference (Perl & XML)
EntityReference interface: A.2.1.12. EntityReference (Java & XML)
EntityReference interface (DOM): EntityReference (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
nodeName attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
nodeValue attribute and: 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
object hierarchy: 24.1. Object Hierarchy (XML in a Nutshell)
entity_reference SAX method: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML)
ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE (DOM node type) and nodeType attribute: 18.3. Node and Other Generic Interfaces (XML in a Nutshell)
24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
EntityResolver interface: 3.3. Content Handlers (Java & XML)
4.2.1. Using an EntityResolver (Java & XML)
A.1.1.6. EntityResolver (Java & XML)
3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
3.3.2. XMLReader Feature Flags (SAX2)
3.4. The EntityResolver Interface (SAX2)
A.1.6. The EntityResolver Interface (SAX2)
InputSource objects, creating with: Providing entity text (SAX2)
EntityResolver interface (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
EntityResolver objects: 6.3. Including Subdocuments (SAX2)
enumerated values in attributeDecl( ): 4.3.1. The DeclHandler Interface (SAX2)
enumerateItem( ): 15.2.2. Source Generation (Java & XML)
enumeration attribute type: Enumeration (XML in a Nutshell)
20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
assigning a value to: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
vs. NOTATION attribute type: NOTATION (XML in a Nutshell)
enumeration facet element: Enumerations (XML in a Nutshell)
21.2. Schema Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
envelope, SOAP: 12.1.1. The Envelope (Java & XML)
equals( ): 8.1.3. The Namespace Class (Java & XML)
equalsNode( ): 6.4.2. Node Comparisons (Java & XML)
Ericsson WapIDE: 10.1. Wireless Technologies (Java and XSLT)
error( ) exception handler: Error event handlers and catching exceptions (Perl & XML)
error checking/handling, functions for: Example: A library of trigonometric functions (XSLT)
error handlers for SAX: 5.7.2. SAX2 Handler Interface (Perl & XML)
error handling: 1.2.1. Stream-Based Processing (SAX2)
2.4. Producer-Side Validation (SAX2)
diagnostics and: 2.5.3. Errors and Diagnostics (SAX2)
producer-side validation and: 2.4.2. Handling Validity Errors (SAX2)
error handling, SOAP: 12.4.2. Better Error Handling (Java & XML)
error messages and schema extensions: B.3.3. Schema Extensions: Error Messages (XML Schema)
error( ) method: 2.5.2. ErrorHandler Interface (SAX2)
ErrorHandler class: 2.2.1. How Do the Parts Fit Together? (SAX2)
2.5.2. ErrorHandler Interface (SAX2)
2.5.2. ErrorHandler Interface (SAX2)
2.5.3. Errors and Diagnostics (SAX2)
3.1.1. The XMLReader Interface (SAX2)
A.1.7. The ErrorHandler Interface (SAX2)
Locator class and: 4.1.2. The Locator Interface (SAX2)
producer-side validation, handling errors: 2.4.2. Handling Validity Errors (SAX2)
ErrorHandler interface: 3.4. Error Handlers (Java & XML)
A.1.1.7. ErrorHandler (Java & XML)
ErrorHandler interface (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
ErrorHandler object: 6.3. Including Subdocuments (SAX2)
ErrorHandler.error( ) function: 2.6.3. Namespace Feature Flags (SAX2)
ErrorListener interface: Working with the factory (Java & XML)
A.3.2.1. ErrorListener (Java & XML)
document not well-formed: 3.4.4. Breaking the Data (Java & XML)
during parsing: 3.3.2. The Beginning and the End of a Document (Java & XML)
ErrorHandler interface (SAX): 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
fatal and non-fatal: 3.4.2. Nonfatal Errors (Java & XML)
SAXException class and: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
validity: 1.3. How XML Works (XML in a Nutshell)
3. Document Type Definitions (DTDs) (XML in a Nutshell)
3.1.4. Validating a Document (XML in a Nutshell)
version of XML and: 3.4.4. Breaking the Data (Java & XML)
well-formedness: 1.3. How XML Works (XML in a Nutshell)
2.10. Checking Documents for Well-Formedness (XML in a Nutshell)
3. Document Type Definitions (DTDs) (XML in a Nutshell)
errors, detecting using validation: 1.1.1. Validation (XML Schema)
escape character (\): 6.2. The Simplest Possible Patterns (XML Schema)
special characters: 6.4.1. Special Characters (XML Schema)
user-defined character classes: User-defined character classes (XML Schema)
escape sequences: 2.5. Entity References (XML in a Nutshell)
escaping characters: Entity references and constants (Java & XML)
