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Index: S
- -script argument (start_html method): start_html (CGI Programming with Perl)
- -stem option: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
- s command (sed): 12.5. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- -s flag (Apache: The Definitive Guide): 2.2. Apache's Flags (apache)
- -S flag (httpd/apache): 2.2. Apache's Flags (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- sacred sites, charter: C. ASLaN Sacred Site Charter (Programming the Perl DBI)
- safe_mysqld script: 4.3. Running MySQL (MySQL & mSQL)
- Samba: 1.5.7. Networking (Running Linux)
- 12. Windows
and Samba (Running Linux)
- configuring: Configuring Samba (Running Linux)
- installing: 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- Installing Samba (Running Linux)
- mounting directories: 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- sharing files: 12.1. Sharing Files (Running Linux)
- accessing Linux files: 12.1.3. Using Samba to Serve SMB Shares (Running Linux)
- accessing Windows files: 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- file translation utilities: 12.1.5. File Translation Utilities (Running Linux)
- starting: Starting Samba (Running Linux)
- <samp> HTML tag: More HTML features (Running Linux)
- sandbox, Java: 13.6.1. The Promise of Java, or Why You Might Want
to Use Java (Running Linux)
- sandboxes, CVS (see CVS utility, sandboxes)
- Sanyo CD-ROM interfaces: 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- satisfy directive: 5.2.7. Satisfy (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- savehist variable (csh/tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- saving files
- in Emacs: 9.2.2. Simple Editing Commands (Running Linux)
- within vi: 9.1.6. Saving Files and Quitting vi (Running Linux)
- saving output: 4.9. Saving Your Output (Running Linux)
- saving, vi commands for: 11.6. Saving and Exiting (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Sawfish window manager
- focus behavior of windows: Focus behavior (Linux in a Nutshell)
- minimizing/maximizing windows: Minimizing and maximizing (Linux in a Nutshell)
- moving and resizing windows: Moving and resizing (Linux in a Nutshell)
- placement of new windows: Placement (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shaded windows: Focus behavior (Linux in a Nutshell)
- tooltips, displaying: Miscellaneous (Linux in a Nutshell)
- updating windows: Miscellaneous (Linux in a Nutshell)
- window appearance, setting: Appearance (Linux in a Nutshell)
- workspaces: Workspaces (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SAX (Simple API for XML) style parser: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sb utility (RZSZ): H. Zmodem File Transfer (Running Linux)
- sbin directory: 4.16. Important Directories (Running Linux)
- /sbin/lilo command: The /etc/lilo.conf file (Running Linux)
- sbpcd= parameter (linux): 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- scalability: 8.4. The Three-tier Architecture (MySQL & mSQL)
- scalar context, list context vs.: Date (CGI Programming with Perl)
- scalar reference: 10.1. DBI (MySQL & mSQL)
- scalars
- variable data types in perl as: 1.3.1. Why Perl? (CGI Programming with Perl)
- WDDX data types and: 7.3.1. WDDX (CGI Programming with Perl)
- scale keyword: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SCALE statement handle attribute: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- A.7.2. Statement Handle Attributes (Programming the Perl DBI)
- ScanHTMLTitles option (IndexOptions): 7.1.1. IndexOptions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- scatter charts, creating: 13.4.2. GD::Graph (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SCCS, importing files from: Importing from SCCS (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sched command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sched variable (csh/tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- scheduling jobs with cron: 8.2. Scheduling Jobs Using cron (Running Linux)
- schemas: 3.1. The Relational Database Methodology (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 6.1.6. Database Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- Scheme interpreters: 13.7. Other Languages (Running Linux)
- Schwartzian Transform, precalculating file modification times: 12.3.1. Search Application (CGI Programming with Perl)
- scientific computing applications: 1.5.10. Other Applications (Running Linux)
- scope
- variables, pragmas depending on: Variable scope (CGI Programming with Perl)
- variables within code blocks enclosed with bracket pairs: Variable scope (CGI Programming with Perl)
- ScoreBoardFile directive: 3.4.10. ScoreBoardFile (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- screensavers, setting
- GNOME: Screensaver (Linux in a Nutshell)
- KDE: Screensaver (Linux in a Nutshell)
- script command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- script command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ScriptAlias command: Configuring by directory (CGI Programming with Perl)
- ScriptAlias directive: 4.2. Writing and Executing Scripts (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 4.3.1. ScriptAlias (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 8. Redirection (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- srm.conf (Running Linux)
- ScriptAliasMatch directive: 4.3.2. ScriptAliasMatch (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 8.2. ScriptAliasMatch (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ScriptLog directive: 4.3.3. ScriptLog (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ScriptLogBuffer directive: 4.3.4. ScriptLogLength (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ScriptLogLength directive: 4.3.4. ScriptLogLength (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- scripts: 1.5.1. Basic Commands and Utilities (Running Linux)
- CGI, for HTML forms: Writing the CGI script (Running Linux)
- exiting: 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- for CD database: 2.4. Physical Database Design (MySQL & mSQL)
- gawk for (see gawk scripting language)
- mSQL installation setup: 3.2. mSQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- mSQL server process: 5.4. Running mSQL (MySQL & mSQL)
- Perl CGI (see CGI programs Perl language)
- restarting the msql2d daemon: 5.4. Running mSQL (MySQL & mSQL)
- running all in directory: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shell/Perl: 5.2.4. Scripts (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Scroll variable (fvwm2): 17.13.1. Keyboard Shortcuts to Navigate the Desktop (Linux in a Nutshell)
- scrollbar (Emacs): 11.4.7. Emacs (Running Linux)
- scrolling boxes: 4.2.4. The <SELECT> Tag (CGI Programming with Perl)
- example: 4.2.4. The <SELECT> Tag (CGI Programming with Perl)
- multiple values, handling: 4.3. Decoding Form Input (CGI Programming with Perl)
- scrolling, xterm: 11.4.4. Scrolling (Running Linux)
- SCSI drive controllers: 1.9.3. Hard Drive Controller Requirements (Running Linux)
- 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- 3.1.2. Drives and Partitions Under Linux (Running Linux)
- 3.3.1. Problems with Booting the Installation Media (Running Linux)
- 5.3.1. Kernel Boot Messages (Running Linux)
- building kernel: 7.4.2. Building the Kernel (Running Linux)
- troubleshooting: Problems with SCSI controllers and devices (Running Linux)
- SCSI drives, LinuxPPC with: D.3.2. Partitioning the Hard Disk (Running Linux)
- sd variable (printcap): The rest of the printcap variables (Running Linux)
- sda# files: 3.1.2. Drives and Partitions Under Linux (Running Linux)
- sdbm database manager: 2.7. DBM Files and the BerkeleyDatabase Manager (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SDBM_File module: 2.7. DBM Files and the BerkeleyDatabase Manager (Programming the Perl DBI)
- Seagate ST-Ox SCSI interfaces: 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- search and replace
- Emacs: 9.2.5. Searching and Replacing (Running Linux)
- vi: 9.1.4. Changing Text (Running Linux)
- 9.1.10. Global Searching and Replacing (Running Linux)
- search application for indexes: 12.3.1. Search Application (CGI Programming with Perl)
- search engines: 12. Searching the Web Server (CGI Programming with Perl)
- CGI middleware and: 14. Middleware and XML (CGI Programming with Perl)
- fgrep command: 12.1. Searching One by One (CGI Programming with Perl)
- grep command: 12.2. Searching One by One, Take Two (CGI Programming with Perl)
- inverted index search: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
- LWP module, getting data from: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- querying: 9.4.1. State Retention (MySQL & mSQL)
- regex-based: 12.2.1. Regex-Based Search Engine (CGI Programming with Perl)
- resource data from, XML documents: 14.4. Writing an XML Parser (CGI Programming with Perl)
- XML-based (Netscape browser): 14.4. Writing an XML Parser (CGI Programming with Perl)
- search form for What's Related CGI script: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- search strings: 2.1.1. Elements of a URL (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 2.1.1. Elements of a URL (CGI Programming with Perl)
- (see also query strings)
- searching
- for bad blocks: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- for commands: 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- commands for: 1.6.7. Searching (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Emacs commands for: 10.3.8. Incremental Search Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- file contents: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- for files: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- files contents: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- for files::files: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- man pages: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- metacharacters for: 9.3. Metacharacters (Linux in a Nutshell)
- and replacing: 9.4.1. Examples of Searching and Replacing (Linux in a Nutshell)
- vi commands for: 11.4.5. Searches (Linux in a Nutshell)
- searching commands: 1.6.7. Searching (Linux in a Nutshell)
- searching for font repositories: 13.5.4. Image Processing (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SearchServer (see DBD\\SearchServer driver)
- SECOND( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- Second Extended Filesystem
- debugging a: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- e2fsck command and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- formatting device as: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- tuning the parameters of: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- second normal form (see normalization, second normal form)
- secondary boot loader: Using LILO as a secondary boot loader (Running Linux)
- section numbers for man pages: 4.12. Manual Pages (Running Linux)
- sections
- of files: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- man pages: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sectors, boot: 4.1. The Boot Process (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sectors= option (LILO): G.1. Global Options (Running Linux)
- SEC_TO_TIME( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- secure connections: 3.2.1. CGI Environment Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
- (see also SSL)
- environment variables, adding for: 3.2.1. CGI Environment Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Secure Socket Layer (see SSL)
- security: 1. Getting Started (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 13. Security (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 8. Security (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 5.1. Running the System (Running Linux)
- access control: 5.6. Order, Allow, and Deny (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- administration commands for: 2.1.12. Security and System Integrity (Linux in a Nutshell)
