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Index: W

w command: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
\w escape sequence: Extended regular expressions (sed & awk)
-w file attribute operator: File attribute checking (Learning the Korn Shell)
w flag: 5.3. Substitution (sed & awk)
5.3. Substitution (sed & awk)
\w in regular expressions: 32.9. Regular Expressions: Exceptions in a Character Set (Unix Power Tools)
41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching (Unix Power Tools)
W3 mode (Emacs): 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List (Unix Power Tools)
w (move word) command: 2.2.4. Movement by Text Blocks (Learning the vi Editor)
\W (non-word character character): 32.9. Regular Expressions: Exceptions in a Character Set (Unix Power Tools)
-w option (nvi): 9.2. Important Command-Line Arguments (Learning the vi Editor)
-w option, starting pico: 4.3.2. The Pico Text Editor (Learning Unix)
w program: 1.2.1. Exercise: entering a few commands (Learning Unix)
\w, \W metacharacters: 12.7. Extended Regular Expressions (Learning the vi Editor)
:w (write) command: 4.2.2. Read-only Mode (Learning the vi Editor)
:w (write) command (ex): 1.1.4. Saving and Quitting a File (Learning the vi Editor)
5.3. Saving and Exiting Files (Learning the vi Editor)
renaming buffer: 5.3.1. Renaming the Buffer (Learning the vi Editor)
saving parts of files: 5.3.2. Saving Part of a File (Learning the vi Editor)
:w! command: 5.3. Saving and Exiting Files (Learning the vi Editor)
w (write) permission: 3.1.8. Listing Files with ls (Learning Unix)
3.3.3. Setting Permissions with chmod (Learning Unix)
wait command: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
4.9. Built-in Commands (Bourne and Korn Shells) (Unix in a Nutshell)
5.8. Built-in C Shell Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
24.19. Why You Can't Kill a Zombie (Unix Power Tools)
in background jobs: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes (Unix Power Tools)
wait system call: 8.5. Coroutines (Learning the Korn Shell)
8.5.1. wait (Learning the Korn Shell)
:wall (:wa) command (vim): 11.5. Multiwindow Editing (Learning the vi Editor)
warning or error messages
Perl (-w option): 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy (Unix Power Tools)
signals as: 24.10. What Are Signals? (Unix Power Tools)
watch command: 28.11. Repeating a Time-Varying Command (Unix Power Tools)
watchpoints: Watchpoints (Learning the Korn Shell)
watchq script: 24.13. Printer Queue Watcher: A Restartable Daemon Shell Script (Unix Power Tools)
wc command: 1.6.7. Working with Files and Directories (Mac OS X for Unix Geeks)
2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
wc utility: 6.2.3. Arithmetic Variables and Assignment (Learning the Korn Shell)
wc (word count) command: 16.6. Counting Lines, Words, and Characters: wc (Unix Power Tools)
c, -l, and w options: 16.6. Counting Lines, Words, and Characters: wc (Unix Power Tools)
whitespace in output: 16.6. Counting Lines, Words, and Characters: wc (Unix Power Tools)
weak quotes (" "): 1.9.1. Quoting (Learning the Korn Shell)
3.4.1. Variables and Quoting (Learning the Korn Shell)
web-browser mode (Emacs): 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List (Unix Power Tools)
web browsers (see browsers)
24.22.2. Example #2: A Web Browser (Unix Power Tools)
Lynx: 6.3. Lynx, a Text-based Web Browser (Learning Unix)
Web, described: 1.21. Unix Networking and Communications (Unix Power Tools)
web service stubs, UnRezWack tool for generating: 1.6.2. Apple's Command-line Developer Tools (Mac OS X for Unix Geeks)
web sites (see URLs)
web sites for vi: E.1. vi Web Sites (Learning the vi Editor)
webjump feature, Emacs: 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List (Unix Power Tools)
well-known ports, database of: 46.2. /etc/services Is Your Friend (Unix Power Tools)
