Index: X
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Index: X
- XDR (XML-Data-Reduced) proposal: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family
- XDuce programming language: A.3.3. The RELAX NG Family
- Xerces Native Interface (XNI): B.3.2. APIs
- XForms specification: 1.1.5. Guided Editing
- XHTML, allowed in schema annotations: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- XInclude specification
- using instead of xs:include and xs:reference: 8.3.2. XInclude
- W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.1. XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
- XLink specification
- attributes: 10.7.2. XLink Attributes
- foreign attributes accepted by: 14.3. Foreign Attributes
- linking resources in schema annotations: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.1. XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
- xlink:href attribute: 10.7. Schemas for XML, XML Base and XLink
- XML 1.0 comments: 14.4. XML 1.0 Comments
- XML 1.0 namespace: 10.7.1. XML Attributes
- XML attributes: 10.7.1. XML Attributes
- XML Data Binding Resources: 1.1.4. Data Binding
- XML-Data proposal: 1.2. W3C XML Schema
- A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family
- XML-Data-Reduced (XDR) proposal: A.3.2. The W3C XML Schema Family
- XML documents
- binding
- data: 1.1.4. Data Binding
- early vs. late: A.1.4. Early Binding Tools
- guided editing: 1.1.5. Guided Editing
- open schemas and: 13.2. The Need for Open Schemas
- querying support for: 1.1.3. Querying Support
- validating: 1.1.1. Validation
- 2.3.2. W3C XML Schema Is Both About Structure and Datatyping
- XML schema languages: A.1. What Is a XML Schema Language?
- challenges presented by namespaces to: 10.1. Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages
- classifying: A.2. Classification of XML Schema Languages
- history of: A.3. A Short History of XML Schema Languages
- modeling tools: A.1.3. Intrusive Modeling Tools
- open vs. closed: A.1.2. Firewalls Against Diversity
- sample applications: A.4. Sample Application
- XML vocabularies, documenting: 1.1.2. Documentation
- xml:base attribute: 10.7.1. XML Attributes
- xml:lang attribute: 10.7.1. XML Attributes
- xml:space attribute: 10.7.1. XML Attributes
- XNI (Xerces Native Interface): B.3.2. APIs
- XPath specification
- embedded Schematron rules and: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- identity checks: 9.2. XPath-Based Identity Checks
- namespaces and: 10.5. Namespaces and XPath Expressions
- permitted XPath expressions: 9.2.5. Permitted XPath Expressions
- querying support and: 1.1.3. Querying Support
- W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.1. XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
- XPointer specification: 8.3.2. XInclude
- W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.1. XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
- XQuery specification: 1.1.3. Querying Support
- W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.1. XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
- xs:all (outside a group): 15.1. Datatypes
- adapting document structures to constraints of: Adapting the structure of your document
- limitations of: Limitations of xs:all
- role as compositor: Compositors and particles
- 12.1.1. Using a "Traditional" Group
- using xs:choice (outside a group) instead: Using xs:choice instead of xs:all
- xs:all (within a group): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:annotation element: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:any element: 10.11. Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
- 11.1. Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
- 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:anyAttribute element: 10.11. Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
- 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:anyType type: Using substitution groups
- xs:anyURI type: URIs
- 16.1. Datatypes
- constraining strings with regular expressions: URIs
- xs:appinfo element: 13.2.2. Wildcards
- 15.1. Datatypes
- schema adornments and: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- source attribute and: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- xs:annotation element and: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- xs:attribute (global definition): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:attribute (reference or local definition): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:attributeGroup (global definition): Element and attribute groups
- 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:attributeGroup (reference): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:base64Binary type: Binary string-encoded datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:boolean type: 4.4.3.
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Booleans
- xs:byte type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:choice (outside a group): 15.1. Datatypes
- avoiding use of, when redefining groups: Extension
- complex content, deriving by extension: Derivation by extension
- compositors and particles: Compositors and particles
- creating, using substitution groups: 12.1. Substitution Groups
- derivation by restriction: Restricting substitution groups
- extending, through group redefinitions: Extension of xs:choice through group redefinitions
- using instead of xs:all (outside a group): Using xs:choice instead of xs:all
- xs:choice (within a group): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:complexContent element: 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:complexType (global definition): 3.2.1. Depth Versus Modularity?