EUC-JP encoding: 5.4. XML-Defined Character Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
26. Character Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
eval block, using XML::Parser module: 3.2.1. Example: Well-Formedness Checker Revisited (Perl & XML)
event-based parsers: 17.1.2. Treating XML as Events (XML in a Nutshell)
event handlers (see handlers)
event pipelines: Event pipelines (SAX2)
event processing (parser): 3.3. Stream-Based Versus Tree-Based Processing (Perl & XML)
stream parsing styles and: 3.2.2. Parsing Styles (Perl & XML)
event producers: 3.1. Pull Mode Event Production with XMLReader (SAX2)
B.1. Event Producer Issues (SAX2)
defining custom: 1.2.1. Stream-Based Processing (SAX2)
DOM-to-SAX: 3.5.1. DOM-to-SAX Event Production (and DOM4J, JDOM) (SAX2)
push modes: 3.5.2. Push Mode Event Production (SAX2)
event streams: 4. Event Streams (Perl & XML)
applications: 4.4. Stream Applications (Perl & XML)
handlers: 4.2. Events and Handlers (Perl & XML)
working with: 4.1. Working with Streams (Perl & XML)
XML processing strategies and: 3.3. Stream-Based Versus Tree-Based Processing (Perl & XML)
XML::Parser module and: 4.6. XML::Parser (Perl & XML)
event streams, producing: 3.5.3. Producing Well-Formed Event Streams (SAX2)
EventConsumer interface: 4.5.4. The gnu.xml.pipeline Framework (SAX2)
events: 4.2. Events and Handlers (Perl & XML)
4. Consuming SAX2 Events (SAX2)
consumer issues: B.2. Event Consumer Issues (SAX2)
CSV files, turning into: Turning CSV files into SAX events (SAX2)
custom data structures, turning into: 4.4.4. Turning SAX Events into Custom Data Structures (SAX2)
data structures, turning into: 4.4. Turning SAX Events into Data Structures (SAX2)
DOM trees, turning into: Turning DOM trees into SAX events (SAX2)
objects, turning into: Turning objects into SAX events (SAX2)
pipelines: 4.5. XML Pipelines (SAX2)
XMLFilterImpl class and: 4.5.1. The XMLFilterImpl Class (SAX2)
Events module: Events (Java & XML)
eventsSorted, boolean member variable: 11.3.1. A Shared Handler (Java & XML)
databases, accessing with extension elements: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element (XSLT)
document( ) function, using: 7.2. The document( ) Function (XSLT)
extensions, writing in various scripting languages: Example: Writing extensions in other languages (XSLT)
JPEG files, generating: 8.3.1. Generating JPEG Files from XML Content (XSLT)
multiple output files, generating: Example: Generating multiple output files (XSLT)
postal addresses
grouping: 6.2.1. Our First Attempt (XSLT)
sorting: 6.1.1. Our First Example (XSLT)
6.1.3. Another Example (XSLT)
"Hello World" sample document, converting into various formats: 2. The Obligatory Hello World Example (XSLT)
recursion, using: 4.6. Using Recursion to Do Most Anything (XSLT)
stylesheet emulating for loop: 4.7. A Stylesheet That Emulates a for Loop (XSLT)
stylesheet-generating stylesheet with for loop emulation: 4.8. A Stylesheet That Generates a Stylesheet That Emulates a for Loop (XSLT)
trigonometric functions, writing extension for: Example: A library of trigonometric functions (XSLT)
Examplotron schema language: A.3.5. Examplotron (XML Schema)
1.1. The Benefits of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
sample application: A.9. Examplotron (XML Schema)
Excel spreadsheets, converting to XML: 5.4. Drivers for Non-XML Sources (Perl & XML)
exception handling: 2.5. Exception Handling (SAX2)
classes: 2.5.1. SAX2 Exception Classes (SAX2)
ExceptionCodes (DOM): 24.2. Object Reference (XML in a Nutshell)
exceptions: 25.1. The org.xml.sax Package (XML in a Nutshell)
1.2.2. XML Document Rules (XSLT)
exceptions, catching: Namespaces (Java & XML)
exclude-result-prefixes: 10.3.4. WAP and XML (Java & XML)
Exolab FTP site: 15.2.1. Installation (Java & XML)
expanded deployment descriptor: 6.3.4. Deployment (Java and XSLT)
expandEntities flag: 8.1.2. The EntityRef Class (Java & XML)
expat parser and support for character encodings: 26. Character Sets (XML in a Nutshell)
Expat parser library: 3.2. XML::Parser (Perl & XML)
using parsers and: 3.4. Putting Parsers to Work (Perl & XML)
expression operators: B.4.3. Expression Operators (XSLT)
expressions, XPath: 3. XPath: A Syntax for Describing Needles and Haystacks (XSLT)
EXSLT project: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element (XSLT)
Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) grammar: 20.5. XML Document Grammar (XML in a Nutshell)
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) encodings: Providing entity text (SAX2)
Extended Interfaces (DOM Core): 18.2. Structure of the DOM Core (XML in a Nutshell)