werase key: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters (Unix Power Tools)
wfcmgr program: 47.9.1. Citrix Metaframe (Unix Power Tools)
wget utility: 40.7. Interruptable gets with wget (Unix Power Tools)
options: 40.7. Interruptable gets with wget (Unix Power Tools)
what command (SCCS): 18.6. Alphabetical Summary of SCCS Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
What You See Is What You Mean (WYSIWYM) editing: 45.13. Formatting Markup Languages — troff, LATEX, HTML, and So On (Unix Power Tools)
whatis command: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
2.2. whatis: One-Line Command Summaries (Unix Power Tools)
wheel (superuser group): 49.2. When Does a User Become a User (Unix Power Tools)
49.6. Groups and Group Ownership (Unix Power Tools)
whence command: 2.1. Enabling Command-Line Editing (Learning the Korn Shell)
4.9. Built-in Commands (Bourne and Korn Shells) (Unix in a Nutshell)
2.6. Which Version Am I Using? (Unix Power Tools)
-p option for: 4.6. Command Substitution (Learning the Korn Shell)
-v option for: 4.1.1. Functions (Learning the Korn Shell)
9.2.5. Exercises (Learning the Korn Shell)
writing simplified version of: 5.5. while and until (Learning the Korn Shell)
whereis command: 2.3. whereis: Finding Where a Command Is Located (Unix Power Tools)
options: 2.3. whereis: Finding Where a Command Is Located (Unix Power Tools)
rsh, checking version of: 6.10.2. Starting a Remote Client with rsh and ssh (Unix Power Tools)
testing command names: 35.27. Picking a Name for a New Command (Unix Power Tools)
Whereis command (Pine): 6.5.5. Configuring Pine (Learning Unix)
which command: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
alternatives to: 2.6. Which Version Am I Using? (Unix Power Tools)
checking for existing command names: 35.27. Picking a Name for a New Command (Unix Power Tools)
rsh, checking version of: 6.10.2. Starting a Remote Client with rsh and ssh (Unix Power Tools)
setting the prompt variable: 3.9. Gotchas in set prompt Test (Unix Power Tools)
while command: 4.9. Built-in Commands (Bourne and Korn Shells) (Unix in a Nutshell)
5.8. Built-in C Shell Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
while command (awk): 11.10. Alphabetical Summary of Functions and Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix Power Tools)
while loop: 5. Flow Control (Learning the Korn Shell)
5.5. while and until (Learning the Korn Shell)
8.2.1. While Loop (sed & awk)
comment lines and: Code blocks (Learning the Korn Shell)
illustrating $((...)) mechanism: 6.2.3. Arithmetic Variables and Assignment (Learning the Korn Shell)
I/O redirection and: I/O redirection and multiple commands (Learning the Korn Shell)
syntax for: 5.5. while and until (Learning the Korn Shell)
vs. until condition: 5.5. while and until (Learning the Korn Shell)
while loops: 31.6. Loop Control: break and continue (Unix Power Tools)
asking for variable names and displaying values: 37.2. Bourne Shell Debugger Shows a Shell Variable (Unix Power Tools)
case, shift, and test commands, using with: 35.22. Handling Arguments with while and shift (Unix Power Tools)
endless: 36.6. The Unappreciated Bourne Shell ":" Operator (Unix Power Tools)
36.26. Outputting Text to an X Window (Unix Power Tools)
/g pattern modifier and: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching (Unix Power Tools)
handling command-line arguments: 35.22. Handling Arguments with while and shift (Unix Power Tools)
in Perl script: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy (Unix Power Tools)
read command used in: 36.11. Standard Input to a for Loop (Unix Power Tools)
with several loop control commands: 36.14. A while Loop with Several Loop Control Commands (Unix Power Tools)
stepping through command-line arguments: 35.20.2. With a Loop (Unix Power Tools)
test command used with: 35.26. test: Testing Files and Strings (Unix Power Tools)
testing exit status: 35.15.2. Looping Until a Command Fails (Unix Power Tools)