- anonymous access: 5.8. Anonymous Access (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Apache precautions: 13.2. Apache's Security Precautions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- authentication: 5.2.1. AuthType (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 5.7.3. PAM and Other Authentication Methods (Running Linux)
- blocking access (see access control)
- browsers, trusting: 8.2.5. Trusting the Browser (CGI Programming with Perl)
- certificates: 13.3.1. Certificates (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 13.6.5. Make a Test Certificate (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- CGI considerations: 9.4.2. Security (MySQL & mSQL)
- CGI scripts, configuration by file name extension and: Configuring by extension (CGI Programming with Perl)
- cipher mechanism and: Ciphers (Programming the Perl DBI)
- cipher suites: 13.8. Cipher Suites (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- cookies: 5.10.2. Cookies (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- data storage: 8.5. Data Storage (CGI Programming with Perl)
- dynamic filenames: 8.5.1. Dynamic Filenames (CGI Programming with Perl)
- file permissions: 8.5.3. File Permissions (CGI Programming with Perl)
- location of files: 8.5.2. Location of Files (CGI Programming with Perl)
- encryption: 13.3. Binary Signatures, Virtual Cash (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 8.3. Encryption (CGI Programming with Perl)
- exec command (SSI), risks of enabling: 6.2.1. Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
- fgrep command, passing through shell: 12.1. Searching One by One (CGI Programming with Perl)
- firewalls: 13.4. Firewalls (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- firewalls and masquerading: 2.4. Overview of Firewalls and Masquerading (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ipchains and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- ipfwadm and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- iptables and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- fixed-length buffers: 15.5. General Hints (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- .htaccess file (see .htaccess file)
- HTML-based forms: Writing the CGI script (Running Linux)
- IgnoreIndex directive and: 7.1.3. IndexIgnore (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Java and: 13.6.1. The Promise of Java, or Why You Might Want
to Use Java (Running Linux)
- JavaScript restrictions, bookmarklets and: 7.4.2. Bookmarklets and CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
- legal issues: 13.5. Legal Issues (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- logging and (see logging)
- multiple filesystems: 2.2.3. Linux Partition Requirements (Running Linux)
- MySQL: 4.4.3. Security
(MySQL & mSQL)
- national security: 13.5.2. National Security (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- passwords (see passwords)
- 5.7.2. Shadow Passwords (Running Linux)
- programs sending email, risks of: 9.5. mailx and mail (CGI Programming with Perl)
- protecting application data: D.2. Protecting Application Data (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- proxy servers: 9. Proxy Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- revision control
- CVS utility: 14.2.8. Revision Control Tools--CVS (Running Linux)
- RCS: 14. Tools for
Programmers (Running Linux)
- RCS utility: 14.2.7. Revision Control Tools--RCS (Running Linux)
- root account and: 3.2.1. Creating a User Account (Running Linux)
- selecting a password: 4.2. Setting a Password (Running Linux)
- sending email: 9.1. Security (CGI Programming with Perl)
- false identities: 9.1.2. False Identities (CGI Programming with Perl)
- mailers and shells: 9.1.1. Mailers and Shells (CGI Programming with Perl)
- spam: 9.1.3. Spam (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sendmail: Writing the CGI script (Running Linux)
- servers
- minimal access privileges of: 15.1.1. Application Permissions (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): 13.6. Secure Sockets Layer: How to Do It (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Apache directives for: 13.7. Apache-SSL's Directives (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Apache-SSL patch: 13.6.2. Get the
Apache-SSL Patch (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- CGI and: 13.9. SSL and CGI (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- suEXEC wrapper for CGI: 4.7. suEXEC on Unix (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- symbolic links, problems with: Configuring by directory (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Taint attribute and: A.5. Attributes Common to All Handles (Programming the Perl DBI)
- taint mode, using: 8.4. Perl's Taint Mode (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Unix permissions: 2.4.4. Unix Permissions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- upgrading software and: 7.2.3. Upgrading Other Software (Running Linux)
- user accounts: 5.7. Managing User Accounts (Running Linux)
- user authentication and identification: 3.4.2. User Authentication and Identification (CGI Programming with Perl)
- user data, passing through shell
- avoiding with -t option, sendmail: 9.4.1. Command-Line Options (CGI Programming with Perl)
- user input, handling: 8.2. Handling User Input (CGI Programming with Perl)
- strategies: 8.2.3. Security Strategies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- web security, importance of: 8.1. The Importance of Web Security (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Win32: 1.3. How Does Apache Use TCP/IP? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 2.5.1. Security Under Win32 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- sed editor: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 9.4. Examples of Searching (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 12. The sed Editor (Linux in a Nutshell)
- commands (by name): 12.5. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- metacharacters for: 9.2. Metacharacters, Listed by Linux Program (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sed utility: 1.4. What This Book Offers (Linux in a Nutshell)
- seek( ) method: 11.2.1. MySQL Statement Handlers
(MySQL & mSQL)
- select command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- select db( ) method: 13.1. The Two APIs
(MySQL & mSQL)
- Select elements
- creating with Embperl: List elements (CGI Programming with Perl)
- JavaScript support for: Validating elements (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SELECT SQL statement: 3.3. Querying Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 5.1. Issuing Simple Queries (Programming the Perl DBI)
- active statement handles: 5.1.4. Finishing a Data Fetch Early (Programming the Perl DBI)
- dbish and: 8.1.2. Handling Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- executing: 5.1.2. Executing Select Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- fetching data: 5.1.3. Fetching Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SELECT statement: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 15.2. mSQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- selectall_arrayref( ): 5.6.2. Batch Fetching (Programming the Perl DBI)
- A.6.1. Database Handle Methods (Programming the Perl DBI)
- selectcol_arrayref( ): A.6.1. Database Handle Methods (Programming the Perl DBI)
- selectdb function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- SELECTED attribute, tag: The <OPTION> tag (CGI Programming with Perl)
- selecting data in databases: 10.3.3. Accessing Data (CGI Programming with Perl)
- file: 14.1.2. Maintaining Portability Using Properties Files (MySQL & mSQL)
- selectrow_array( ): 5.6.1. Atomic Fetching (Programming the Perl DBI)
- A.6.1. Database Handle Methods (Programming the Perl DBI)
- selectrow_arrayref( ): 5.6.1. Atomic Fetching (Programming the Perl DBI)
- self-referencing hypertext links back to scripts: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SelfLoader module: 17.1.6. SelfLoader (CGI Programming with Perl)
- self_url method (
self_url (CGI Programming with Perl)
- semaphore files: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- semaphores: Semaphore Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- semi-autonomous clients (JavaScript-enabled web pages): 7.3. Data Exchange (CGI Programming with Perl)
- semicolon,
in incoming data: 9.4.2. Security (MySQL & mSQL)
- semiformatted menus: 7.3.5. ImapMenu (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- send-as-is handler: 4.8. Handlers (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SendBufferSize directive: 3.4.12. SendBufferSize (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- sender address, email messages: 9.3. Structure of Internet Email (CGI Programming with Perl)
- send_fd( ): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- send_fd_length( ): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- send_http_header( ): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- sendmail: 9.4. sendmail (CGI Programming with Perl)
- command-line options: 9.4.1. Command-Line Options (CGI Programming with Perl)
- mail queue: 9.4.2. Mail Queue (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Mail::Mailer module, using with: 9.6. Perl Mailers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- mailq command and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- mailstats command and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- mailx and mail programs vs.: 9.5. mailx and mail (CGI Programming with Perl)
- makemap command and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- praliases command and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sendmail package: 16.2.1. The smail Mail Transport Agent (Running Linux)
- Final smail installation notes (Running Linux)
- separate networks: 13.4.2. Separate Networks (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- seq( ): Chaining multiple values into a hash (Programming the Perl DBI)
- sequences: Miscellaneous (MySQL & mSQL)
- 6.5. Sequences and Auto-Incrementing (MySQL & mSQL)
- serial device names: Serial device names (Running Linux)
- serial line communication: Serial-line communication (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Serial Line Internet Protocol (see SLIP)
- serial= option (LILO): G.1. Global Options (Running Linux)
- serial ports, Alpha systems and: C.5.5. Mice and Serial Ports (Running Linux)
- server: The networking rc files (Running Linux)
- configuration files: 2.3. site.toddle (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- name: Your network configuration (Running Linux)
- NIS: 15.4.2. Configuring NIS (Running Linux)
- Unix, setting up: 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Win32, setting up: 2.5. Setting Up a Win32 Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- World Wide Web: 16.1.3. Configuring Your Own WWW Server (Running Linux)
- X (see X Window System)
- Server header: Server (CGI Programming with Perl)
- complete headers, including in: Headers (CGI Programming with Perl) 3.3.2. Complete (Non-Parsed)
- server-info handler: 4.8. Handlers (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Server Message Block (SMB): 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- server-parsed handler: 4.8. Handlers (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Server Resource Map file: srm.conf (Running Linux)
- server-side includes: 10. Server-Side Includes (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- CGI scripts executed as: 10. Server-Side Includes (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 10.4. Execute CGI (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- IncludesNoExec (Options directive): 3.11. Options (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 3.11. Options (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- scripting modules: 12.7. Server-Side Scripting (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- XSSI facility: 10.7. XSSI (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Server Side Includes (SSI): 12.1. Alternatives for Dynamic Content on the Web (MySQL & mSQL)