extended links: 10.4. Extended Links (XML in a Nutshell)
arc elements: 10.4.2. Arcs (XML in a Nutshell)
local resources: 10.4.3. Local Resources (XML in a Nutshell)
locator elements: 10.4.1. Locators (XML in a Nutshell)
title elements: 10.4.4. Title Elements (XML in a Nutshell)
XPointers and: 11.2. XPointers in Links (XML in a Nutshell)
Extensible Linking Language (XLink): 0.. What This Book Covers (XML in a Nutshell)
1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
Extensible Markup Language (see XML)
1.1. Why Use Perl with XML? (Perl & XML)
1. The Simple API for XML (SAX2)
1.2. XML Basics (XSLT)
extensible schemas: 13. Creating Extensible Schemas (XML Schema)
Extensible Stylesheet Language (see XSL)
Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations (see XSLT)
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (see XSLT)
6.6. Transformation and Presentation (XML in a Nutshell)
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL): 1.4. The Evolution of XML (XML in a Nutshell)
extension, derivation by (see derivation methods, by extension)
extension elements: 8.1. Extension Elements, Extension Functions, and Fallback Processing (XSLT)
8.1. Extension Elements, Extension Functions, and Fallback Processing (XSLT)
(see also extensions for XSLT)
databases, accessing with: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element (XSLT)
defining for processors: Example: Using extension functions from multiple processors (XSLT)
efforts to standardize: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element (XSLT)
multiple XSLT processors and: Example: Using extension functions from multiple processors (XSLT)
extension functions: Solution #4: Use an extension function (XSLT)
8.1. Extension Elements, Extension Functions, and Fallback Processing (XSLT)
8.1.2. Extension Functions (XSLT)
8.1.2. Extension Functions (XSLT)
(see also extensions for XSLT)
efforts to standardize: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element (XSLT)
JPEG files and: 8.3.1. Generating JPEG Files from XML Content (XSLT)
writing in various scripting languages: Example: Writing extensions in other languages (XSLT)
extensions directory, adding to when installing SAX 2.0: 1.7. Installing a SAX2 Parser (SAX2)
extensions for XSLT: 8. Extending XSLT (XSLT)
efforts to standardize: 8.3.2. Accessing a Database with an Extension Element (XSLT)
extensions, schema: B.3.3. Schema Extensions: Error Messages (XML Schema)
extent attributes (XSL-FO): 13.3. Laying Out the Master Pages (XML in a Nutshell)
external declarations
including: Including external declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
modifying: Modifying external declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
external DTD subsets: 3.1.3. Internal DTD Subsets (XML in a Nutshell)
general entity references and: 5.10. Character References (XML in a Nutshell)
parameter entity references and: 3.7.1. Parameter Entity Syntax (XML in a Nutshell)
text declarations and: 5.3. Text Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
XML specification for: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
external entity resolution: 5.3. External Entity Resolution (Perl & XML)
external general entities: 20.2. Annotated Sample Documents (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
parsed: 3.5. External Parsed General Entities (XML in a Nutshell)
attribute values and: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
no recursion allowed: 20.4.1. Well-Formedness Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
SAX core feature: 25.3. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
text declarations and: 5.3. Text Declarations (XML in a Nutshell)
unparsed: 3.6. External Unparsed Entities and Notations (XML in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. DTD (Document Type Definition) (XML in a Nutshell)
declaring notations: 20.4.2. Validity Constraints (XML in a Nutshell)
external-parameter-entities: Interning and entities (Java & XML)
external parameter entity references: 3.7.3. External DTD Subsets (XML in a Nutshell)
SAX core feature: 25.3. SAX Features and Properties (XML in a Nutshell)
external parsed entities, using instead of xs:include and xs:reference: 8.3.1. External Parsed Entities (XML Schema)
external subsets: 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
4.2. The LexicalHandler Interface (SAX2)
externalEntityDecl( ) callback function: 4.3.1. The DeclHandler Interface (SAX2)
extractContents( ): 6.3.3. Range (Java & XML)

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