whitespace (see space characters)
blank lines, squashing extra with cat -s: 12.7. Squash Extra Blank Lines (Unix Power Tools)
converting spaces into tabs: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
deleting words and: Words (Learning the vi Editor)
displaying in a line with cat command: 12.4. Show Nonprinting Characters with cat -v or od -c (Unix Power Tools)
expanding tabs into spaces: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
in filenames: 8.11. Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name (Unix Power Tools)
27.14. Quoting Special Characters in Filenames (Unix Power Tools)
finding files with: 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find (Unix Power Tools)
14.16. Problems Deleting Directories (Unix Power Tools)
ignoring in sort command: 22.6.2. Ignoring Blanks (Unix Power Tools)
indentation: 7.5.1. Indentation Control (Learning the vi Editor)
leading, removing in Emacs from series of lines: 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List (Unix Power Tools)
matching in Perl regular expressions with \s: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching (Unix Power Tools)
newline character: 1.19. When Is a File Not a File? (Unix Power Tools)
newline characters: 2.2.3. Movement Within a Line (Learning the vi Editor)
8.6.2. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data (Learning the vi Editor)
nroff/troff requests for: 12.5.15. Vertical Spacing (Unix in a Nutshell)
removing from text with dedent script: 5.21. Tips for Copy and Paste Between Windows (Unix Power Tools)
sentence delimiters: 3.2. Movement by Text Blocks (Learning the vi Editor)
separating command arguments: 1.4. Communication with Unix (Unix Power Tools)
shell functions, spaces in: 29.11.1. Simple Functions: ls with Options (Unix Power Tools)
smart indenting (vim): Smart indenting (Learning the vi Editor)
SPACE characters, ASCII: 5.14. Defining What Makes Up a Word for Selection Purposes (Unix Power Tools)
spaces in filenames: 1.1.1. Opening a File (Learning the vi Editor)
5.1. ex Commands (Learning the vi Editor)
TAB characters
ASCII: 5.14. Defining What Makes Up a Word for Selection Purposes (Unix Power Tools)
stripping in Bourne shell scripts: 27.16. Here Documents (Unix Power Tools)
wc command output: 16.6. Counting Lines, Words, and Characters: wc (Unix Power Tools)
whitespace character class: 4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters (Unix in a Nutshell)
whitespace, nroff/troff requests for: 12.5.13. Tabs (Unix in a Nutshell)
whitespace, preserving in arrays: 6.4.1. Indexed Arrays (Learning the Korn Shell)
who am i command: who (Learning Unix)
3.12. Terminal Setup: Testing Remote Hostname and X Display (Unix Power Tools)
who command: 4.6. Command Substitution (Learning the Korn Shell) who (Learning Unix)
2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
2.8. Who's On? (Unix Power Tools)
28.14. Command Substitution (Unix Power Tools)
35.25.2. Setting (and Parsing) Parameters (Unix Power Tools)
examples: 35.1. Writing a Simple Shell Program (Unix Power Tools)
GNU version: 2.8. Who's On? (Unix Power Tools)
who program: The > operator (Learning Unix)
options and: 1.2. Syntax of Unix Command Lines (Learning Unix)
whoami command: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
(see also logname command)
whois command: B.2. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
46.9. Domain Name Service (DNS) (Unix Power Tools)
width, output field: 7.9. Formatted Printing (sed & awk)
wildcard expansion: 1.6.2. Filenames and Wildcards (Learning the Korn Shell)
wildcard metacharacter (see . (dot))
wildcards: 1.6.2. Filenames and Wildcards (Learning the Korn Shell)
3.3.3. Setting Permissions with chmod (Learning Unix)
4.2. File and Directory Wildcards (Learning Unix)
1.13. Wildcards (Unix Power Tools)
!$ sequence for safety with: 30.6. Using !$ for Safety with Wildcards (Unix Power Tools)
