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Index: R

r special character (carriage return): 6.4.1. Special Characters
ranges in user-defined character classes, defining: User-defined character classes
RDF (Resources Description Framework) specification
element types and: 3.2.3. Where Have the Element Types Gone?
W3C XML Schema's impact on: B.1.3. RDF
recursive schemas: 3.2.1. Depth Versus Modularity?
redefinition, schema inclusion with: 8.2. Schema Inclusion with Redefinition
8.2. Schema Inclusion with Redefinition
(see also xs:redefine element)
refer attribute (xs:keyref element): 10.5. Namespaces and XPath Expressions
regular expressions: 6. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes
(see also patterns)
specifying simple datatypes with: 6. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes
relative XPath expressions, defining constraints with: 9.2.1. Uniqueness
RELAX NG schema language: A.1.3. Intrusive Modeling Tools
A.3.3. The RELAX NG Family
sample application: A.7. RELAX NG
applying new ones to datatypes: 5.1.2. Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute
derivation by (see derivation methods, by restriction)
redefining attribute/element groups: Restriction
of substitution groups: Restricting substitution groups
reusable attributes/elements
creating: Element and attribute groups
8. Creating Building Blocks
reusable schemas, creating: 13. Creating Extensible Schemas
rule-based XML schema languages: A.2.1. Rule-Based XML Schema Languages
Russian doll design
defining attributes using: Attributes
defining elements using: Elements Elements
documenting schemas: 14.1.2. Think Globally
object orientation and: 3.2.2. Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design

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