- server-side interpreter: 12.1. Alternatives for Dynamic Content on the Web (MySQL & mSQL)
- server statistics:
Server status (MySQL & mSQL)
- server-status handler: 4.8. Handlers (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Server version: Server status (MySQL & mSQL)
- server-wide my.cnf file: 16.1.3. The MySQL Configuration File
(MySQL & mSQL)
- ServerAdmin directive: 3.4.3. ServerAdmin (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ServerAlias directive: 3.4.6. ServerAlias (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ServerName directive: 2.4.2. Running Apache Under Unix (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 2.5. Setting Up a Win32 Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 3.4.1. ServerName (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SERVER_NAME environment variable: virtual_host (CGI Programming with Perl)
- ServerPath directive: 3.4.7. ServerPath (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SERVER_PROTOCOL environment variable: Headers (CGI Programming with Perl) 3.3.2. Complete (Non-Parsed)
- server_rec structure: 14.2. Per-Server Configuration (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 14.5. Access to Configuration and Request Information (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ServerRoot directive: 3.4.8. ServerRoot (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- servers: 1.5. What Happens at the Server End? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Authorization (CGI Programming with Perl)
- (see also web servers)
- authorization requirements of: Authorization (CGI Programming with Perl)
- buffering, handling (script for finding): Headers (CGI Programming with Perl) 3.3.2. Complete (Non-Parsed)
- certificates, information about: 3.2.1. CGI Environment Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
- child, setting limits on: 3.6.2. MaxRequestsPerChild (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- communicating with other: 14.1. Communicating with Other Servers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sockets: 14.1.1. Sockets (CGI Programming with Perl)
- configuring to execute CGI application with user HTML document requests: 11.1. Query Strings and Extra Path Information (CGI Programming with Perl)
- content negotiation, performing: 2.6. Content Negotiation (CGI Programming with Perl)
- daemons, turning Perl CGI applications into: 17. Efficiency and Optimization (CGI Programming with Perl)
- document tree, excluding data files from: 8.5.2. Location of Files (CGI Programming with Perl)
- environment variables specific to, listing: 3.2.2. Examining Environment Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
- error logs, checking: 15.3.2. Check Error Logs (CGI Programming with Perl)
- filesystems, using to control data file access: 8.5.3. File Permissions (CGI Programming with Perl)
- getting information on: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- host name: Host (CGI Programming with Perl)
- HTML form data, sending to: 4.1. Sending Data to the Server (CGI Programming with Perl)
- HTTP: 2. The Hypertext Transport Protocol (CGI Programming with Perl)
- user authentication: 3.4.2. User Authentication and Identification (CGI Programming with Perl)
- information on: 11.3. Server Status (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- API functions for: 14.6.19. Server Information Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- information servers: 7.3. Data Exchange (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Internal Server Error status code: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- maximum wait for requests: 3.4.16. TimeOut (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- minimal access privileges of: 15.1.1. Application Permissions (CGI Programming with Perl)
- NCSA, Apache and: C. NCSA and Apache Compatibility (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- NFS: 2.5. Overview of NFS (Linux in a Nutshell)
- NIS: 2.6.1. Servers (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 2.7.1. Setting up an NIS server (Linux in a Nutshell)
- output to client, buffering: STDOUT (CGI Programming with Perl)
- per-server configuration: 14.2. Per-Server Configuration (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 15.3.1. Create Per-Server Config Structure (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 15.3.3. Per-Server Merger (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- proxy servers: 1. Getting Started (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 9. Proxy Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- remote processes as: 14.1. Communicating with Other Servers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- request/response cycle: 2.2.1. The Request and Response Cycle (CGI Programming with Perl)
- response to HTTP GET request: 11. Maintaining State (CGI Programming with Perl)
- responses: 2.4. Server Responses (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 11. Maintaining State (CGI Programming with Perl)
- headers: 2.4.2. Server Headers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- proxies, using for: 2.5. Proxies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- rshd daemon: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- searching: 12. Searching the Web Server (CGI Programming with Perl)
- fgrep command, using: 12.1. Searching One by One (CGI Programming with Perl)
- grep command, using: 12.2. Searching One by One, Take Two (CGI Programming with Perl)
- inverted index, using: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
- security (see security)
- SMTP: 9.6. Perl Mailers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- verifying email addresses: 9.2. Email Addresses (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SSI (see SSI)
- STDERR, handling output to: STDERR (CGI Programming with Perl)
- X Windows server, adding hostname or IP address: ptkdb (CGI Programming with Perl)
- ServerSignature directive: 3.4.4. ServerSignature (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- ServerTokens directive: 3.4.5. ServerTokens (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- servertype attribute: 10.1. DBI (MySQL & mSQL)
- ServerType directive: 3.9.5. ServerType (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- httpd.conf (Running Linux)
- service, Apache as (Win32): 2.5. Setting Up a Win32 Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Service Unavailable error messages: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- services file: Final smail installation notes (Running Linux)
- services (Windows), supporting: Installing Samba (Running Linux)
- servlets, CGI vs.: 1.3.2. Alternatives to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
- session identifiers
- get_id function, returning with: 11.2. Hidden Fields (CGI Programming with Perl)
- in hidden field: 11.2. Hidden Fields (CGI Programming with Perl)
- storing on client side with cookies: 11.3. Client-Side Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- session management: B.3. The GNOME Desktop: A User's Point
of View (Running Linux)
- 11.3. The K Desktop Environment (Running Linux)
- sessions, resuming: D.1.4. Resuming Sessions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- sessions, user: 11. Maintaining State (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SESSION_USER( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- set command: 6.2.2. Format (CGI Programming with Perl)
- set command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- set command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- set command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- :set command (vi), options: 11.14.1. The :set Command (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Set-Cookie header: Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- commands, generating with: 11.3.1. Setting Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SET datatype: 6.3.4. Enumerations and Sets (MySQL & mSQL)
- 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- SET statement: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- setArray( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setAsciiStream( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setAutoCommit( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setBigDecimal( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setBinaryStream( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setBlob( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setBoolean( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setByte( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setBytes( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setCatalog( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setCharacterStream( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setClob( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setConcurrency( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setContentType( ) function: 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- setcookie( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- setCursorName( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setDate( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setDouble( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setdprm command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- setenv command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SetEnv directive: 4.6.1. SetEnv (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 4.6.2. UnsetEnv (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SetEnvIf directive: SetEnvIf and SetEnvIfNoCase (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SetEnvIfNoCase directive: SetEnvIf and SetEnvIfNoCase (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- seterrorreporting( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- setEscapeProcessing( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- set_event( ): Event Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- setFetchDirection( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setFetchDirection( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setFetchSize( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setFetchSize( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setFloat( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- SetHandler directive: 4.8.2. SetHandler (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 11.3. Server Status (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- setInt( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setlogging( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- setLoginTimeout( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setLogStream( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setLong( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setMaxFieldize( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setMaxRows( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setMonth( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setNanos( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setNull( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setObject( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setReadOnly( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setRef( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setShort( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setshowinfo( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- setsid command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- setString( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- settc command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- setterm program: 8.5. Setting Terminal Attributes (Running Linux)
- setTime( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setTimestamp( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setting cookies