in aliases: 27.7. Wildcards Inside Aliases (Unix Power Tools)
in case statements: 35.10. Test String Values with Bourne-Shell case (Unix Power Tools)
35.11. Pattern Matching in case Statements (Unix Power Tools)
deleting files, use in: 14.3. rm and Its Dangers (Unix Power Tools)
for dot files: 14.16. Problems Deleting Directories (Unix Power Tools)
expansion of in command-line processing: 7.3.2. Substitution Order (Learning the Korn Shell)
file creation and: 28.3. Use Wildcards to Create Files? (Unix Power Tools)
file-naming: 33.1. File-Naming Wildcards (Unix Power Tools)
expansion by shells: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell (Unix Power Tools)
failing to match: 33.4. What if a Wildcard Doesn't Match? (Unix Power Tools)
file name and extension as separate entities: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell (Unix Power Tools)
grep -l command, listing matching files: 33.6. Getting a List of Matching Files with grep -l (Unix Power Tools)
grep Ðc, listing nonmatching files: 33.7. Getting a List of Nonmatching Files (Unix Power Tools)
in pathnames: 33.1. File-Naming Wildcards (Unix Power Tools)
listing of: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell (Unix Power Tools)
nom script, listing nonmatching files: 33.8. nom: List Files That Don't Match a Wildcard (Unix Power Tools)
pathnames, not using in: 33.5. Maybe You Shouldn't Use Wildcards in Pathnames (Unix Power Tools)
shell handling of: 33.3. Who Handles Wildcards? (Unix Power Tools)
vgrep script, listing nonmatching files: 33.7.2. The vgrep Script (Unix Power Tools)
filename metacharacters
csh shell: 5.2.2. Filename Metacharacters (Unix in a Nutshell)
sh and ksh shells: 4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters (Unix in a Nutshell)
in for loops: 35.21. Handling Command-Line Arguments with a for Loop (Unix Power Tools)
in alias expansions: 3.2. Aliases (Learning the Korn Shell)
limiting searches with: 9.18. Using "Fast find" Databases (Unix Power Tools)
ls command, using shell wildcard pattern: 8.7. Some GNU ls Features (Unix Power Tools)
regular expressions and: 4.5.2. Patterns and Regular Expressions (Learning the Korn Shell) Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressions (Learning the Korn Shell)
regular expressions vs.: 32.2. Don't Confuse Regular Expressions with Wildcards (Unix Power Tools)
set command using: 35.25.4. Watch Your Quoting (Unix Power Tools)
shell expansion of: 32.2. Don't Confuse Regular Expressions with Wildcards (Unix Power Tools)
shell, matching with fast find commands: 9.19. Wildcards with "Fast find" Database (Unix Power Tools)
tar, using with: 38.10. Using Wildcards with tar (Unix Power Tools)
GNU tar: 38.10.2. With GNU tar (Unix Power Tools)
types of: 1.6.2. Filenames and Wildcards (Learning the Korn Shell)
wildchar option (vim): 11.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion (Learning the vi Editor)
:window (:wi) command (elvis): 10.5. Multiwindow Editing (Learning the vi Editor)
window managers: 2.1. Introduction to Windowing (Learning Unix)
features of: 2.6. Other Window Manager Features (Learning Unix)
menus: 2.3.3. Window Manager Menus (Learning Unix)
2.5.5. The Window Menu (Learning Unix)
quitting X: 2.9. Quitting (Learning Unix)
starting: 2.2.3. C. Starting the Window Manager (Learning Unix)
virtual desktops and: 2.6.2. Pagers and Virtual Desktops (Learning Unix)
working with: 2.5. Working with Windows (Learning Unix)
Window managers, customizing for XDarwin: 9.3. Desktops and Window Managers (Mac OS X for Unix Geeks)
window option: 7.1.1. The :set Command (Learning the vi Editor)
window-shade feature for OroborOSX: 9.5.1. An Aqua-like X11: OroborOSX (Mac OS X for Unix Geeks)
window systems: 2. Using Window Systems (Learning Unix)
focus in: 2.3.1. Setting Focus (Learning Unix)
graphical, logging in: 2.2.1. A. Ready to Run X (with a Graphical Login) (Learning Unix)
