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Index: D

d character class: Classical Perl character classes
datatypes: 4. Using Predefined Simple Datatypes
(see also entries under xs:)
adding constraints on: 5.5. Back to Our Library
applying new restrictions to: 5.1.2. Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute
complex (see complex datatypes)
date: 4.5. Date and Time Datatypes
decimal: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
facets for: Decimals
float: 4.4.2. Float Datatypes
lexical and value spaces: 4.1. Lexical and Value Spaces
list (see list datatypes)
numeric: 4.4. Numeric Datatypes
facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
predefined: 4. Using Predefined Simple Datatypes
used in schemas: 4.8. Back to Our Library
reference guide of: 16. Datatype Reference Guide
restricting: Derivation by restriction
simple (see simple datatypes)
string: 4.3. String Datatypes
time: 4.5. Date and Time Datatypes
date datatypes: 4.5. Date and Time Datatypes
constraining when no time zones are needed: 6.6. Back to Our Library
facets for: Date and time datatypes
regular expressions and: 6.5.3. Datetimes
datetime datatypes (see date datatypes time datatypes)
DCD (Document Content Description for XML) proposal: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family
DDML (Document Definition Markup Language or XSchema) proposal: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family
decimal datatypes, facets for: Decimals
decimal types: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
declarations, namespace: 10.2. Namespace Declarations
default namespaces: 10.1. Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages
importing schemas with no namespaces: 10.9. Importing Schemas with No Namespaces
not applied to
attributes: 10.3. To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
10.4. Disruptive Attributes
XPath expressions: 10.5. Namespaces and XPath Expressions
using target namespaces as: 10.3. To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
derivation methods: 5. Creating Simple Datatypes
asymmetry of: Asymmetry of these two methods
controlling usage of: 12.2. Controlling Derivations
by extension
of complex content complex types: Derivation by extension
7.7. Back to Our Library
of empty content complex types: Derivation by extension
of mixed content complex types: Derivation by extension
of simple content complex types: Derivation by extension
importance of order: 5.4.1. Beware of the Order
by list: 5.2. Derivation By List
by restriction: 5.1. Derivation By Restriction
of complex content complex types: Derivation by restriction
7.7. Back to Our Library
11.2.2. Defining Complex Types Restricting substitution groups
of empty content complex types: Derivation by restriction
of mixed content complex types: Derivation by restriction
of simple content complex types: Derivation by restriction
by union: 5.3. Derivation By Union
11.2.1. Defining Simple Types
deterministic content models: Unique Particle Attribution Rule
Document Content Description for XML (DCD) proposal: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family
Document Definition Markup Language or XSchema (DDML) proposal: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family
Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL): B.2. ISO: DSDL
Document Type Definitions (DTDs): 1.2. W3C XML Schema
A.3.1. The DTD Family
sample application: A.5. XML DTDs
schemas: 14. Documenting Schemas
XML vocabularies: 1.1.2. Documentation
DOM Level 3 specification, W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.2. DOM
DSDL (Document Schema Definition Language): B.2. ISO: DSDL
DTDs (Document Type Definitions): 1.2. W3C XML Schema
A.3.1. The DTD Family
sample application: A.5. XML DTDs
Dublin Core elements, allowed in schema annotations: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
duration, datatype for: 4.5.2. Datatypes

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