in redirection: 11.3.2. Testing for Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- setTransactionIsolation( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setty command (tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- settype( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- setTypeMap( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setuid bit: 5.7. Managing User Accounts (Running Linux)
- setUnicodeStream( ): 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- setup-hdimage program: 12.2.3. Installing and Configuring Dosemu (Running Linux)
- setup script, mSQL: 3.2. mSQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- setup_client_block( ): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- setYear( ) method: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- Seyon package: H.5. Other Interesting Packages (Running Linux)
- 1.5.8. Telecommunications and BBS Software (Running Linux)
- sh (Bourne shell): 4.5. Shells (Running Linux)
- sh command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sh shell: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm): 8.3. Encryption (CGI Programming with Perl)
- digests, producing with: 8.3.2. SHA-1 (CGI Programming with Perl)
- shadow file: 3.2.1. Creating a User Account (Running Linux)
- 5.7.2. Shadow Passwords (Running Linux)
- shadow passwords: 5.7.2. Shadow Passwords (Running Linux)
- shadow_text.cgi script (example): 13.5.4. Image Processing (CGI Programming with Perl)
- shapes of imagemap hotspots: 7.3.4. HTML File (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- shar command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shared file locks: flock (CGI Programming with Perl)
- shared libraries: 7.2.3. Upgrading Other Software (Running Linux)
- 8.6.2. Accessing Damaged Files (Running Linux)
- 13.1.1. Quick Overview (Running Linux)
- 13.1.7. More Fun with Libraries (Running Linux)
- Creating shared libraries (Running Linux)
- upgrading: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- shared memory addresses: Isolating hardware problems (Running Linux)
- Shared SQL Cache: 5.3.1. Bind Values Versus Interpolated Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- -shared switch (gcc): Creating shared libraries (Running Linux)
- shares (see Windows partitions)
- shareware: 1.6. About Linux's Copyright (Running Linux)
- sharing between Windows and Linux
- file translation utilities: 12.1.5. File Translation Utilities (Running Linux)
- files: 12.1. Sharing Files (Running Linux)
- 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- 12.1.3. Using Samba to Serve SMB Shares (Running Linux)
- programs: 12.2. Sharing Programs (Running Linux)
- shell command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shell mode (Emacs): 9.2.7. Running Commands and Programming
Within Emacs (Running Linux)
- shell output: 13.2. Apache's Security Precautions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- shell programming commands: 1.6.8. Shell Programming (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shell programs, remote: 14.4.2. Configuring CVS (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shell script: 12.2.2. Installation (MySQL & mSQL)
- shell variable (csh/tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shell variables
- bash shell: 7.4.2. Built-in Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- exporting values of: 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shells: 1.4. What This Book Offers (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 6. The Linux Shells: An Overview (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 1.5.1. Basic Commands and Utilities (Running Linux)
- 4.5. Shells (Running Linux)
- avoiding accessing to maximize performance: 17.1.8. Avoid the Shell (CGI Programming with Perl)
- changing login: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- commands in makefile: 13.2.5. Multiple Commands (Running Linux)
- creating for euid: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Emacs shell mode characters: 10.3.12. Special Shell Mode Characters (Linux in a Nutshell)
- email addresses, passing through as parameters: 9.1.1. Mailers and Shells (CGI Programming with Perl)
- external, Perl taint checking: 8.4.2. What Is Monitored by Taint Mode (CGI Programming with Perl)
- fgrep command, passing through: 12.1. Searching One by One (CGI Programming with Perl)
- prompt: Problems using the system (Running Linux)
- 4.1. Logging In (Running Linux)
- rshd daemon: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- scripts: 1.5.1. Basic Commands and Utilities (Running Linux)
- 13.3. Shell Programming (Running Linux)
- shell scripts: 5.2.4. Scripts (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 6.1.3. Programming (Linux in a Nutshell)
- user data, passing through
- avoiding with -t option (sendmail): 9.4.1. Command-Line Options (CGI Programming with Perl)
- dangerous characters: 8.2.2. User Input and the Shell (CGI Programming with Perl)
- user input and: 8.2.2. User Input and the Shell (CGI Programming with Perl)
- vi and shell commands: 9.1.9. Running Shell Commands (Running Linux)
- vi commands for: 11.8. Interacting with the Shell (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shift command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shift command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shl( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- shopping cart example
- maintaining state across: 11. Maintaining State (CGI Programming with Perl)
- subroutines for handling requests: 11.2. Hidden Fields (CGI Programming with Perl)
- utility functions: 11.2. Hidden Fields (CGI Programming with Perl)
- shortcuts: 16.3.5. Keyboard Shortcuts (Linux in a Nutshell)
- (see also keyboard shortcuts)
- adding to GNOME desktop: 15.1.1. Adding Desktop Icons (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Enlightenment window manager: Shortcuts (Linux in a Nutshell)
- fvwm2 keyboard: 17.13. Adding Keyboard Shortcuts (Linux in a Nutshell)
- should_client_block( ): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SHOW PROCESSES statement: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- SHOW statement: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- showmount command (NFS/NIS): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shr( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- .shtml filename extension: 10. Server-Side Includes (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- .shtml files: 6.2.1. Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Shutdown command: Server shutdown (MySQL & mSQL)
- shutdown function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- shutting down: 3.2.4. Shutting Down the System (Running Linux)
- 5.3.3. rc files (Running Linux)
- 5.5. Shutting Down the System (Running Linux)
- $SIG{_ _DIE_ _} signal handler: Automatic error checking (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 6.1.4. Common Attributes (Programming the Perl DBI)
- $SIG{_ _WARN_ _} signal handler: Automatic error checking (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 6.1.4. Common Attributes (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SIGN( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- signal handling in Perl: A.8.2. Signal Handling and Canceling Operations (Programming the Perl DBI)
- signals: 14.1.2. Examining a Core File (Running Linux)
- signature (see boilerplates)
- significant digits: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- sign_petition.cgi script (example): 10.1.4. Delimiters (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SILO bootloader: F.3.2. The SILO Boot Loader (Running Linux)
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): Disadvantages (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- simultaneous requests: 3.6.1. MaxClients (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SIN( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sin command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- single (boot-time option): Specifying boot time options (Running Linux)
- single empty tags, XML vs. HTML: 14.2. An Introduction to XML (CGI Programming with Perl)
- single quotes around arguments, security and: 8.2.3. Security Strategies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- single-threaded server: 5.1. Design (MySQL & mSQL)
- single-user mode, Linux in: Specifying boot time options (Running Linux)
- 5.4. Single-User Mode (Running Linux)
- file: 3.2. mSQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- site_perl directory, saving error module in: 5.5.4. Custom Module (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sites direcctory (on CD-ROM): 0.2. The Demonstration CD-ROM (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- size
- cache: 9.2.2. CacheSize (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- files: 10. Server-Side Includes (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 10.1. File Size (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- pool: 14.6.1. Pool Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- TCP send buffer: 3.4.12. SendBufferSize (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SIZE attribute
- tag: 4.2.4. The <SELECT> Tag (CGI Programming with Perl)
- text fields: Text fields (CGI Programming with Perl)
- size, calculating for directories: 5.2.4. File Uploads with (CGI Programming with Perl)
- size command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- size of page (Ghostview): 11.4.8. Ghostview: Displaying PostScript (Running Linux)
- sjcd= parameter (linux): 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- skel directory: 3.2.1. Creating a User Account (Running Linux)
- 4.16. Important Directories (Running Linux)
- 5.7.5. Creating Accounts (Running Linux)
- / (root) directory: 2.2.3. Linux Partition Requirements (Running Linux)
- 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- Problems booting Linux from floppy (Running Linux)
- 5.2.1. Using a Boot Floppy (Running Linux)
- 6.1.2. Mounting Filesystems (Running Linux)
- Not Found error: 3.3.1. Problems with Booting the Installation Media (Running Linux)
- as read-only: Specifying boot time options (Running Linux)
- slash (/) for root directory: 2.2.3. Linux Partition Requirements (Running Linux)
- 3.3.1. Problems with Booting the Installation Media (Running Linux)
- Problems booting Linux from floppy (Running Linux)
- 5.2.1. Using a Boot Floppy (Running Linux)
- Specifying boot time options (Running Linux)
- 6.1.2. Mounting Filesystems (Running Linux)
- slattach command (TCP/IP): 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- slaves, NIS: 15.4.2. Configuring NIS (Running Linux)
- sleep( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- sleep command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sliding panel, GNOME desktop: 15.2.1. Additional Panels (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol): 1.5.7. Networking (Running Linux)
- 15.1. Networking with TCP/IP (Running Linux)
- 15.1.2. Hardware Requirements (Running Linux)
- 15.2. Dial-up PPP (Running Linux)
- SLIP (Serial Line IP): Serial-line communication (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SloppyFocus policy (fvwm2): 17.6. Specifying Click-to-Type Focus (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Slow queries, mySQL server status: Server status (MySQL & mSQL)
- slowness, CGI applications: 17. Efficiency and Optimization (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SLQ2 standard: 6.6.1. Inserts (MySQL & mSQL)
- slurping, avoiding: 17.1.4. Avoid Slurping (CGI Programming with Perl)
- smail package: 16.2.1. The smail Mail Transport Agent (Running Linux)
- runtime configuration files: smail runtime configuration files (Running Linux)
- SMALLINT datatype: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- smart host: Configuring a Linux-installed smail package (Running Linux)
- The mkconfig file (Running Linux)
- smart user: Configuring a Linux-installed smail package (Running Linux)
- The mkconfig file (Running Linux)
- SMB protocol: 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- smbclient utility: 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- Installing Samba (Running Linux)