mouse, working with: 2.4. Working with a Mouse (Learning Unix)
connecting Unix machines to: 47.1. Building Bridges (Unix Power Tools)
Citrix, connecting to WTS server: 47.9. Citrix: Making Windows Multiuser (Unix Power Tools)
connecting to SMB shares from Unix: 47.6. Connecting to SMB Shares from Unix (Unix Power Tools)
emulators and APIs: 47.8. Of Emulators and APIs (Unix Power Tools)
printing with Samba: 47.5. Printing with Samba (Unix Power Tools)
Samba, installing and configuring: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba (Unix Power Tools)
securing Samba: 47.3. Securing Samba (Unix Power Tools)
sharing desktops with VNC: 47.7. Sharing Desktops with VNC (Unix Power Tools)
swat and GUI SMB browsers: 47.4. SWAT and GUI SMB Browsers (Unix Power Tools)
dual-booting with Unix: 44.4. Disk Partitioning (Unix Power Tools)
printing over Samba: 45.9. Printing Over Samba (Unix Power Tools)
from Unix to Windows printer: 45.9.2. Printing to Windows Printers from Unix (Unix Power Tools)
to Unix printers: 45.9.1. Printing to Unix Printers from Windows (Unix Power Tools)
Python interface to wxWindows toolkit: 42.3.6. wxPython (Unix Power Tools)
quote characters, formatting for Unix: 5.21. Tips for Copy and Paste Between Windows (Unix Power Tools)
security bulletins from Microsoft: 48.3. Keeping Up with Security Alerts (Unix Power Tools)
SMB-shared filesystems, mounting on Unix: 44.9. Mounting Network Filesystems — NFS, SMBFS (Unix Power Tools)
WYSIWYG editors, typesetting with: 45.10. Introduction to Typesetting (Unix Power Tools)
Windows (Microsoft): 1.6.2. Filenames and Wildcards (Learning the Korn Shell)
8. Process Handling (Learning the Korn Shell)
Windows system, shells for: 1.1.4. Shells in a Window System (Learning Unix)
wine program, emulating Windows API: 47.8.2. Wine (Unix Power Tools)
Winmodems,: 44.10. Win Is a Modem Not a Modem? (Unix Power Tools)
WINNAME environment variable: 3.17. Terminal Setup: Setting and Testing Window Name (Unix Power Tools)
wish shell: 1.6. There Are Many Shells (Unix Power Tools)
wm (wrapmargin) option: 2.2.3. Movement Within a Line (Learning the vi Editor)
7.1.4. Some Useful Options (Learning the vi Editor)
disabling for long insertions: 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys (Learning the vi Editor)
repeating long insertions: Repeat (Learning the vi Editor)
word abbreviations: 7.3.1. Word Abbreviation (Learning the vi Editor)
word abbreviations (emacs): 7.2.8. Word-Abbreviation Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
?word command (less): 3.2. Looking Inside Files with less (Learning Unix)
word lists
ispell program: 16.5. Adding Words to ispell's Dictionary (Unix Power Tools)
munchlist script: 16.5. Adding Words to ispell's Dictionary (Unix Power Tools)
spell command, in spellhist file: 16.4. Inside spell (Unix Power Tools)
variables set to: 37.5. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters (Unix Power Tools)
word processors: 4.3.1. Text Editors and Word Processors (Learning Unix)
vs. text editors: 4.3.1. Text Editors and Word Processors (Learning Unix)
word substitution (csh): 5.5.3. Word Substitution (Unix in a Nutshell)
word vectors: 27.10. Which One Will the C Shell Use? (Unix Power Tools)
WORDLIST environment variable: 16.2. Check Spelling Interactively with ispell (Unix Power Tools)
overriding default personal word list: 16.5. Adding Words to ispell's Dictionary (Unix Power Tools)
wordlist files: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
words: 1.1. What Is a Shell? (Learning the Korn Shell)
2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands (Learning the vi Editor)
(see also characters; lines; text)
abbreviation in vi editor: 17.23. vi Word Abbreviation (Unix Power Tools)
commands, using as: 17.24. Using vi Abbreviations as Commands (Cut and Paste Between vi's) (Unix Power Tools)
fixing typos with: 17.25. Fixing Typos with vi Abbreviations (Unix Power Tools)