- 15.1. Datatypes
- creating
- complex content models: 7.4.1. Creation of Complex Content
- mixed content models: 7.5.1. Creating Mixed Content Models
- vs. xs:simpleType (global definition): 5. Creating Simple Datatypes
- xs:complexType (local definition): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:date type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:dateTime type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:decimal type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Decimals
- xs:documentation element: 15.1. Datatypes
- source attribute and: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- xs:annotation element and: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- xs:double type: 4.4.2. Float Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Float datatypes
- xs:duration type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- defining datatypes with complete sort order: Time zones
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:element (global definition): 2.2. Our First Schema
- 15.1. Datatypes
- compositors and particles: Compositors and particles
- creating complex contents: 7.4.1. Creation of Complex Content
- xs:element (reference or local definition): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:element (within xs:all): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:ENTITIES type: 4.6. List Types
- 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: List datatypes
- xs:ENTITY type: Tokenss
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:enumeration facet: 15.1. Datatypes
- date and time datatypes:
- float datatypes:
- list datatypes and: 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- patterns and: 6.2. The Simplest Possible Patterns
- union datatype and: 5.3. Derivation By Union
- whitespace-collapsed strings:
- xs:extension (complex content): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:extension (simple content): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:field element: 15.1. Datatypes
- permitted XPath expressions: 9.2.5. Permitted XPath Expressions
- xs:float type: 4.4.2. Float Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Float datatypes
- xs:fractionDigits facet:
- 15.1. Datatypes
- fixing maximum number of digits: Fixed format
- xs:gDay type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:gMonth type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:gMonthDay type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:group (definition): 3.2.1. Depth Versus Modularity?
- 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:group (reference): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:gYear type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:gYearMonth type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:hexBinary type: Binary string-encoded datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:ID type: Tokenss
- 9.1. and
- 16.1. Datatypes
- vs. xs:key/xs:keyref elements: 9.3. ID/IDREF Versus /
- XPath-based identity checks for: 9.2. XPath-Based Identity Checks
- xs:IDREF type: Tokenss
- 9.1. and
- 16.1. Datatypes
- vs. xs:key/xs:keyref elements: 9.3. ID/IDREF Versus /
- XPath-based identity checks for: 9.2. XPath-Based Identity Checks
- xs:IDREFS type: 4.6. List Types
- 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- 9.1. and
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: List datatypes
- xs:import element: 10.6. Referencing Other Namespaces
- 15.1. Datatypes
- namespace behavior of imported components: 10.8. Namespace Behavior of Imported Components
- splitting schema components: 13.1.3. Splitting Schema Components
- xs:include element: 15.1. Datatypes
- alternatives to: 8.3. Other Alternatives
- schema inclusions and: 8.1. Schema Inclusion
- splitting schema components: 13.1.3. Splitting Schema Components
- target namespaces and: 10.10. Chameleon Design
- xsi:nil attribute: 11.3. Defining Nil (Null) Values
- xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute: 11.1. Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
- xs:int type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:integer type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xsi:schemaLocation attribute: 11.1. Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
- xsi:type attribute: 11.2. Defining Element Types
- block attribute and: Block attribute
- creating open schemas: 13.2.1. xsi:type
- xs:key/xs:keyref elements: 9.2.3. Keys
- 15.1. Datatypes
- as co-occurrence constraints: 9.4. Using and As Co-occurrence Constraints
- defining prefixes for namespaces: 10.5. Namespaces and XPath Expressions
- vs. xs:ID/xs:IDREF types: 9.3. ID/IDREF Versus /
- xs:language type: Tokenss
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:length facet:
- 15.1. Datatypes
- adding constraints on datatypes: 5.5. Back to Our Library
- list datatypes and: 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- redefining not allowed: Facet that cannot be changed
- xs:list element: 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:long type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- XSLT specification
- embedding code snippets in schema annotations: 14.2. The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
- querying support and: 1.1.3. Querying Support
- W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.1. XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