- smb.conf file: 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- Installing Samba (Running Linux)
- smbd daemon: Installing Samba (Running Linux)
- Configuring Samba (Running Linux)
- Starting Samba (Running Linux)
- smbmount command: 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows
Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
- SMTP daemon: 13.4.2. More Features (Running Linux)
- SMTP protocol
- command to validate email addresses: 9.2. Email Addresses (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Mail::Mailer, using with: 9.6. Perl Mailers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Net::SMTP module, using with: 9.6. Perl Mailers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): Disadvantages (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- smtpd daemon: 16.2.1. The smail Mail Transport Agent (Running Linux)
- Sock:
Server status (MySQL & mSQL)
- sock function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- sockets: 14.1.1. Sockets (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 14.1.1. Sockets (CGI Programming with Perl)
- (see also SSL)
- identifying in host IP addresses: 14.1.1. Sockets (CGI Programming with Perl)
- IO::Socket module: 14.1.2. IO::Socket (CGI Programming with Perl)
- $socket instance variable, use as file handle: 14.1.2. IO::Socket (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sockets, API functions for: 14.6.5. File and Socket Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- sockets, PCMCIA: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SOCKS rules: 1.8.4. Configuration Settings and Rules (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- soft_timeout( ): 14.6.16. Timeout and Alarm Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- software: 1.5. Software Features (Running Linux)
- alpha and beta stages: 1.7. Open Source and the Philosophy
of Linux (Running Linux)
- for fax devices: 8.4.4. Checking Print Utilities (Running Linux)
- free: 1.6. About Linux's Copyright (Running Linux)
- FTP sites for: A.4. General Software FTP Sites (Running Linux)
- installing: 3.1.6. Installing the Software (Running Linux)
- RPM for: 7.3. Using RPM (Running Linux)
- troubleshooting: 3.3.3. Problems Installing the Software (Running Linux)
- installing on Alpha systems: C.6.1. Preparing Software for Installation (Running Linux)
- memory requirements of: 2.2.3. Linux Partition Requirements (Running Linux)
- Open Source Software: 1.7. Open Source and the Philosophy
of Linux (Running Linux)
- printing: 8.4.3. Choosing Printer Software (Running Linux)
- source distributions: 7.2.3. Upgrading Other Software (Running Linux)
- telecommunications (see telecommunications software)
- upgrading: 7.2. Upgrading Software (Running Linux)
- libraries: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- software distribution/installation system: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- soncd535= parameter (linux): 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- Sony CD-ROM interfaces: 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- Sony CDU-535 interfaces: 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- sort( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sort command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 4.9. Saving Your Output (Running Linux)
- execution within pipe, checking for: 15.2.3. Is It Open? (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sortbuffer option: 16.1.2. Command line variables
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sorting file contents: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sort_key_blocks option: 16.1.2. Command line variables
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sound: 1.5.10. Other Applications (Running Linux)
- sound card support: 7.4.2. Building the Kernel (Running Linux)
- Sound modules, KDE: 16.3.6. Sound (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SoundBlaster Pro CD-ROM interfaces: 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- soundex( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sounds, enabling
- Enlightenment window manager: Audio (Linux in a Nutshell)
- GNOME: 15.4.4. Multimedia (Linux in a Nutshell)
- KDE: 16.3.6. Sound (Linux in a Nutshell)
- source code: 13.1.1. Quick Overview (Running Linux)
- source code (CGI scripts), security risks from revealing: Configuring by directory (CGI Programming with Perl)
- source code, Linux: 1.5. Sources and Licenses (Linux in a Nutshell)
- source command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- source command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- source command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- source files: 13.1.4. Using Multiple Source Files (Running Linux)
- $Source keyword (RCS): Keywords (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SPACE( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- space characters (see whitespace)
- spaces
- in email addresses: 9.2.1. Validating Syntax (CGI Programming with Perl)
- between HTML elements, and: 5.3.3. Standard HTML Elements (CGI Programming with Perl)
- indenting code with: 16.2. Coding Guidelines (CGI Programming with Perl)
- list element separation, eliminating in: 5.3.3. Standard HTML Elements (CGI Programming with Perl)
- plus (+) character, replacing with: 4.3. Decoding Form Input (CGI Programming with Perl)
- URLs
- encoding as + or %20: 2.1.3. URL Encoding (CGI Programming with Perl)
- replacing with plus (+) sign: 4.1. Sending Data to the Server (CGI Programming with Perl)
- spam: 9.1.3. Spam (CGI Programming with Perl)
- falsifying sender identity: 9.1.2. False Identities (CGI Programming with Perl)
- spawn_child_err( ): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- special characters
- bash shell: 7.3.4. Quoting (Linux in a Nutshell)
- bc language, print extension: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- colcrt command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- for comments: 16.1.3. The MySQL Configuration File
(MySQL & mSQL)
- in URLs: 10.3. (MySQL & mSQL)
- tr command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- with WHERE statement construct: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 15.2. mSQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- special characters in HTML: More HTML features (Running Linux)
- speed (see performance)
- spell-checking URLs: 8.9. Speling (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 12.10. Miscellaneous (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- spelling: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- split( ): 2.4.1. Querying Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 2.5.1. The Perl Data::Dumper Module (Programming the Perl DBI)
- split( ) function: 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- split command: 4.3. Decoding Form Input (CGI Programming with Perl)
- split command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- splitting files: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- spool, print: 9.5. Printing (Running Linux)
- 9.5. Printing (Running Linux)
- 9.5.1. What Happens to a File After It's Put on the Queue (Running Linux)
- directories for: Setting up printer directories (Running Linux)
- spreadsheets, CSV data format in: 10.1.5. DBD::CSV (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sprintf( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sprintf command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Sql( ): 7.4.2. Win32::ODBC (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SQL Access Group: 7.1. ODBC--Embraced and Extended (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SQL92 (ANSI SQL): 1.2. What Is a Relational Database? (MySQL & mSQL)
- SQL3 array objects: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- SQL datatypes (see datatypes)
- SQL-level portability: 7.3.1. A Standard SQL Syntax (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SQL queries: 3.3. Querying Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- aliasing table names: 3.3.3. Queries over Multiple Tables (Programming the Perl DBI)
- condition clauses: 3.3.2. Queries and Condition Clauses (Programming the Perl DBI)
- joining tables: 3.3.3. Queries over Multiple Tables (Programming the Perl DBI)
- narrowing searches: 3.3.2. Queries and Condition Clauses (Programming the Perl DBI)
- outer joins: 3.3.3. Queries over Multiple Tables (Programming the Perl DBI)
- primary keys and foreign keys: 3.3.3. Queries over Multiple Tables (Programming the Perl DBI)
- rows, retrieving: 3.3.1. Simple Queries (Programming the Perl DBI)
- simple queries: 3.3.1. Simple Queries (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SQL2 standard: 1.2. What Is a Relational Database? (MySQL & mSQL)
- 6.1.1. The SQL Story (MySQL & mSQL)
- 7.4. GNU SQL (MySQL & mSQL)
- SQL statements
- binding parameters to: 5.3. Binding Parameters to Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- building dynamically: 6.1.6. Database Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- custom-built: Constructing "on-the-fly" statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- dbish and: 8.1.2. Handling Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- DELETE: 3.4.2. Deleting Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- DESC: Ordering data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- executing: 5.1.2. Executing Select Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- INSERT: 3.4.1. Inserting Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- interpolated: 5.3.1. Bind Values Versus Interpolated Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- preparing: 5.1.1. Preparing SQL Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SELECT: 3.3. Querying Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 5.1. Issuing Simple Queries (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 5.1.2. Executing Select Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 5.1.3. Fetching Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- transaction handling (see transaction handling)
- TRUNCATE TABLE: 3.4.2. Deleting Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- UPDATE: 3.4.3. Updating Data (Programming the Perl DBI)
- WHERE: 3.3.2. Queries and Condition Clauses (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SQL (Structured Query Language): 10.3. Introduction to SQL (CGI Programming with Perl)
- accessing CSV-format data with: 10.1.5. DBD::CSV (CGI Programming with Perl)
- accessing data: 10.3.3. Accessing Data (CGI Programming with Perl)
- inserting data: 10.3.2. Inserting Data (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Oracle PL/SQL programming language: 16.1.6. Separating Storage from Your Primary Code (CGI Programming with Perl)
- queries: 16.1.6. Separating Storage from Your Primary Code (CGI Programming with Perl)
- passing to prepare command: Database querying (CGI Programming with Perl)
- starting with execute command: Database querying (CGI Programming with Perl)
- troubleshooting errors: Address book database creation script (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SQL syntax, standardized: 7.3.1. A Standard SQL Syntax (Programming the Perl DBI)
- SQLBase API:
Programming interfaces (MySQL & mSQL)
- Sqlscreens utility: Programming interfaces (MySQL & mSQL)
- SQLSTATE error indicator: 7.3.2. Standard Error Codes (Programming the Perl DBI)
- sqrt( ) program function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sqrt command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Sqs: Miscellaneous (MySQL & mSQL)
- Squile: Programming interfaces (MySQL & mSQL)
- srand( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- srand command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SRC attribute: Image buttons (CGI Programming with Perl)
- src directory: 4.16. Important Directories (Running Linux)
- 7.2.3. Upgrading Other Software (Running Linux)
- src/w3-msql directory, shell script: 12.2.2. Installation (MySQL & mSQL)
- SRM console firmware: C.3.3. Limitations of the SRM Console Firmware (Running Linux)
- srm.conf file: srm.conf (Running Linux)