breaking string into with :x operator: 28.5. String Editing (Colon) Operators (Unix Power Tools)
counting with wc command: 16.6. Counting Lines, Words, and Characters: wc (Unix Power Tools)
deleting by: Words (Learning the vi Editor)
undoing deletions: Problems with deletions (Learning the vi Editor)
deleting parentheses around (example): 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys (Learning the vi Editor)
doubled: 16.7. Find a a Doubled Word (Unix Power Tools)
extracting: 16.9. Just the Words, Please (Unix Power Tools)
in command-line processing: 7.3.2. Substitution Order (Learning the Korn Shell)
in vi-mode: 2.4.1. Simple Control Mode Commands (Learning the Korn Shell)
matching with \< \\\> in regular expressions: 32.12. Regular Expressions: Matching Words with \ < and \ > (Unix Power Tools)
moving by: 2.2.4. Movement by Text Blocks (Learning the vi Editor)
3.2. Movement by Text Blocks (Learning the vi Editor)
replacing (changing): 2.3.3. Changing Text (Learning the vi Editor) Words (Learning the vi Editor)
searching for general class of: 6.4.1. Search for General Class of Words (Learning the vi Editor)
in xterm: 5.14. Defining What Makes Up a Word for Selection Purposes (Unix Power Tools)
to start/end of (see characters)
transposing: Transposing two letters (Learning the vi Editor)
7.3.2. Using the map Command (Learning the vi Editor)
7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys (Learning the vi Editor)
troff emboldening codes around: 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys (Learning the vi Editor)
words, counting in files: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
work function: 29.11.3. Setting Current Shell Environment: The work Function (Unix Power Tools)
29.12. Shell Function Specifics (Unix Power Tools)
workgroups: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba (Unix Power Tools)
working area (CVS): 39.7. CVS Basics (Unix Power Tools)
repository for: 39.7. CVS Basics (Unix Power Tools)
updating workspace: 39.8. More CVS (Unix Power Tools)
working directory: The working directory (Learning the Korn Shell)
3.1.2. Your Working Directory (Learning Unix)
3.1.6. Changing Your Working Directory (Learning Unix)
changing: Changing working directories (Learning the Korn Shell)
prompts and: Prompting variables (Learning the Korn Shell)
configuring with DHCP: 46.10. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) (Unix Power Tools)
display: 1.10. The Kernel and Daemons (Unix Power Tools)
private NAT for: 46.11. Gateways and NAT (Unix Power Tools)
world (file ownership): 50.2.1. User, Group, and World (Unix Power Tools)
World Wide Web, described: 1.21. Unix Networking and Communications (Unix Power Tools)
world-write file permissions: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World (Unix Power Tools)
sticky bit, setting for directory: 50.4. Protecting Files with the Sticky Bit (Unix Power Tools)
wq command (ex): 9.2. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
:qqall (:qqa) command (vim): 11.5. Multiwindow Editing (Learning the vi Editor)
:wquit command (elvis): 10.5. Multiwindow Editing (Learning the vi Editor)
wrap option (elvis, vim): 8.6.5. Left-Right Scrolling (Learning the vi Editor)
wrapmargin (wm) option: 2.2.3. Movement Within a Line (Learning the vi Editor)
7.1.4. Some Useful Options (Learning the vi Editor)
disabling for long insertions: 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys (Learning the vi Editor)
repeating long insertions: Repeat (Learning the vi Editor)
shell script, for other scripts: 35.19. Shell Script "Wrappers" for awk, sed, etc. (Unix Power Tools)
TCP, checking logs in intruder detection: 48.12. TCP Wrappers (Unix Power Tools)
wrapping lines in vi, macro for: 18.13. vi Macro for Splitting Long Lines (Unix Power Tools)
wrapping searches: 3.3. Movement by Searches (Learning the vi Editor)
