Issue 46: September 2004
- Comment: Slick and Superficial
- Content: Table of Contents
- Software News: Mozilla Thunderbird, Zeus 4.3, Slackware 10.0
- Business News: HP Certifies MySQL, No Comdex, RealPlayer 10
- World News: France choose Linux, Iraqi user group, New Zealand Stock Exchange
- Insecurity News: Webmin, DHCP, Apache, SquirrelMail
- Kernel News: Patch Trace, SMBIOS, NTFS
- Letters: Your letters and views
- Cover Story: No More Spam! - Make time for the things you want to do by automating spam management
- Cover Story: Protection - Tips and tricks for making your computer less of a target from the bad guys
- Cover Story: Spam proof - Techniques for making your email address invisible to harvesters
- Cover Story: POP3 Spam killers - Delete spam before it hits your hard disk
- Cover Story: Anti Virus - Removing email viruses and trojans on a Linux box
- Reviews: Books - Linux Unwired, Hacking for Dummies and Network Security Hacks
- Reviews: PlanMaker - Professional Spreadsheets
- Know How: Low-fat Suse - Slim down a desktop for more efficient work
- Know How: PHPNuke - How to build and configure a web portal
- Know How: BitTorrent - Understanding distributed downloading techinques
- Know How: MySQL - Learn how to administer your own professional database
- SysAdmin: Charly's column: PhpLDAPadmin
- SysAdmin: Wakeup Call - Automatically power on your computers when you need them
- SysAdmin: Admin Workshop - Critical Mailing lists you need to know about
- Programming: Mozilla Xul - Adding features and functions to graphical interfaces
- Programming: Perl - How to solve algebra and add graphs under Perl
- Linux User: KTools - Context Menus - Using the right mouse button to greater effect
- Linux User: Filelight - Easy to see graphical tool for determining file sizes
- Linux User: Desktopia - FVWM - The flexible Window Manager
- Linux User: Command Line - ImageMagick - Non GUI image editing
- Community: Konsole - Terminal emulation from the desktop
- Community: GUADEC - Gnome developers' conference report
- Community: WOS - Wizards of OS report
- Community: Projects - Free software and its makers
- Community: Brave GNU World - The monthly GNU column
- Service: Linux Magazine DVD
- Service: Contact Info
- Service: UserFriendly cartoon
- Linux Magazine DVD: Alternative Distros - Individual power