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Index: F

facets: 5.1.1. Facets
fixed attribute and: Fixed facets
multiple restrictions and: 5.1.2. Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute
non-whitespace-collapsed strings: Other strings
restricting lexical space of simple datatypes: 6. Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes
whitespace-collapsed strings: Whitespace collapsed strings
final attribute
complex type definitions and: Final complex types
extensible schemas and: 13.1.2. final and fixed Attributes
simple type definitions and: 12.2.4. Simple Types
substitution groups and: Final elements
finalDefault attribute
simple type definitions and: 12.2.4. Simple Types
substitution groups and: Final elements
finite state machines (FSM): Unique Particle Attribution Rule
open vs. closed: A.1.2. Firewalls Against Diversity
validating documents and: 1.1.1. Validation
fixed attribute
controlling derivation of simple types: 12.2.4. Simple Types
extensible schemas and: 13.1.2. final and fixed Attributes
included in facets: Fixed facets
flat schema design: 2.2. Our First Schema
2.3.3. Flat Design, Global Components
creating readable schemas: 14.1.3. When It's Similar, Show It
recursive schema and: 3.2.1. Depth Versus Modularity?
flexible schemas, creating: 13. Creating Extensible Schemas
float datatypes: 4.4.2. Float Datatypes
regular expressions and: 6.5.2. Numeric and Float Types
FSM (finite state machines): Unique Particle Attribution Rule

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