3.3.1. Repeating Searches (Learning the vi Editor)
wrapscan option: 3.3.1. Repeating Searches (Learning the vi Editor)
4.2.1. Advancing to a Specific Place (Learning the vi Editor)
7.1.4. Some Useful Options (Learning the vi Editor)
write command: 5.11. Reading and Writing Files (sed & awk)
B.2. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
1.21. Unix Networking and Communications (Unix Power Tools)
2.7. What tty Am I On? (Unix Power Tools)
ex editor: 20.4. Useful ex Commands (Unix Power Tools)
running from a daemon: 24.13. Printer Queue Watcher: A Restartable Daemon Shell Script (Unix Power Tools)
write command (ex): 9.2. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
write-hook option (vile): 12.10.3. The Procedure Language (Learning the vi Editor)
write permission: 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files (Learning the vi Editor)
1.2.1. Problems Saving Files (Learning the vi Editor)
changing with chmod: 50.5. Using chmod to Change File Permission (Unix Power Tools)
denying: 50.7. Protect Important Files: Make Them Unwritable (Unix Power Tools)
for directories: 7.3. Access to Directories (Unix Power Tools)
implications of: 50.2. Tutorial on File and Directory Permissions (Unix Power Tools)
renaming or removing files: 50.4. Protecting Files with the Sticky Bit (Unix Power Tools)
directories, renaming or removing files: 50.4. Protecting Files with the Sticky Bit (Unix Power Tools)
files, modifying without: 50.9. A Loophole: Modifying Files Without Write Access (Unix Power Tools)
finding files by: 9.15. Searching for Files by Permission (Unix Power Tools)
group: 50.2.2. Which Group is Which? (Unix Power Tools)
script for adding, editing file, then removing: 50.7. Protect Important Files: Make Them Unwritable (Unix Power Tools)
scripts for changing: 50.8. cx, cw, c-w: Quick File Permission Changes (Unix Power Tools) script: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy (Unix Power Tools)
from files: 5.11. Reading and Writing Files (sed & awk)
to files: Saving output (sed & awk)
5.11. Reading and Writing Files (sed & awk)
10.5. Directing Output to Files and Pipes (sed & awk)
regular expressions: 3.2.3. Writing Regular Expressions (sed & awk)
scripts: 1.4. Four Hurdles to Mastering sed and awk (sed & awk)
awk: 7. Writing Scripts for awk (sed & awk)
sed: 4. Writing sed Scripts (sed & awk)
user-defined functions: 9.3. Writing Your Own Functions (sed & awk)
writing output to terminal, enabling/disabling for background jobs: 23.9. Stop Background Output with stty tostop (Unix Power Tools)
writing-tar process: 10.13. Copying Directory Trees with tar and Pipes (Unix Power Tools)
writing the buffer: 1.1. Opening and Closing Files (Learning the vi Editor)
1.1. Opening and Closing Files (Learning the vi Editor)
(see also saving edits)
autowrite and autosave options: 4.2.3. Recovering a Buffer (Learning the vi Editor)
overriding read-only mode: 4.2.2. Read-only Mode (Learning the vi Editor)
writing to standard output: 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Unix in a Nutshell)
WSDL files, UnRezWack tool for generating web service stubs from: 1.6.2. Apple's Command-line Developer Tools (Mac OS X for Unix Geeks)
WSMakeStubs tool: 1.6.2. Apple's Command-line Developer Tools (Mac OS X for Unix Geeks)
wtmp file, login information: 3.1. What Happens When You Log In (Unix Power Tools)
WTS (Windows Terminal Services), connecting to with Citrix: 47.9. Citrix: Making Windows Multiuser (Unix Power Tools)
ww function: 16.7. Find a a Doubled Word (Unix Power Tools) script: 16.7. Find a a Doubled Word (Unix Power Tools)
wxPython GUI: 42.3.6. wxPython (Unix Power Tools)
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing programs: 20.1. Why Line Editors Aren't Dinosaurs (Unix Power Tools)
WYSIWYM editors: 45.13. Formatting Markup Languages — troff, LATEX, HTML, and So On (Unix Power Tools)

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