- SSI (see server-side includes)
- SSI (Server Side Includes): 6.2. Server Side Includes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- # in: 6.2.7. Common Errors (CGI Programming with Perl)
- access counters: 6.2.6. Executing CGI Programs (CGI Programming with Perl)
- boilerplate files: 6.2.5. Including Boilerplates (CGI Programming with Perl)
- CGI script execution, enabling to use exec command: 6.2.1. Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
- commands: 6.2. Server Side Includes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 6.2.2. Format (CGI Programming with Perl)
- environment variables, inserting into static HTML documents: 6.2.3. Environment Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
- exec command: 6.2.1. Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
- enabling without enabling exec tag: 6.2.1. Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Mason module component approach vs.: 6.5.1. A Component Approach (CGI Programming with Perl)
- parsing CGI output, inability to: 6.2. Server Side Includes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- servers, configuring to parse: 6.2.1. Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SSL: Miscellaneous (MySQL & mSQL)
- SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
- CGI programs and: 2.2. HTTP (CGI Programming with Perl)
- https connections using: 8.3. Encryption (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): 13.6. Secure Sockets Layer: How to Do It (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Apache directives for: 13.7. Apache-SSL's Directives (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Apache-SSL patch: 13.6.2. Get the
Apache-SSL Patch (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- CGI and: 13.9. SSL and CGI (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- protecting application data: D.2. Protecting Application Data (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- protocol specification: D. SSL Protocol (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLBanCipher directive: 13.8.3. SSLBanCipher (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLCACertificateFile directive: 13.7.9. SSLCACertificateFile (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLCACertificatePath directive: 13.7.8. SSLCACertificatePath (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLCacheServerPath directive: 13.7.4. SSLCacheServerPath (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLCacheServerPort directive: 13.7.6. SSLCacheServerPort (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLCacheServerRunDir directive: 13.7.5. SSLCacheServerRunDir (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLCertificateFile directive: 13.7.10. SSLCertificateFile (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLCertificateKeyFile directive: 13.7.11. SSLCertificateKeyFile (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLDisable directive: 13.7.1. SSLDisable (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLeay library: 13.6.1. Get SSLeay (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLEnable directive: 13.7.2. SSLEnable (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLExportClientCertificates directive: 13.9.1. SSLExportClientCertificates (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLFakeBasicAuth directive: 13.7.14. SSLFakeBasicAuth (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLLogFile directive: 13.7.16.
SSLLogFile (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLRequireCipher directive: 13.8.2. SSLRequireCipher (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLRequiredCiphers directive: 13.8.1. SSLRequiredCiphers (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLRequireSSL directive: 13.7.3. SSLRequireSSL (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLSessionCacheTimeout directive: 13.7.7. SSLSessionCacheTimeout (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLVerifyClient directive: 13.7.12. SSLVerifyClient (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SSLVerifyDepth directive: 13.7.13. SSLVerifyDepth (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- st|stat commands (CVS) (see status command (CVS))
- ST-506 drives: 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- stack frames: 14.1.2. Examining a Core File (Running Linux)
- Stacker: 6.1.1. Filesystem Types (Running Linux)
- stacking directories: 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- stale responses, determining: 2.5.2. Caching (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Stallman, Richard: 1.5. Sources and Licenses (Linux in a Nutshell)
- B.2. A Brief History of the GNOME Project (Running Linux)
- standalone mode: 1.5. What Happens at the Server End? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- standalone mode (ServerType): 3.9.5. ServerType (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- standard drivers: 4.3. Data Source Names (Programming the Perl DBI)
- standard error: 4.9. Saving Your Output (Running Linux)
- standard input (see input)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- standard key mappings, KDE: Standard keys (Linux in a Nutshell)
- standard output (see output)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 4.9. Saving Your Output (Running Linux)
- standard syntax, module: 5.1.3. Standard and Object-Oriented Syntax (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Star Office v5.0: 1.5.3. Commercial Applications (Running Linux)
- 9.3.4. Word Processors (Running Linux)
- 12.1.5. File Translation Utilities (Running Linux)
- start command (lpc): 8.4.12. Controlling Printer Services with lpc (Running Linux)
- start flag (apachect1): 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- start tags (XML), defining handler for: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- start-up files: 4.15. Startup Files (Running Linux)
- starting and ending HTML documents: 5.3.2. Starting and Ending Documents (CGI Programming with Perl)
- starting bracket pair: Embperl code blocks (CGI Programming with Perl)
- starting up commands (rc files): 5.3.3. rc files (Running Linux)
- startkde shell script: 11.3.1. Installing KDE (Running Linux)
- StartServers directive: 3.6.5. StartServers (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- StartsOnDesk option (fvwm2): 17.11. Starting Windows on Different
Desktops and Pages (Linux in a Nutshell)
- StartsOnPage option (fvwm2): 17.11. Starting Windows on Different
Desktops and Pages (Linux in a Nutshell)
- startup programs, GNOME: 15.4.6. Session (Linux in a Nutshell)
- startup scripts: 4.3. Running MySQL (MySQL & mSQL)
- startx command (see X Window System)
- stat( ) function: 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- stat command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- state,
maintaining: 11. Maintaining State (CGI Programming with Perl)
- client-side cookies: 11.3. Client-Side Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- hidden fields: 11.2. Hidden Fields (CGI Programming with Perl)
- query strings and extra path information: 11.1. Query Strings and Extra Path Information (CGI Programming with Perl)
- summary of techniques for: 11. Maintaining State (CGI Programming with Perl)
- state function: 21.2. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- $State keyword (RCS): Keywords (Linux in a Nutshell)
- state retention: 9.4.1. State Retention (MySQL & mSQL)
- state, revision (RCS): 14.8.4. Specifying States (Linux in a Nutshell)
- stateless (nonpersistent) HTTP requests: 11. Maintaining State (CGI Programming with Perl)
- statement buffer: 8.1.2. Handling Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- Statement class: 14.2. Simple Database Access
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 14.3. Dynamic Database Access
(MySQL & mSQL)
- statement handlers: 11.2.1. MySQL Statement Handlers
(MySQL & mSQL)
- statement handles: 4.2.3. Statement Handles (Programming the Perl DBI)
- active: 5.1.4. Finishing a Data Fetch Early (Programming the Perl DBI)
- attributes: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- connecting with: 6.1.2. Connecting with Attributes (Programming the Perl DBI)
- driver-specific: 6.1. Handle Attributes and Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 6.1.3. The Significance of Case (Programming the Perl DBI)
- error checking: 6.1.4. Common Attributes (Programming the Perl DBI)
- formatting and displaying data: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- getting or setting values: 6.1. Handle Attributes and Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- passing to DBI methods: 6.1.1. Passing Attributes to DBI Methods (Programming the Perl DBI)
- batch fetching and: 5.6.2. Batch Fetching (Programming the Perl DBI)
- creating via DBI: 5.1.1. Preparing SQL Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- deallocating: 5.1.5. Deallocating Statement Handles (Programming the Perl DBI)
- improving performance with prepare( ) and execute(): (Programming the Perl DBI) 5.5. do( ) Versus prepare( )
- preparing from an SQL statement: 5.1.1. Preparing SQL Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- $sth: 4.2.3. Statement Handles (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 5.1.5. Deallocating Statement Handles (Programming the Perl DBI)
- Statement interface: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- statement metadata: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- Statement statement handle attribute: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- A.7.2. Statement Handle Attributes (Programming the Perl DBI)
- Statement::affectedrows function: 21.4. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::as_string function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::dataseek function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::fetchcol function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::fetchhash function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::fetchrow function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- statement_handle: 20.1. Module: MySQL (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::info function: 21.4. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::insertid function: 21.4. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::isblob function: 21.4. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::isnotnull function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::isnum function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::isprikey function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::length function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::listindices: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::maxlength function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::name function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::numfields function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::numrows function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::table function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- Statement::type function: 21.3. API (MySQL & mSQL)
- static documents
- embedding dynamic text banners in: 13.5.4. Image Processing (CGI Programming with Perl)
- for web server response: 1.2. Introduction to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
- for general errors: 3.4.1. Check the Client Browser (CGI Programming with Perl)
- inserting environment variables into: 6.2.3. Environment Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
- language and media type negotiation for: 2.6.2. Internationalization (CGI Programming with Perl)
- static libraries: 13.1.1. Quick Overview (Running Linux)
- 13.1.7. More Fun with Libraries (Running Linux)
- static vs. dynamic resources: 1.1.1. How CGI Is Used Today (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Statistics command: Server status (MySQL & mSQL)
- statistics, mSQL:
Server status (MySQL & mSQL)
- stats command: 17.2. mSQL Utilities (MySQL & mSQL)
- status
- Image::Magick, returning with method calls: 13.5.2. Converting PNGs to GIFs or JPEGs (CGI Programming with Perl)