- xs:maxExclusive facet: 15.1. Datatypes
- date and time datatypes:
- float datatypes:
- xs:maxInclusive facet: 15.1. Datatypes
- date and time datatypes:
- float datatypes:
- xs:maxLength facet:
- 15.1. Datatypes
- changing behavior of facets: 5.4.2. Using or Abusing Lists to Change the Behavior of Length Constraining Facets
- list datatypes and: 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- xs:minExclusive facet: 15.1. Datatypes
- date and time datatypes:
- float datatypes:
- xs:minInclusive facet: 15.1. Datatypes
- date and time datatypes:
- float datatypes:
- xs:minLength facet:
- 15.1. Datatypes
- changing behavior of facets: 5.4.2. Using or Abusing Lists to Change the Behavior of Length Constraining Facets
- list datatypes and: 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- xs:Name type: Tokenss
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:NCName type: Tokenss
- 9.1. and
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:negativeInteger type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:NMTOKEN type: Tokenss
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:NMTOKENS type: 4.6. List Types
- 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: List datatypes
- xs:nonNegativeInteger type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:nonPositiveInteger type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:normalizedString type: 4.2. Whitespace Processing
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Other strings
- xs:notation element: 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:NOTATION type: Notations
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:enumeration facet and:
- xs:pattern facet: 6.2. The Simplest Possible Patterns
- 15.1. Datatypes
- booleans and:
- character classes and: 6.4.3. Character Classes
- date and time datatypes:
- float datatypes:
- performing intersection of lexical spaces: Facet that performs the intersection of the lexical spaces
- quantifiers and: 6.3. Quantifying
- union datatype and: 5.3. Derivation By Union
- whitespace-collapsed strings:
- wildcard character and: 6.4.2. Wildcard
- xs:positiveInteger type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:QName type: Qualified names
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:redefine element: 15.1. Datatypes
- alternatives to: 8.3. Other Alternatives
- attribute/element groups
- by extension: Extension
- by restriction: Restriction
- extending xs:choice (outside a group): Extension of xs:choice through group redefinitions
- simple/complex types: 8.2.1. Redefining of Simple and Complex Types
- splitting schema components: 13.1.3. Splitting Schema Components
- target namespaces and: 10.10. Chameleon Design
- xs:restriction (complex content): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:restriction (simple content): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:restriction (simple type): 5.1. Derivation By Restriction
- 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:schema element: 15.1. Datatypes
- blockDefault attribute of: Block attribute
- blocking complex types: Blocking complex types
- global components: 2.3.3. Flat Design, Global Components
- namespace declarations and: 10.2. Namespace Declarations
- xs:selector element: 15.1. Datatypes
- defining, using ID/IDREF types: 9.3. ID/IDREF Versus /
- permitted XPath expressions: 9.2.5. Permitted XPath Expressions
- xs:sequence (outside a group): 15.1. Datatypes
- compositors and particles: Compositors and particles
- creating complex content: 7.4.1. Creation of Complex Content
- xs:sequence (within a group): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:short type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:simpleContent element: 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:simpleType (global definition): 5. Creating Simple Datatypes
- 12.2.4. Simple Types
- 15.1. Datatypes
- defining list datatypes: 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- xs:simpleType (local definition): 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:string type: 4.2. Whitespace Processing
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Other strings
- xs:time type: 4.5.2. Datatypes
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Date and time datatypes
- xs:token type: Tokenss
- 16.1. Datatypes
- xs:totalDigits facet:
- 15.1. Datatypes
- adding constraints on datatypes: 6.6. Back to Our Library
- fixing maximum number of digits: Fixed format
- xs:union element: 5.3. Derivation By Union
- 15.1. Datatypes
- xs:unique element: 15.1. Datatypes
- as co-occurrence constraint: 9.4. Using and As Co-occurrence Constraints
- defining prefixes for namespaces: 10.5. Namespaces and XPath Expressions
- key references and: 9.2.4. Key References
- xs:unsignedByte type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:unsignedInt type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:unsignedLong type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:unsignedShort type: 4.4.1. Decimal Types
- 16.1. Datatypes
- facets for: Integer and derived datatypes
- xs:whiteSpace facet:
- 15.1. Datatypes
- list datatypes and: 5.2.1. List Datatypes
- multiple facet definitions and: Facet that does its job before the lexical space
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