Issue 44: July 2004
- Comment: Moving Targets
- Content: Table of Contents
- Software News: Knoppix 3.4, Windows Media Player, Red Hat Desktop
- Business News: Dreamworks, Linspire, Fluendo
- World News: Asian Open Source, Debian in Chinese, Pakistan begin training
- Insecurity News: Rsync, libpng, CVS, MySQL
- Kernel News: Non-executable stacks, Kernel spam, Limiting signals
- Letters: Your letters and views
- Cover Story: Software Setup - How to add software to your system
- Cover Story: YaST - The power behind the Suse package management tool
- Cover Story: Aptitude - Adding programs is now even easier under Debian with the Apt tool front-end
- Cover Story: Configure - What to do when things go wrong
- Cover Story: Make - Fixing source code errors
- Reviews: Books - Teach Yourself Linux, The Perl CD bookshelf and Exploiting Software - How to break code
- Reviews: Suse 9.1 Professional - Exploring the new features
- Know How: Gimp 2.0 - After three years in development we check out the new fuctions
- Know How: ALSA - Setting up the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
- Know How: Grid Basics - Forget the hype, we tell you what a Grid computing really means
- Know How: Cluster filesystems - What filesystems are best for Cluster computing
- SysAdmin: Charly's column: DNSmasq
- SysAdmin: MySQL backup - Which backup method is the best for your needs
- SysAdmin: Admin Workshop - The Sys V Init Process
- Programming: PHP 5 - Discover why the PHP 5 language has such a loyal following
- Programming: Perl - RRDtool - Keep imprtant information without running out of storage with a Round Robin Database
- Linux User: KTools - KolourPaint - KDE's new simplified drawing package
- Linux User: Desktopia - Xap - Launching applications with a different approach
- Linux User: Krecipes - Cookery management with recipes, shopping lists and diet help
- Linux User: Command Line - Channels, Pipes & Tee - Redirecting both input and output to where you want
- Community: Linux Audio Developers' Conference report
- Community: LUDEX - London 2004 Expo report
- Community: Projects - Free software and its makers
- Community: Brave GNU World - The monthly GNU column
- Service: Linux Magazine DVD
- Service: Contact Info
- Service: UserFriendly cartoon
- Linux Magazine DVD: Fedora Core 2 - The latest Red Hat sponsored Open Source project on a Bootable DVD