- system calls, checking: 15.2.2. Check Status of System Calls (CGI Programming with Perl)
- status codes: 2.4.1. The Status Line (CGI Programming with Perl)
- header method, specifying with: Status (CGI Programming with Perl)
- printing: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- redirection of client request: Location (CGI Programming with Perl)
- specifying with Status header, CGI output: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- status codes, HTTP: 11.5.5. site.authent--Another Example (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 15.2. Status Codes (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- status command: Command line options for mysqladmin (MySQL & mSQL)
- 17.1. MySQL Utilities (MySQL & mSQL)
- 17.1. MySQL Utilities (MySQL & mSQL)
- status command (CVS): status (Linux in a Nutshell)
- status flag (apachect1): 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- status headers
- CGI scripts, output: 3.3.1. Partial Headers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- CGI scritps, output: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- common, description of: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- status information: 11.2. Status (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- status line: 2.2.2. HTTP Headers (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 2.4. Server Responses (CGI Programming with Perl)
- complete headers, including in: Headers (CGI Programming with Perl) 3.3.2. Complete (Non-Parsed)
- status-line commands (vi): 11.1.4. Status-Line Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- STATUS rule: 1.8.4. Configuration Settings and Rules (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- status variable (csh/tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- STD( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- STDDEV( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- STDERR (standard error): 3.1.1. File Handles (CGI Programming with Perl)
- output to, sending to server error log: 5.5.1. Dying Gracefully (CGI Programming with Perl)
- server error logs and: 15.3.2. Check Error Logs (CGI Programming with Perl)
- STDIN (standard input): 1.2. Introduction to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 3.1.1. File Handles (CGI Programming with Perl)
- GET requests, problems with: STDIN (CGI Programming with Perl)
- tainted data, checking for: 8.4.1. How Taint Works (CGI Programming with Perl)
- STDOUT (standard output): 1.2. Introduction to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 3.1.1. File Handles (CGI Programming with Perl)
- buffering output to, header errors and: 15.1.4. "Malformed" Header (CGI Programming with Perl)
- CGI programs, printing to: STDOUT (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Embperl module, use of: Embperl code blocks (CGI Programming with Perl)
- program: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
- step command (gdb): 14.1.1. Tracing a Program (Running Linux)
- Breakpoints and watchpoints (Running Linux)
- stepi command (gdb): Instruction-level debugging (Running Linux)
- $sth statement handle: 4.2.3. Statement Handles (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 5.1.5. Deallocating Statement Handles (Programming the Perl DBI)
- sticky windows, fvwm2: 17.5. A Quick Tour of the fvwm Environment (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 17.10. Making the Same Window
Appear on Every Page (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Stonebreaker, Michael: 7.3. PostgreSQL (MySQL & mSQL)
- stop command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- stop command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- stop command (lpc): 8.4.12. Controlling Printer Services with lpc (Running Linux)
- stop flag (apachect1): 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- stop script (example): 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Stopped (tty input) error: 4.11. Putting a Command in the Background (Running Linux)
- Storable module: 10.2.2. MLDBM (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 2. Basic Non-DBI Databases (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 2.5.2. The Storable Module (Programming the Perl DBI)
- storage (see disk space)
- storage commands: 1.6.9. Storage (Linux in a Nutshell)
- storage managers: 2.1. Storage Managers and Layers (Programming the Perl DBI)
- MLDBM module: 2.8. The MLDBM Module (Programming the Perl DBI)
- storage, separating from primary code: 16.1.6. Separating Storage from Your Primary Code (CGI Programming with Perl)
- store.cgi script (example): 11.3.2. Testing for Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
- stored procedures: 7.2.3. Stored Procedures (MySQL & mSQL)
- strace command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- strace program: 14.2.3. Using strace (Running Linux)
- strategic programming: 16.1. Architectural Guidelines (CGI Programming with Perl)
- directories, organizing projects with: 16.1.2. Use Directories to Organize Your Projects (CGI Programming with Perl)
- strcasecmp_match( ): 14.6.11. String Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- strchr( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- STRCMP( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- strcmp_match( ): 14.6.11. String Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- strfile command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- strftime( ): 10.2. File Modification Time (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- strftime( ) function: 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- strftime function (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- strict mode: 1.2.1. Sample CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
- mod_perl, use with: 17.3.2. mod_perl Considerations (CGI Programming with Perl)
- strict module,
error prevention in Perl and CGI scripts: 15.2.1. Use strict (CGI Programming with Perl)
- strings
- API functions for: 14.6.11. String Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- command-line options taking arguments, indicating: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
- double quoted, @ character in: 13.5.4. Image Processing (CGI Programming with Perl)
- format:filename string: 13.5.2. Converting PNGs to GIFs or JPEGs (CGI Programming with Perl)
- formatting: 4.6.3. Neat and Tidy Formatting (Programming the Perl DBI)
- packing values into: Packing in Perl objects (Programming the Perl DBI)
- Perl, processing of: 1.2. Perl (Programming the Perl DBI)
- Constructing "on-the-fly" statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- 5.3.1. Bind Values Versus Interpolated Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
- perl treatment of: 1.3.1. Why Perl? (CGI Programming with Perl)
- in pools: 14.6.1. Pool Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- printing: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- translating characters between: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- strip command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- stripslashes( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- strlen( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- strrchr( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- strstr( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- strtok( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- strtolower( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- strtoupper( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- strtr( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- Struct interface: 22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
- structure, Internet email: 9.3. Structure of Internet Email (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Structured Query Language (see SQL)
- strval( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- stty command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 4.6. Useful Keys and How to Get Them
to Work (Running Linux)
- stub code: 13.1.1. Quick Overview (Running Linux)
- stub routines: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries (Running Linux)
- st0x= parameter (linux): 3.1.1. Booting Linux (Running Linux)
- Style command (fvwm): 11.2.1. Configuring fvwm (Running Linux)
- style for KDE desktop: 11.3.2. Using KDE (Running Linux)
- style guide topics, CGI application coding: 16.2. Coding Guidelines (CGI Programming with Perl)
- style sheets
- HTML documents, defining for: start_html (CGI Programming with Perl)
- XML documents, guiding browser display: 14.2. An Introduction to XML (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Style variable (fvwm2)
- focus policies: 17.6. Specifying Click-to-Type Focus (Linux in a Nutshell)
- starting applications on different desktops: 17.11. Starting Windows on Different
Desktops and Pages (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sticky windows and: 17.10. Making the Same Window
Appear on Every Page (Linux in a Nutshell)
- su command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 5.1. Running the System (Running Linux)
- sub( ) function: 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- sub command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Subject field, email messages: 9.3. Structure of Internet Email (CGI Programming with Perl)
- submit buttons: Submit buttons (CGI Programming with Perl)
- The HTML form document (Running Linux)
- actions, specifying for CGI script to perform: Address book CGI script (CGI Programming with Perl)
- flow, controlling with: 16.1.8. Using Submit Buttons to Control Flow (CGI Programming with Perl)
- image buttons, supporting as: Supporting image buttons as submit buttons (CGI Programming with Perl)
- online music browser example: 7.3.2. Example (CGI Programming with Perl)
- validating form input: Validating submits (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Validation example (CGI Programming with Perl)
- subnet masks: 1.2. What to Know About TCP/IP (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- subnetwork address: 15.1.1. TCP/IP Concepts (Running Linux)
- Your network configuration (Running Linux)
- Your network configuration (Running Linux)
- @subrelated, URLs related to first-level URL: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sub_req_lookup_file( ): 14.6.15. Request-Handling Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- sub_req_lookup_uri( ): 14.6.15. Request-Handling Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- subroutines
- array context and: 4.3. Decoding Form Input (CGI Programming with Perl)
- bareword vs. strict: 15.2.1. Use strict (CGI Programming with Perl)
- capitalization of, standardizing: 16.2. Coding Guidelines (CGI Programming with Perl)
- constants, defining as (mod_perl): 17.3.2. mod_perl Considerations (CGI Programming with Perl)
- declarations, bracket pairs enclosing (Embperl): Embperl code blocks (CGI Programming with Perl)
- display_whats_related_to_whats_related: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- email addresses, validating: 9.2.1. Validating Syntax (CGI Programming with Perl)
- error handling: 5.5.3. Error Subroutines (CGI Programming with Perl)
- get subroutine: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- get_whats_related_to_whats_related: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- handle_start: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
- hiding with SelfLoader module: 17.1.6. SelfLoader (CGI Programming with Perl)
- requests, handling (shopping cart example): 11.2. Hidden Fields (CGI Programming with Perl)
- with same name, avoiding collisions of: 5.1.3. Standard and Object-Oriented Syntax (CGI Programming with Perl)
- strict rules for, using: 1.2.1. Sample CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
- sub parse_form_data (example): 4.3. Decoding Form Input (CGI Programming with Perl)
- tainted variables, checking for: 8.4.1. How Taint Works (CGI Programming with Perl)
- URI::URL module: 2.1.3. URL Encoding (CGI Programming with Perl)
- subselects: 7.2.4.
Subselects (MySQL & mSQL)
- substitute command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- substitution operators
- bash shell: 7.4.1. Variable Substitution (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 7.6.3. Command Substitution (Linux in a Nutshell)
- csh/tcsh shells: 8.4.1. Variable Substitution (Linux in a Nutshell)
- substitutions within URLs: 8.8. Rewrite (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 12.9. URL Rewriting (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- example of: 8.8.8. A Rewrite Example (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- substr( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- substr command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SUBSTRING( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- SUBSTRING( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- SUBSTRING_INDEX( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- suEXEC wrapper: 4.7. suEXEC on Unix (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- suffix rules (make): 13.2.4. Suffix Rules and Pattern Rules (Running Linux)
- suffixes to words, removing: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SUM( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sum command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- Sun SPARC systems: F. Installing Linux
on Sun SPARC Systems (Running Linux)
- differences from Intel installations: F.3. Installation Differences from Intel (Running Linux)
- hardware: F.1. Supported Hardware (Running Linux)
- installing from serial console: F.4. Installation from a Serial Console (Running Linux)
- SILO bootloader: F.3.2. The SILO Boot Loader (Running Linux)
- system libraries: F.2. System Libraries (Running Linux)
- superblock (filesystems): 8.6.1. Repairing Filesystems (Running Linux)
- superblocks (filesystems): 6.1.2. Mounting Filesystems (Running Linux)
- SuperProbe program: 10.2. Hardware Requirements (Running Linux)
- 10.5. Filling in Video Card Information (Running Linux)
- superuser (see root account)
- 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- Writing the CGI script (Running Linux)
- support: A.14. Support/ Warranty (Programming the Perl DBI)
- dbi-users mailing list: A.9.4. Mailing List (Programming the Perl DBI)
- support, online: 0.1.4. Online Linux Support (Linux in a Nutshell)
- support utilities: 4.5. MySQL Utilities (MySQL & mSQL)
- SuppressSize option (IndexOptions): 7.1.1. IndexOptions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- SuSE Linux: C.2. The Linux Port (Running Linux)
- suspend command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- suspend command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- suspend command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SVGA chipsets: 10.2. Hardware Requirements (Running Linux)
- swallowed applications: 16.2.4. Running an Application on the Panel (Linux in a Nutshell)
- swap partitions
- LinuxPPC installation: D.3.2. Partitioning the Hard Disk (Running Linux)
- MS-DOS emulators: 12.2.1. DOS Emulators: Dosemu and xdos (Running Linux)
- Wine emulator: 12.2.4. Windows Emulation: Wine (Running Linux)
- swap space: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 1.4.3. Kernel (Running Linux)
- 1.9.2. Memory Requirements (Running Linux)
- 1.9.4. Hard Drive Space Requirements (Running Linux)
- 5.3.1. Kernel Boot Messages (Running Linux)
- 6.2. Managing Swap Space (Running Linux)
- swap partitions: 2.2.3. Linux Partition Requirements (Running Linux)
- 3.1.3. Creating Linux Partitions (Running Linux)
- 3.1.4. Creating Swap Space (Running Linux)
- swapdev command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- swapoff command: 6.2.3. Disabling Swap Space (Running Linux)
- swapon command: 3.1.4. Creating Swap Space (Running Linux)
- 6.2.2. Enabling the Swap Space (Running Linux)
- swapon, swapoff commands: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SWI-Prolog: 13.7. Other Languages (Running Linux)
- Swing (Java): 13.6.3. A Working Example of Java (Running Linux)
- switch command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sx utility (RZSZ): H. Zmodem File Transfer (Running Linux)
- Sybase (see DBD\\Sybase driver)
- Sybase, proprietary APIs: 14. Java and JDBC (MySQL & mSQL)
- symbolic links: 3.2. Butterthlies, Inc., Gets Going (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 3.11.1. FollowSymLinks, SymLinksIfOwnerMatch (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 4.4.4. Symbolic Links (Running Linux)
- in rc files: 5.3.3. rc files (Running Linux)
- security problems with: Configuring by directory (CGI Programming with Perl)
- symbolic references, preventing with strict reference mode: 15.2.1. Use strict (CGI Programming with Perl)
- symbolic tags: 14.1.3. Tagging (Linux in a Nutshell)
- "symbols missing" error: 7.5. Loadable Device Drivers (Running Linux)
- symlink( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- symlinks, mapping web site content into the corresponding directories on web server: 16.1.2. Use Directories to Organize Your Projects (CGI Programming with Perl)
- symlinks variable (csh/tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- SymLinksIfOwnerMatch option (Options): 3.11. Options (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- symmetric multi-processing support: 7.4.2. Building the Kernel (Running Linux)
- sync command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 6.1.2. Mounting Filesystems (Running Linux)
- 6.2.1. Creating Swap Space (Running Linux)
- synchronization, API functions for: 14.6.9. Synchronization and Thread Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
- synchronous PPP: 15.3.2. Setting Up Synchronous PPP (Running Linux)
- troubleshooting: 15.3.3. And If It Does Not Work? (Running Linux)
- syntax
- CGI programs, checking: 15.3.1. Check Syntax (CGI Programming with Perl)
- email addresses, validating: 9.2.1. Validating Syntax (CGI Programming with Perl)
- invalid, web browser requests: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Perl, checking for errors: 15.1.4. "Malformed" Header (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SSI commands: 6.2.2. Format (CGI Programming with Perl)
- XML, simplicity of: 14.2. An Introduction to XML (CGI Programming with Perl)
- Sysctl support: 7.4.2. Building the Kernel (Running Linux)
- SYSDATE( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- sysklogd daemon: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- syslog( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- syslog.conf file: 8.3. Managing System Logs (Running Linux)
- syslogd daemon: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 8.3. Managing System Logs (Running Linux)
- The networking rc files (Running Linux)
- apmd command and: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- syslogd.conf file: The networking rc files (Running Linux)
- systat command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- system
- activity (see performance; processes)
- administration: 2.1. Common Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- commands for: 2.1.13. Starting and Stopping the System (Linux in a Nutshell)
- administration of: 5. Essential System Management (Running Linux)
- control messages: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- hung: 3.3.1. Problems with Booting the Installation Media (Running Linux)
- integrity of (see security, administration commands for)
- load on (see performance)
- printing summary of: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- problems working with: Problems using the system (Running Linux)
- runlevel: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- shutting down (see shutting down)
- status: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- 7.4.2. Built-in Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
- time, setting: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- system( ) function: 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.1. PHP
(MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- 18.2. Lite (MySQL & mSQL)
- system calls: 1.4.3. Kernel (Running Linux)
- displaying with strace: 14.2.3. Using strace (Running Linux)
- Dosemu and: 12.2.1. DOS Emulators: Dosemu and xdos (Running Linux)
- Perl and: 13.4.2. More Features (Running Linux)
- system catalogs: 6.1.6. Database Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
- system command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- system component information, KDE: 16.3.3. Information (Linux in a Nutshell)
- system functions
- checking status for error prevention: 15.2.2. Check Status of System Calls (CGI Programming with Perl)
- commonly used: 15.2.2. Check Status of System Calls (CGI Programming with Perl)
- exec: 15.1.2. The Pound-Bang (CGI Programming with Perl)
- system loads, calculating and graphing (loads.cgi script): 13.3.2. Using GD (CGI Programming with Perl)
- System menu, GNOME: 15.3. The Main Menu (Linux in a Nutshell)
- system status commands: 1.6.10. System Status (Linux in a Nutshell)
- System V filesystem: 6.1.1. Filesystem Types (Running Linux)
- System V IPC: 7.4.2. Building the Kernel (Running Linux)
- 12.2.3. Installing and Configuring Dosemu (Running Linux)
- system variables, mSQL: 6.8.2. mSQL Features (MySQL & mSQL)
- system.fvwm2rc configuration file: 17.2. Configuration Files (Linux in a Nutshell)
- menu customization and: 17.14. Customizing Menus (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sticky windows and: 17.10. Making the Same Window
Appear on Every Page (Linux in a Nutshell)
- systems, problems with output stream buffering: 15.2.6. Unbuffer Output Stream (CGI Programming with Perl)
- SYSTEM_USER( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL
(MySQL & mSQL)
- systime command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
- sz utility (RZSZ): H. Zmodem File Transfer (Running Linux)
- H. Zmodem File Transfer (Running Linux)
- H.2. Sending and Receiving Files (Running Linux)
- H.3. Summary of rz and sz Options (Running Linux)
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